Why America Is So Hated All Over The World??the Reasons


New member
to all the brainwashed who ignore everything about israeli crimes and the zionist lobby in america :

These phrases, "hate speech" and "anti-Semite", are well-worn devices to shut up a critic of Israel without having to answer the criticisms. Indeed they have been used so much that they have become red warning flags that the person using those phrases has something to hide and needs to shut down the discussion by any means possible. By screaming "hate speech" or "anti-Semite", Israel's supporters hope to shut down the debate without actually examining the issues involved.

Do you know that if you complain about Zionist influence, you will receive hate mail and threats of violence? If you object to the billions of dollars of your taxpayer money going to Israel, the Zionists will label you a Jew-hating Aryan, and they will pretend that you don't care that "6 million Jews were exterminated in the holocaust".


They will use that "history" to play on yours and everyone else's collective guilt. They will also use it to distract attention from slaughterers like Sharon who kill and maim and destroy everything Palestinian.


It is not "hate" to point out facts the American people should be paying attention to, especially on the threshold to what might turn out to be a world war started by deception.


It is not hate to ask what really happened to the USS Liberty in 1967 when Israel attacked and killed US sailors.


It is not hate to ask if the Lavon Affair can be repeated to sway public opinion in the US.


it is not hate to denounce isreali crimes,massacres,ethnic cleansing,mass killings,genocide,assassinatio

ns,murders,deportati on,extermination,and holocaust against palestinians.


it is not hate to hate this criminal fascist racist **** zionist ideology which were condemned by the general assembly in 10 th november 1975,resolution number 3379 "as a form of racism,fascism and nazism"



New member

why america is so hated?????????more reasons:



The attack on September 11 was certainly not about people hating our freedoms. It was purely in response to America's foreign policy; and it was primarily about our monetary and military support of Israel.




bin Laden sez................excerpts from an interview with ABC's John Miller:

"The Western regimes and the government of the United States of America bear the blame for what might happen. If their people do not wish to be harmed inside their very own countries, they should seek to elect governments that are truly representative of them and that can protect their interests."


"The leaders in America and in other countries as well have fallen victim to Jewish Zionist blackmail. They have mobilized their people against Islam and against Muslims. These are portrayed in such a manner as to drive people to rally against them. The truth is that the whole Muslim world is the victim of international terrorism, engineered by America at the United Nations. We are a nation whose sacred symbols have been looted and whose wealth and resources have been plundered. It is normal for us to react against the forces that invade our land and occupy it."


"Our mothers and daughters and sons are slaughtered every day with the approval of


America and its support. And, while America blocks the entry of weapons into Islamic


countries, it provides the Israelis with a continuous supply of arms allowing them thus


to kill and massacre more Muslims. Your religion does not forbid you from committing


such acts, so you have no right to object to any response or retaliation that


reciprocates your own actions.


"I say to them that they have put themselves at the mercy of a disloyal government,


and this is most evident in Clinton's administration ... . We believe that this


administration represents Israel inside America. Take the sensitive ministries such as


the Ministry of Exterior and the Ministry of Defense and the CIA, you will find that the


Jews have the upper hand in them. They make use of America to further their plans


for the world, especially the Islamic world. American presence in the Gulf provides


support to the Jews and protects their rear. And while millions of Americans are


homeless and destitute and live in abject poverty, their government is busy


occupying our land and building new settlements and helping Israel build new


settlements in the point of departure for our Prophet's midnight journey to the seven


heavens. America throws her own sons in the land of the two


Holy Mosques for the sake of protecting Jewish interests."


"The American government is leading the country towards ****. ... We say to the


Americans as people and to American mothers, if they cherish their lives and if they


cherish their sons, they must elect an American patriotic government that caters to


their interests not the interests of the Jews. If the present injustice continues with the


wave of national consciousness, it will inevitably move the battle to American soil,


just as Ramzi Yousef and others have done. This is my message to the American


people. I urge them to find a serious administration that acts in their interest and does


not attack people and violate their honor and pilfer their wealth."



bin laden again


spoke about the reasons why they chose the US to execute 9/11..


OBL: You American people, my speech to you is the best way to avoid


conflict about the war and its reasons and results. I am telling you


is an important pillar of human life. And free people don't let go of


security contrary to Bush's claims that we hate freedom. He should tell

us why we

didn't hit Sweden for instance. Its known that those who hate freedom


have dignified souls like the 19 who were blessed. But we fought you

because we

are free people, we don't sleep on our oppression. We want to regain


freedom of our Muslim nation as you spill our security, we spill your



Bin Laden spoke for the first time about the main


he thought of executing Sept 11 attacks, confirming that the Israeli


in Lebanon was the first incident where he thought of it.


