Why America Is So Hated All Over The World??the Reasons


New member
dear smutt **** thank you for your post

i don't support any terrorism or any violence or any wars,i just give you facts,truths that you will never find in the brainwashing biased media





New member
my dear sir please your attention

i just tried to post a new thread and at my whole surprise i find this message for me


You have been banned for the following reason:

A plagiarist, eh?


Date the ban will be lifted: 05-19-2006, 08:00 PM


why you banned me sir?

i am always respectful and kind with all members,i respect our forum rules,if you go and read the threads and posts of many members offending islam muslims and the prophet,insulting their belief,calling them with rude vulgar degrading names,if you read their pure racism and violence against islam,muslims and the prophet you will be shocked as a humanbeing but you don't bann them,they are here to post what they want so why this double standards??why this unfair treatment?why this injustice??





New member
my dear sir please your attention
i just tried to post a new thread and at my whole surprise i find this message for me


You have been banned for the following reason:

A plagiarist, eh?


Date the ban will be lifted: 05-19-2006, 08:00 PM


why you banned me sir?

i am always respectful and kind with all members,i respect our forum rules,if you go and read the threads and posts of many members offending islam muslims and the prophet,insulting their belief,calling them with rude vulgar degrading names,if you read their pure racism and violence against islam,muslims and the prophet you will be shocked as a humanbeing but you don't bann them,they are here to post what they want so why this double standards??why this unfair treatment?why this injustice??


You know what annoys me about you...sentences like "why you banned me sit?" You can't even speak proper English. Your a towel headed, camel jockey, sand ****** and if you told me the sky was blue I would think you were lying...



New member
Hmm... according to some Red Necks, Adam enslaved eve.

Yeah, I have read the Southern Bible. I read all those books, mathew, mayner, duke and john-boy.

I even know the commandments.

Number one, Yall ought not kill..... Out of season.

Numeber two, yall ought not take the Grand Imperial Wizard's name in vain and ****.

and C, yall ought not do your neighbours old lady.... Out of season.

To hear it... (You will lyao!)



Some Guy

New member
Hmm... according to some Red Necks, Adam enslaved eve.
Yeah, I have read the Southern Bible. I read all those books, mathew, mayner, duke and john-boy.

I even know the commandments.

Number one, Yall ought not kill..... Out of season.

Numeber two, yall ought not take the Grand Imperial Wizard's name in vain and ****.

and C, yall ought not do your neighbours old lady.... Out of season.

To hear it... (You will lyao!)


Two Arabs are sitting in a Gaza Strip bar chatting over a pint of fermented goat



New member
dear smutt **** thank you for your posti don't support any terrorism or any violence or any wars,i just give you facts,truths that you will never find in the brainwashing biased media


Actually, you lied when you attributed your last paste to a US senator.



New member
You know what annoys me about you...sentences like "why you banned me sit?" You can't even speak proper English. Your a towel headed, camel jockey, sand ****** and if you told me the sky was blue I would think you were lying...
You can't even faithfully copy his words, **********.

It's sir, not sit.

********. :rolleyes:



New member
dear smutt **** thank you for your posti don't support any terrorism or any violence or any wars,i just give you facts,truths that you will never find in the brainwashing biased media


You give us ****.



New member
my dear sir please your attention
i just tried to post a new thread and at my whole surprise i find this message for me


You have been banned for the following reason:

A plagiarist, eh?


Date the ban will be lifted: 05-19-2006, 08:00 PM


why you banned me sir?

i am always respectful and kind with all members,i respect our forum rules,if you go and read the threads and posts of many members offending islam muslims and the prophet,insulting their belief,calling them with rude vulgar degrading names,if you read their pure racism and violence against islam,muslims and the prophet you will be shocked as a humanbeing but you don't bann them,they are here to post what they want so why this double standards??why this unfair treatment?why this injustice??


If you're going to cut and paste have the ******* decent courtesy to post a link or give credit to actual author.



New member
i try here contrary to lots of members here to stick to the subject and find reasons why america is so hated,go back to all my posts here and read them ,they give you reasons and facts only,here are more reasons:


So, you see! The world is beginning to see how cruel, brutal, arrogant, and evil, these Israelis and Jewish settlers can be. ****, you don't need to go to the Middle East to see it. You can see it right here in our our country. All you need to do is sympathize with the Palestinian cause and these Jewish zionists immediately label you as an "anti-Semite," a "hate-monger," a "neo-****." It doesn't matter how much these Palestinians suffer, as long as you criticize Israel, the Jewish media and all the zionist followers will attack you left and right. To them, the only victims are Jews who have suffered at the hands of Palestinian suicide bombers. They ignore the 5 times as many innocent people that they have killed with their american-made bombs and american-made missiles. They ignore the more than 500 children they have slaughtered. They ignore the more than 7 thousand homes of innocent Palestinians that have been demolished, or the land that has been stolen, or the olive orchards that have been uprooted, or total destruction of towns such as Jenin.


