Who's more dangerous

Whoever is in office when a judge retires or kix the bucket gets to pick the next one thereby making sure that NO administration gets to pick the whole court. I can piss on america all I want, wanna know why? I LIVE HERE I ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. If you don't live here, if you have not gone tp the trouble to seek out america and americans then you have no right spewing forth **** from teh septic tank that is your pie hole. Better a pricl in the wall than a *****less beblle being stepped on by ever sap trying to climb the wal to get in.
Rotwang said:
Faith and loyalty are admirable.

Blind faith and loyalty is the foundation for totalitarianism. And you have just illustrated the wonderfully effective consequences of American propaganda and illusion created by your superiors.

Without once actually examining my points objectively. See, there is a world of difference between "debating" and "defending". And you, like a ventriliquists dummy, are simply toeing the party line.

God Bless America. If its American, Its Right!!! Questioning America Is Treason. Achtung, Baby. Hail to The Fuhrer.

None so blind as those that will not see.

Please point to where I said America was a fascist nation.

Oh, and just to point out one or two plot holes - America's invasion of Iraq was OK, because it gave Hussein an ultimatum, huh?? By what right does America give ANY country an ultimatum. Please point out the authority.

America's legal pinnacle is the Supreme Court, I gather. Who appoints the Supreme Court? Is there not a reasonable amount of controversy going on at the moment about political appointees to the Supreme Court?

And so on, and so on...

You have no clue, because all you know, all you've ever known is what your politicians, propagandists and institutions have rammed into your vacant cranium. They would be proud of their handiwork. Another ***** in the wall.

As a regular player of Poker, I can tell you that poker is not a game of cards; it's a game of "tells". Here's a fantastic "tell" about people here at GF just like Rotting Wanker here.

The moment they STOP using quotes of what you say, especially when they have loved to use them many times before, you've just struck a central nerve in them and they've run out of valid arguments to refute you.

Like clockwork, they will next without fail, make an "ad hominem" argument and always try to shift the conversation away from that raw nerve and to another line of reasoning just like Rotting Wanker here.

Nice try Rotting Wanker, but I'm not buying it. You still cannot debate you way out of a paper bag.

Defending versus debating huh? Well I can guarantee you that no person here has taken on more of the Mods and even the Admin here other than me. I've fought long and hard with everyone from MRIH to PIK, to Bob himself. I've been in the idiot box a few times, had a poll or two blow up in my face, but through it all, I was a consummate debater. You on the other hand, are just a poser and a lousy one at that.

As to your fascist quotation, why it's right in this thread, on page 3.

Rotting Wanker a.k.a. Rotwang said:
America is probably very close to being categorised as fascist

Does that jog your memory a bit you Alzheimer riddled old goat?
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
As to your fascist quotation, why it's right in this thread, on page 3.

Does that jog your memory a bit you Alzheimer riddled old goat?

You mean this?
America is probably very close to being categorised as fascist, especially if the neo-cons manage to maintain power through puppet Presidents, but has not yet deteriorated into slaughtering its own through government invoked military operations, or draconian legislation.

Does this say America is a fascist nation??

Does it say it in the post a few pages earlier?

It doesn't, does it. It says that America is heading in the direction of fascism principles and political ideology.

You really are a complete twat. You bigmouthed yourself on age, and got trumped. You misquote my words, or contort them into a meaning to suit your own myopia, and you accuse ME of being of not having valid arguments.

I stated my case, and provided the facts in support. Thats debating.

You've just jumped up and down defending your nations honour with emotion and diatribe.

Thats ignorance.

Dont try to intimidate me with your criminal record, asswipe. I've stared down bucketheads like wearing sunglasses, and your tendency to argue and talk **** to your own detriment is patently obvious, requiring no further corroboration. I used to get paid to put opinionated, ill-educated rednecks like you in cages, laughing boy, and I LOVED my work.

I repeat: If you want to impress with your he-man testicles, take it to BH. As Phrick says, this aint a bullring. OK. I can accept that. BH is. Come pay me a visit and show all the BH'ers what a sinister and indominatible foe you are.

For now, America is mimicking some characteristics of fascism.
14 more posts and you get to have your own special avatar, Rotwang. It's kind of like when your mom finally let you hang that picture up of "Ponch" from CHiPs.


  • 7e07505d9371d52976305bf502efe6e4.jpg
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That was right before he found himself a cheer squad to join.


Go the ? Leafs? :rolleyes:
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Rotten Wanker; the Down Under Blunder!

You grace me with your presence and words again. I am honored.

Let's "Play Ball!".