OBL: I am so surprised by you. Although we are in the fourth year after


events of Sept 11, Bush is still practicing distortion and misleading

on you,

and obscuring the main reasons and therefore the reasons are still

existing to

repeat what happened before. I will tell you the reasons behind theses



I will be honest with you on the moment when the decision was taken to

understand. We never thought of hitting the towers. But after we were

so fed up, and

we saw the oppression of the American Israeli coalition on our people


Palestine and Lebanon, it came to my mind and the incidents that really

touched me

directly goes back to 1982 and the following incidents. When the US


the Israelis to invade Lebanon with the assistance of the 6th fleet. In


hard moments, it occurred to me so many meanings I cant explain but it

resulted in a general feeling of rejecting oppression and gave me a


determination to punish the oppressors. While I was looking at the

destroyed towers in

Lebanon, it came to my mind to punish the oppressor the same way and


towers in the US to get a taste of what they tasted, and quit killing


children and women.


Hugh G. Rekshun

New member
And yet I reply: "WHO GIVES A FLYING ****?!!!"

If they hate us...oh well. They'll get over it and if they don't....TOO ******* BAD!!!!



New member
Tomaust, for the record, you sound like a duck. Quack, quack, quack!

You post the beautiful truth? We know the cold, hard truth and we will except no substitutes.



New member
Tomaust, for the record, you sound like a duck. Quack, quack, quack!
You post the beautiful truth? We know the cold, hard truth and we will except no substitutes.

We all know that Bin Laden is a terrorist ******* who has to hide like rat ... in a cave because he cannot come near civilized society with ending up in Getmo.

**** Bin Laden ... if the spermbanker-stinian islamonazis would stop attacking Israel, Israel would stop *** raping them back.

If butthumper-ladin would stop sucking palinstinian **** it would be nice!!!

Now ... would one of you admins please lock this topic!





New member
We all know that Bin Laden is a terrorist ******* who has to hide like rat ... in a cave because he cannot come near civilized society with ending up in Getmo.
**** Bin Laden ... if the spermbanker-stinian islamonazis would stop attacking Israel, Israel would stop *** raping them back.

If butthumper-ladin would stop sucking palinstinian **** it would be nice!!!

Now ... would one of you admins please lock this topic!


I want tomaust to reply to our barrage and then we will fire back. Then I will lock the topic, i.e. close the thread.



New member
please my so dear friends you must understand that i am fully against terrorism but not the selected terrorism,i am against bin laden terrorism and contrary to you i am against israeli terrorism,i just quote bin laden to give other reasons why america is hated,i just contribute to the debate with serious facts and documents ,you keep only being rude and vulgar and naughty with me just because i am a patriot and i love america more that you and i tell all the truth to americans





New member
please my so dear friends you must understand that i am fully against terrorism but not the selected terrorism,i am against bin laden terrorism and contrary to you i am against israeli terrorism,i just quote bin laden to give other reasons why america is hated,i just contribute to the debate with serious facts and documents ,you keep only being rude and vulgar and naughty with me just because i am a patriot and i love america more that you and i tell all the truth to americans

Blah blah blah...

I tell you evyting... he look like a man.



New member
please my so dear friends you must understand that i am fully against terrorism but not the selected terrorism,i am against bin laden terrorism and contrary to you i am against israeli terrorism,i just quote bin laden to give other reasons why america is hated,i just contribute to the debate with serious facts and documents ,you keep only being rude and vulgar and naughty with me just because i am a patriot and i love america more that you and i tell all the truth to americansrespectfully

I am not your friend...will never be your friend.

Go home you dirty Muslim...you will never be an American, America doesn't want you.


Some Guy

New member
LithalFind, why dont you go home..America is not yours anyway, your vile people stole it!
**** you ****!, I knew you couldnt hold it in, so Whites are Vile people? your a filthy ******* yard ape, the only thing you need to say to me is "Yessah Missa White Baas, I beez a good nagga for you!"

You are now my house girl, consider your black **** OWNED! Mind you she is pretty stinky, anyone want to buy an uppity nigra sow?



New member
No whites are not vile people, that would indeed be a foolish comment to make, but then I think you ignorant of the difference between stupidity and sense.

The people who stole the continent and then decided to breed more of them (i.e people like LethalFind) are vile people.

Those who joke about rape are vile people.

