to all members please this is my message for you,thank you:
You have finally posted something that is seemingly un-plagerized... So I will respond.
The US has further driven us to dislike America with its blind support for a colonialist power such as Israel
Israel is
NOT a colonialist power. They have not "colonized" any region other than there own lands which were bequeathed by England in 1948, except for a brief period when they justily, fairly and legally occupied the Sanai peninsula, and various times when provoked by you savage and ruthless muslims, atacking in the name of your pig-**** "religion" O'death.
in fact the only one left in the region.
There are no colonialist powers left on planet earth. Israel don't want you ****-bags, England had enough of your ****, and the US is only interrested in keeping a military base in Iraq to keep you camel-******* in line. Islam spreads by war and conquest. Islam is at war with the rest of the world, and most of us are actually blinded by rhetoric like yours and ham-za's. There are, however, many of us who know what your pig-**** religion is all about and we will fight it's cancerous spread to the end!
Whenever we have tried in the past to help alleviate the plight of the Palestinians we only got vetoed by the US at the UN Security Council followed by the free flow of arms and money to kill our fellow compatriots from Palestine to Lebanon.
Whenever you try to "alleviate their plight" by blowing up innocent women and children in a market place, whenever you try to "alleviate their plight" by kidnapping westerners, whenever you try to "alleviate their plight" by killing, maming, torturing, going to war on your own and everyone else.
And whenever we Arabs try to get arms to defend ourselves against one of the strongest armies in the world, which has never hesitated in using its destructive power with impunity against us, we are blocked by America from acquiring the means by which we could defend ourselves.
This says alot for arab resourcefulness... (hint: build a factory and make something for yourselves. Hey, Why not revive that once great civilization ya'll had before islam destroyed it!) at any rate, you ******* islamic *****-mongers do plenty of damage with your constant jihad against anything good and descent.
We have watched America attack us, destroy us, impose embargoes against our nations and then conquer our lands, imprison our people and generally deal with us as though we are savage animals whereby
We have watched islam attack us, kidnap our compatriots, impose evil taxes on Christians in islamic lands, force hindus into sexual slavery, murder innocent non-muslims.. and YES (I wished) treat you like the animals that you are!
every single law be it international or even American is totally disregarded when it concerns the rights of Arab and Muslim individuals.
I wished this were true! Islam needs to be cured. Islam is a disease, a cancer and it is spreading, it will soon kill our species if left uncleansed.
Then they ask us why we hate them?
I know why you hate us. You hate us because your *** (satan) commmands you to "take not jews and christians as friends" and "strike their necks". You hate us because satan hates us. You hate each other beacause your *** (beelzabub) hates everyone. Your evil and conmtemptable *** (the devil) is in your hearts and minds. Until you are free from islam, you will continue to hate, kill, murder, kidnap, commit terrorism and general mayhem.
Tell me why do you hate us?
I do not hate muslims, I only hate islam. Islam is the necrotizing facisis of civilization. It has already destroyed the great civilizations that brought the world algebra and architecture. It needs to be erradicated, and quickly!
What terrible crime have the Muslims committed against you in the past to deserve your interminable enmity?
You blindly follow the words of a pedophile terrorist (may **** be upon him), disregarding logic, common sense and decency.
What have we done to see you rampage through our lands destroying and killing, then claiming obscenely that it was worth it for the sake of liberty and democracy?
1) 9/11
2) the Achille Laurel
3) WTC
4) Munich 1977
5) Kashmere
6) Beirut in the 1980's
7) Iranian hostage crisis
Etc, etc, etc , ad nauseam...
Is it worth it for the million and a half Iraqis murdered in the embargo or the thousands of Afghans killed by your ever so “smart” bombs?
or the 20 millioin deaths in the Iraq-Iran war or the 1 million in the soviet occupation of afghanistan... Or the eminate genocide of non-muslims If the true *** ever lifts his protection over us and lets you dogs loose?
Or should we ask the Iraqis of today, whom you've killed by the thousands? Was all this death and destruction worth it for them? Did you ever bother to ask their opinion before you played *** with the lives and destinies of this nation?
99% of iraqis are being killed by al-queda and ARAB insurgents. Nice try, take your propoganda to builder, he's stupid enough to believe it!
Finally, you take aim at our religion by humiliating our beliefs.
Your beliefs are based on a pedophile who was given a book by a demon in a cave...
I agree, it is an abuse to toilet paper to read it!
use our convictions to torture us and degrade us
Now this is plain stupidity... Your tortured by your own convictions, now?
disregarding your own laws and religion which is as noble as ours and to which torture and humiliation is anathema.
Your religion is not a "religion": It is a socio-political ideology closely resembling fascism, it is **** bent on conquering the world.
What were you thinking when you threw the Qur'an in the toilet
Trying to stop up a perfectly good toilet. It is better to clean your *** with it after a ****.
or when you used religion as a means of torture?
There you go again... are you being flogged with a prayer rug?
I fail to see the efficacy of such actions in the so-called war on terror.
Are you talking about Abu Graib? Those were fraternity pranks, not torture!
These methods only point to a deep sickness in your society to which it will take decades for us and the rest of the world to understand its cause and to measure its destructive results.
Grow up! a little hazing you call torture! Try being a coptic Christian in Egypt or a Catholic in Pakistan if you want to know what real torture is!
No, the question which someday will have to be answered is why, why do you the Americans hate us the Muslims so much?
The answer is easy... Your religion makes you evil, because your religion is evil.