Rotwang said:
You mean this? "America is probably very close to being categorised as fascist...?" Does this say America is a fascist nation??

Yes, in it's own round about way it does although it speaks as to the "near future" for complete categorization. Curious; It's your message and your clear attempt at being satirical but your message was loud and clear and even comes up and later at the end of this post!

Rotwang said:
You really are a complete twat. You bigmouthed yourself on age, and got trumped. You misquote my words, or contort them into a meaning to suit your own myopia, and you accuse ME of being of not having valid arguments.

You're still hearing those "voices" aren't you?

I NEVER "bigmouthed" myself on age. Rather, I said "Both of you are clearly adolescents either in mind, body or perhaps both." Go check the quote Sherlock.

Constantly using words like "twat" "asswipe" "chump" and the like, in virtually every post you make, only serves to confirm my above stated belief, regardless of your 54 (stated yet unconfirmed) years of age.

Rotwang said:
I stated my case, and provided the facts in support. Thats debating.

Where? Did I miss something someplace?

Rotwang said:
You've just jumped up and down defending your nations honour with emotion and diatribe. Thats ignorance.

Not being willing to defend one's own nation when wrongly accused is cowardice. Don't you have any national pride of that Chunk of Penal Colony dirt at the bottom of the globe?

Rotwang said:
Dont try to intimidate me with your criminal record, asswipe. I've stared down bucketheads like wearing sunglasses, and your tendency to argue and talk **** to your own detriment is patently obvious, requiring no further corroboration.

Is this a sentence, if so, I need a translation please; it's illegible.

Rotwang said:
I used to get paid to put opinionated, ill-educated rednecks like you in cages, laughing boy, and I LOVED my work.

Do tell, what kind of job was that Constable? You sound bitter for having lost it. I'm sorry.

Rotwang said:
I repeat: If you want to impress with your he-man testicles, take it to BH. As Phrick says, this aint a bullring. OK. I can accept that. BH is. Come pay me a visit and show all the BH'ers what a sinister and indominatible foe you are.

You still aren't getting it are you. Listen up and I'll make it clear.

I don't care one bit what you think of me personally. I have no desire to be neither sinister nor indominatable. What I care about is that you realize that this (GF) is a great community and we have some really great people here who routinely contribute good solid ideas and opinions and debate to the delight of other members. You are so daft that you haven't figured out that we RAZZ everybody who is new around here, and take special time with the braggarts who try to sneak in the door in lamb
"But its a lot closer than many Americans realise. The most disconcerting aspect is that it continues to drift in that direction."

Are are ****ing crazy?? We the American people are our own army!! We carey our own guns and if the Government turned on us the fight wouldnt last but a few days if a minute! And our good men & women in the Military would not turn on us.

"There was no KKK?"

The only KKK member we have is in the Democratic Party...LOL

As for Cumminism VS Nazism, im sorry but I gotta say Communism is worse, im mean hello! Its killed/starved like 200 million people in the last 100 years!!!! It has NEVER worked and NEVER will! And dont say Cuba works, PLEASE! People dont swim 90 miles in shark infested waters to get away from something that works and they do it daly! The only people fleeing the USA are criminals on the run! Other than that we have a 11 million illegal aliens problem! And if Americans want to leave they can but people in Cuba dont have that right, you know why? BECAUSE THEY WOULD NEVER GO BACK!! There wouldnt be a 1000 people in any Communist Country (except maybe China thats because its moving towards Capitalism and life is improving because of it) left if they were allowed to leave!

And I just dont understand why people are calling Bush a Nazi, the blacks are still getting their welfare checks so whats the problem?
TWorld PoliceA said:
"But its a lot closer than many Americans realise. The most disconcerting aspect is that it continues to drift in that direction."

Are you ****ing crazy?? We the American people are our own army!! We carry our own guns and if the Government turned on us the fight wouldn't last but a few days if a minute! And our good men & women in the Military would not turn on us!

"There was no KKK?"

The only KKK member we have is in the Democratic Party...LOL

As for Communism VS Nazism, I'm sorry but I gotta say Communism is worse, I mean, hello! Its killed/starved like 200 million people in the last 100 years!!!! It has NEVER worked and NEVER will! And don't say Cuba works, PLEASE! People dont swim 90 miles in shark infested waters to get away from something that works and they do it daily! The only people fleeing the USA are criminals on the run! Other than that we have a 11 million illegal aliens problem! And if Americans want to leave they can but people in Cuba dont have that right, you know why? BECAUSE THEY WOULD NEVER GO BACK!! There wouldnt be a 1000 people in any Communist Country (except maybe China thats because its moving towards Capitalism and life is improving because of it) left if they were allowed to leave!