So, in a way, we have to thank the Palestinians for making such terrible sacrifices to help the world see what the Israelis and the Jewish zionists are like. Let us hope that the sacrifices made by the Palestinian people will wake up many more around the world and fill them with disgust at America's continuing support for a criminal state of Israel.



New member
i try here contrary to lots of members here to stick to the subject and find reasons why america is so hated,go back to all my posts here and read them ,they give you reasons and facts only,here are more reasons:

So, you see! The world is beginning to see how cruel, brutal, arrogant, and evil, these Israelis and Jewish settlers can be. ****, you don't need to go to the Middle East to see it. You can see it right here in our our country. All you need to do is sympathize with the Palestinian cause and these Jewish zionists immediately label you as an "anti-Semite," a "hate-monger," a "neo-****." It doesn't matter how much these Palestinians suffer, as long as you criticize Israel, the Jewish media and all the zionist followers will attack you left and right. To them, the only victims are Jews who have suffered at the hands of Palestinian suicide bombers. They ignore the 5 times as many innocent people that they have killed with their american-made bombs and american-made missiles. They ignore the more than 500 children they have slaughtered. They ignore the more than 7 thousand homes of innocent Palestinians that have been demolished, or the land that has been stolen, or the olive orchards that have been uprooted, or total destruction of towns such as Jenin.


So, in a way, we have to thank the Palestinians for making such terrible sacrifices to help the world see what the Israelis and the Jewish zionists are like. Let us hope that the sacrifices made by the Palestinian people will wake up many more around the world and fill them with disgust at America's continuing support for a criminal state of Israel.
If the lying Arab shitbags had to been attacking Israel for doing nothing more then EXISTING, Israel would not have to kill camel-jockeys and make laws that upset camel-jokeys.

If the shigbag-a-stinians would stop attacking Israelie civilians with bombs and speading lies about an alleged occupation, WHICH DOES NOT ******* EXIST... there would BE NO ******* CONFLICT.


NOW... kindly take hamza and go play in traffic.





New member
Builder, if Iran gets nukes they will give them to Al Qaeda and THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Iran is a nation of terrorist camel-jockeys that cannot be trusted.

If you are too ****** daft to see what a serious threat Iran is then you need to get a clue man.

The USA has NOT used nukes EVER. We used atom bombs in WWII on an enemy THAT ****** WELL ATTACKED US FIRST and if you other people don't like it... TOO BAD.

Japan picked a fight and got the **** kicked out of them.

Iran has always bee a terrorist shithole and will continue to be a terrorist shithole until the mullahs and the Ayetollah are executed.

Iran CANNOT BE TRUSTED FOR ANY REASON .... they have already been caught in a lie and now thet MUST BE DESTROYED!

Kindly get your head out of your *** and see them for what they are.

Thanks and have a nice day.

Now that is very funny TH. It was the US CIA that funded and aided the Taliban and Al Quaeda, and printed the Koran in new languages and distributed propaganda videos so those "extremist" fucktards had something to gee them up for war. Then PM of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto warned the US that "You are creating a monster". :rolleyes:

Iran has been ****** around with so many times by the US and Brit gov that payback is long overdue. Which part of "payback" is giving you so much trouble?

So by your own defenition, the US gov should never be allowed to have nukes either?

Go **** with North Korea (again), or China (again), or Russia (again) because that is who you will be dealing with when shrub's cartel invades Iran. ;)


New member
i too hate all terrorists including israeli terrorists don't you agree???respectfully

Israel has done some things that are regrettable; however, ask yourself this question: WOULD ISRAEL HAVE DONE THOSE THINGS IF THE LYING SCUMASTINIAN SHITBAGS HAD NOT STARTED **** WITH THEM FIRST????????



New member
Apart from the fact that they think they are the chosen people...
AND your ****** up so called religion doesn't think they are the only ones with the truth??

Your the ones running around with bombs killing infidels (non believers). Your people treat people who are not Muslim as unclean even if you don't have a bomb strapped to your body.

Lets face it, white men paid no attention to you...you had to lower your standards and you found a brown Muslim who wanted you...rather then not be married you decided to marry a dirty Muslim. Now no respectable white man would have you after letting a muslim climb all over you in bed at night...

I feel sorry for your family because if they care at all about you, they must be worried sick.


Hugh G. Rekshun

New member
What I would like to know is WHY THE **** DO WE KEEP WASTING BANDWIDTH ON THIS REVOLVING BULLSHIT!!!! :mad: :mad:

Enough is enough already....quick kicking the dead ******* horse you ******* halfwit, simpleton skullfucks!!!!!

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