You are a vile person, but believe it or not, not everything is about colour!

If I was to hate white people I should certainly not be on speaking terms with my own family, now would I...


Some Guy

New member
No whites are not vile people, that would indeed be a foolish comment to make, but then I think you ignorant of the difference between stupidity and sense.The people who stole the continent and then decided to breed more of them (i.e people like LethalFind) are vile people.

Those who joke about rape are vile people.

You are a vile person, but believe it or not, not everything is about colour!

If I was to hate white people I should certainly not be on speaking terms with my own family, now would I...

Stoel the continent? stupid *****, they got their and there was nothing, so they built it up, then when the redskins see what the whiteman has built, they say "we want our land back" because redskins couldnt do anything like that by themselves. If they want the land back then they should give the whites back the blankets and beads or whatever was traded for them.



New member
No whites are not vile people, that would indeed be a foolish comment to make, but then I think you ignorant of the difference between stupidity and sense.The people who stole the continent and then decided to breed more of them (i.e people like LethalFind) are vile people.

Those who joke about rape are vile people.

You are a vile person, but believe it or not, not everything is about colour!

If I was to hate white people I should certainly not be on speaking terms with my own family, now would I...

LOLOL, got a little upset there didn't you, you let that submissive mouth of yours slip...VILE??

I didn't steal this country, nor did my parents or my parents parents...You can't visit the sins of many generations ago on me. I think what the early settlers did to the Indians was horrible, I would never participate in something like that or say it was the right thing to do.

Since you judge me that way how about pointing that same light on yourself. Like whats going on in Darfar...you brown Muslims are killing black Muslims because you think your better then they are, its going on right now, this day, this minute...YOUR PEOPLE are doing this. What say you to that?? This is a typical response of your filthy people, everyone must be just like you, or those people must die.

As for your poor family, they pity you...they feel as if they have lost a daughter. Your Father is disgusted at the thought of that dirty Muslim you married crawling all over his daughter's body...he knows you are ruined in the white man's eyes...your poor Mother wonders where she went wrong that you would make such a drastic decision to throw away all you have known in your upbringing and be so desperate to have a man in your bed that you would convert to be a Muslim.



New member
my goodness how some people can be rude,vulgar,ignorant,naughty and with no education at all,no respect at all,no dignity,no honor,nothing,it is such a pity,shame,shame,shame

Some Guy

New member
my goodness how some people can be rude,vulgar,ignorant,naughty and with no education at all,no respect at all,no dignity,no honor,nothing,it is such a pity,shame,shame,shame
I'v veddy veddy sowwy my main man, please fohgive me my main man, sowwy sowwy my main man, LMAO



New member
my goodness how some people can be rude,vulgar,ignorant,naughty and with no education at all,no respect at all,no dignity,no honor,nothing,it is such a pity,shame,shame,shame
You got one part right, NO RESPECT !!!

And admit it Tomaust, you yourself are suspicious of white women who convert to Islam, you wonder if their motivations are pure and think your fellow male Muslims would be better off if they stuck with their own kind. Mariama is a white women, who was SO desperate for a man she went with a man not of her culture or religion, she has no idea what she has commited to, not like a woman who was raised in Islam. She will not remain with him her whole life, you can't completely erase how she was raised, over time she will return to her way of life...you know that as well as I do.



New member
Hehehehe I am a white woman am I? I don't remember telling you that..

well well, come come, it is not so very bad as all that. The mouth didn't slip, you ARE vile, I fail to see the problem, you are what you are...

And as for my family, I am sorry to tell you, but there level is above yours, you are way down there compared to them. And on telling them of your thoughtful, deep comments they laughed. My father I'm sure if he were still alive would have not thought about his daughters body..

You see in the UK it isn't normal to think about your child's body...

If this is happening to you I can put you in touch with a helpline...



New member
Hehehehe I am a white woman am I? I don't remember telling you that..
well well, come come, it is not so very bad as all that. The mouth didn't slip, you ARE vile, I fail to see the problem, you are what you are...

And as for my family, I am sorry to tell you, but there level is above yours, you are way down there compared to them. And on telling them of your thoughtful, deep comments they laughed. My father I'm sure if he were still alive would have not thought about his daughters body..

You see in the UK it isn't normal to think about your child's body...

If this is happening to you I can put you in touch with a helpline...
What I think is funny is that you felt the need to repeat something from the internet, that someone you don't know and never will, someone who is not involved in your life and never will be...to your family. Do you really need that much reinforcement to make yourself feel good about your decision?? Evidently.

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