And I just dont understand why people are calling Bush a Nazi, the blacks are still getting their welfare checks so, whats the problem?
Agreed. Both systems are failed examples of Man trying to play God. COMMUNISM AND NAZISM BOTH SUCK OUT THE WAZOO!!!
TWorld PoliceA said:
"But its a lot closer than many Americans realise. The most disconcerting aspect is that it continues to drift in that direction."

Are are ****ing crazy?? We the American people are our own army!! We carey our own guns and if the Government turned on us the fight wouldnt last but a few days if a minute! And our good men & women in the Military would not turn on us.

"There was no KKK?"

The only KKK member we have is in the Democratic Party...LOL

Here's a clue, fencepost.

If, heaven forbid, America imploded upon itself and the citizenry rose up in arms against the military, it would last about a day.

Whilst we speak of a hypothetical circumstances, a ragtag of civilians with Saturday Night Specials and hunting rifles would be no match for a well trained and disciplined military force, particulary when they also have the commensurate armour and air power.

However, in the event that America falls into anarchy, the proliferation of firearms will ensure that the casualty rate will be catastrophic.

America has waged war upon itself in the past, and it is still socially fractious and politically polarised.

Recent events in New Orleans demonstrate how easily the descent into chaos would come. Although Mother Nature was to blame, when all options failed, looting, robbing and killing ensued.

This is NOT the characteristic of a cohesive, dedicated, caring society. It is not symptomatic of compassionate people living in harmony regardless of race, creed and colour.

Rather, it seemed to evidence the tendency of Americans towards selfishness and racism.
fencepost?? Love it.

Rotwang wrote:
America has waged war upon itself in the past, and it is still socially fractious and politically polarised.

This is the problem. Democracy does not happen with only two parties. Four minimum for crediblity and five parties make for a true democracy.

Otherwise, you end up with only two choices. Both were not particularly impressive. Neither had any new solutions, both debated dismally, and if that is the best the US could offer in leadership terms, it really is time you took a long hard look at the system that you have in place. It clearly sux.
Rotwang said:
Here's a clue, fencepost.

If, heaven forbid, America imploded upon itself and the citizenry rose up in arms against the military, it would last about a day.

Whilst we speak of a hypothetical circumstances, a ragtag of civilians with Saturday Night Specials and hunting rifles would be no match for a well trained and disciplined military force, particularly when they also have the commensurate armour and air power.

However, in the event that America falls into anarchy, the proliferation of firearms will ensure that the casualty rate will be catastrophic.

America has waged war upon itself in the past, and it is still socially fractious and politically polarised.

Recent events in New Orleans demonstrate how easily the descent into chaos would come. Although Mother Nature was to blame, when all options failed, looting, robbing and killing ensued.

This is NOT the characteristic of a cohesive, dedicated, caring society. It is not symptomatic of compassionate people living in harmony regardless of race, creed and colour.

Rather, it seemed to evidence the tendency of Americans towards selfishness and racism.
Can't say I disagree with that at all Rotwang, but, the only thing is, that was only one region of America. 65% poor, alot of uneducated, and yes alot of them black.

America as a whole would not collapse, but I do believe key regions would.
Rotwang said:
If, heaven forbid, America imploded upon itself and the citizenry rose up in arms against the military, it would last about a day.

Whilst we speak of a hypothetical circumstances, a ragtag of civilians with Saturday Night Specials and hunting rifles would be no match for a well trained and disciplined military force, particulary when they also have the commensurate armour and air power.

However, in the event that America falls into anarchy, the proliferation of firearms will ensure that the casualty rate will be catastrophic.

America has waged war upon itself in the past, and it is still socially fractious and politically polarised.

Recent events in New Orleans demonstrate how easily the descent into chaos would come. Although Mother Nature was to blame, when all options failed, looting, robbing and killing ensued.

This is NOT the characteristic of a cohesive, dedicated, caring society. It is not symptomatic of compassionate people living in harmony regardless of race, creed and colour.

Rather, it seemed to evidence the tendency of Americans towards selfishness and racism.

What a great and powerful doomsday naysayer you are for a Twirp
Rotwang said:
If, heaven forbid, America imploded upon itself and the citizenry rose up in arms against the military, it would last about a day.

I said against a Government not the Military! Our Military votes 80% Conservative/Republican so I find it VERY hard to believe they would turn against freedom and all that this Country stands for and its people for some Fidel Castro type Commie pig or if Bush or any President ordered them to start executing us! And if you think different you REALLY do not know or understand the men & women in OUR Military!! Our Military didnt even care much for Bill Clinton, I think like 25% voted for him, and as little as a socialist he was he still WAS NO Dream killing COMMIE!

Rotwang said:
Recent events in New Orleans demonstrate how easily the descent into chaos would come. Although Mother Nature was to blame, when all options failed, looting, robbing and killing ensued.

You havnt been around many blacks have you? Or atleast American blacks? American blacks are just like the ones in say Congo or Somalia, just like animals in a Zoo, let them out and they go WILD! Blacks in other western civilised Countries seem to be fine except for the ones in the USA (lucky us :rolleyes: ) and I blame this on a handful of black leaders that we call "poverty pimps" (you better be glad you dont have these or you would be supporting your black community too), if they ever are shot things might start to turn around and they might see they are their own worst enemy and that whitie doesnt hold them down. And also the looting, robbing and killing ensued just as soon as the hurricane past over New Orleans.

For you Australians, how do you feel about your Conservative Government and John Howard? You are in the Iraq war to you know.
phreakwars said:
Can't say I disagree with that at all Rotwang, but, the only thing is, that was only one region of America. 65% poor, alot of uneducated, and yes alot of them black.

America as a whole would not collapse, but I do believe key regions would.

Take a look around, Phrick. New Orleans, Los Angeles, Chicago and Detroit.

If one goes, all will go.

And as long as America continues to try and fool itself into believing it is Nirvana, rather than accepting that it is a sand castle sitting on a fault line, the more likely a major social catastrophe will eventuate.

New Orleans once again demonstrates that despite all its pontificating and self aggrandissement, despite its intrinsic belief that it is "a model to the world" (George Bush) America is a nation slowly but surely staggering to a precipice.

Can't happen?

If you'd have suggested to ANY scholar, politician or commentator in 1992 that the Soviet Union had less than a year to go, you'd have been laughed off as a gibbering idiot. And remember, the Soviet's population was under much tighter control, and more heavily indoctrinated that America's.

I repeat, I hope it doesn't happen. I dont believe it has to happen. But I'm convinced it will while Americans blind themselves to the reality of the world and their role in it.
Rotwang said:
Take a look around, Phreak. New Orleans, Los Angeles, Chicago and Detroit.

If one goes, all will go.

Balderdash! You just cannot stop displaying your stupidity can you?

Well genius, New Orleans has "gone". Why are LA, Chicago, Detroit, NYC, and every other city in this country doing just fine?

The rest of your post is just sewer fodder...same stench, different day.
Rotwang said:
If you'd have suggested to ANY scholar, politician or commentator in 1992 that the Soviet Union had less than a year to go, you'd have been laughed off as a gibbering idiot. And remember, the Soviet's population was under much tighter control, and more heavily indoctrinated that America's.

You're the only gibbering idiot here you dolt!

Quite the contrary. Starting at the top, President Ronald Regan deliberately set out on a course to topple the Soviet Union through economic measures. He knew it was only a matter of time.

There were several scholarly works published PRIOR to the demise of the USSR, foretelling of its eventual doom and collapse. Try www.google.com and you'll find some to read.

Even after the collapse of the USSR, the pieces emerged and Russia is doing better now than ever. So are most all of the other Baltic region countries. Of course, as usual, the Muslim countries are totally ****ed up, but then again, nothing less is expected from Muslims anyway.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
You're the only gibbering idiot here you dolt!

Quite the contrary. Starting at the top, President Ronald Regan deliberately set out on a course to topple the Soviet Union through economic measures. He knew it was only a matter of time.

There were several scholarly works published PRIOR to the demise of the USSR, foretelling of its eventual doom and collapse. Try www.google.com and you'll find some to read.

Even after the collapse of the USSR, the pieces emerged and Russia is doing better now than ever. So are most all of the other Baltic region countries. Of course, as usual, the Muslim countries are totally ****ed up, but then again, nothing less is expected from Muslims anyway.

Your failure to see the point for your own emotive perspective is tedious.

The issue was NOT "if" it collapsed or didn't, and it didn't need the foresight of Nostradamus to predict it would fold. Nor is the issue its relative progress since.

The POINT, you illiterate gibbon, is that had you asked anyone in 1992 if the the Soviet was going to collapse in less than a year, they would have regarded you as deranged.

There was no hint or indication that the end was nigh.

It occurred in the blink of an historic eye. THAT was the point. You never really know how close you are to civil collapse.

Here's a tip. Before responding to my posts, PM me to ask what the point is before committing yourself to embarassment.