Why America Is So Hated All Over The World??the Reasons


New member
Searching through hundreds of articles trying to track down the true Israeli death toll, I found a New York Times piece that clarified the precise number of Israelis who died in the World Trade Center attack. It turned out that according to the New York Times, of the 130 Israelis President Bush claimed had died in the World Trade Center, 129 of them were still alive. Only one Israeli had actually died. I was incredulous.


New member
I suggest googling "plane photos pentagon". Here was the first of many sites http://www.rense.com/general32/phot.htm
It's rense. Those pics could have come from anywhere. :rolleyes:

The exit hole was made with an excavator. That's old hat.

Here's what you think hit the pentagon.


Those engines weigh thousands of pounds each, and measure roughly eight feet in diameter.

So where are the engine entry holes? And how did they end up inside the building, if they didn't blow an entry hole?



New member
Hamza... You ****-sucking muslim... my cousin works in the pentagon and was there when the plane hit! She told me personally about the plane, where it hit, how they were evacutaed, etc, etc.
You're stupid, pathetic and very islamic lies are no good here, buddy boy! So take your koran, and your ****-stained prayer rug and cram'em both right straight up your lying ***-hole!
**** sucking? Well, you ******* dirty, bean farming, **** swallowing ******, you're blind as ****, and you're going no where...

The fact that you fought in the gulf war, lost your legs, and can't farm any beans makes you ****** at Islam. You wan't to take it on a personal level, I will than, and don't cry like the ***** you are. Shove a **** in your mouth and stop talking. :mad:

Oh and trust me on this one, the fake and newly done Bible makes for better toilette paper... TALK ABOUT VALUE PACK!! 66!! ;)



New member
You're a dilusional fool, Hamza!
When the Jewish-dominated American media repeatedly showed a few, longsuffering Palestinians celebrating the attacks, Palestinians became unfairly painted as behind the Trade Center terror, even though every Palestinian organization condemned it, and not a single Palestinian was proven to be involved. <----- This is so stupid it isn't even funny. The palestinain's lack the finances, sophistication, and organization to pull this off.


Nobody has ever accused the Palestinians because we all know they are not clever enough to pull this off.


We know it was Bin Laden and we have the evidence to back it up.


Now...kindly get your ****** head examined.... you delusional fool.



This idiot can even get his names straight... You quoted tomaust ****-sucker.



New member
Well T-H...

Bin Laden is a huge extremists, and in the tape that he supposudley took responsibility, he was wearing a ******* gold ring which is a huge rule to object... That one clue shows that this is the work of some real **** ups, who infact aren't clever..

Bin Laden, the "most notorious terrorist" even rejected taking part in any terrorist attacks against the USA. Now, why would the biggest terrorist in the world, supposudley ****-bent on destroying the USA, not claim responsibility for 9/11... Wow, it just doesn't add up.



New member
Sorry for the quad-post but I wanted to add..

Don't get me wrong, I appose terrorism in any form, and I do commend a lot of soldier working in Iraq to free the innocent people from desctruction, they deserve eternal rep, and will never be forgotten, honestly, to me, and the Iraqi people, they are the patriots, but I don't agree with Bush's ways of the Cruise Missile, mass bombings, and some people abusing their powers with an M16.

I condemn terrorism, especially towards such a free country as the USA, my homeland, my birthplace! I love it, just like everyone else here, they've met other ******** around, and really wonderful people, thats what truly makes ti a great place.

I may have different thoughts about 9/11, but I agree on the fact that terrorists did it. Not the terrorists you may see on TV though. I can say this, it may not mean much to you, but I would give my own life to have prevented 9/11, for I believe that saving one life is like saving humanity, not to mention 3,000 innocent others. Terrorists are truly evil, and the soldiers have a great enitietive (<- however you may spell that). I just think a lot of Muslims should be standing up to terrorists more, and for those who are, should be acknowledged in the slightest way, and not shuned for simply being a Muslim.

T-H, I personally have nothing against you, I like how you use extremist-Islam instead of Islam.



New member
my so dear hamza i agree with you,i am so strongly against all form of terrorism,but contrary to many here who focus only on muslims i try to prouve that terrorists are israeli criminals who kill palestinians every day,terrorists are british and american troops who kill iraqis by thousands,terrorists are the zionists in america and in europe who goad americans and europeans to wars against muslims ,who push christians to hate muslims with their zionist controled biased brainwashing media and with false fake fabricated mossad propaganda.





New member

The massacre at Deir Yassin BY ISRAELIS

De Reynier arrived at the village on the second day and saw "the mopping up," as one of the terrorists put it to him. It had been done with machine guns, then grenades, and was finished off with knives. They decapitated some of the victims and maimed 52 children in the sight of their mothers. The terrorists cut open 25 pregnant women's wombs and butchered the babies in front of them.

The massacre at Deir Yassin

De Reynier arrived at the village on the second day and saw "the mopping up," as one of the terrorists put it to him. It had been done with machine guns, then grenades, and was finished off with knives. They decapitated some of the victims and maimed 52 children in the sight of their mothers. The terrorists cut open 25 pregnant women's wombs and butchered the babies in front of them.

I went into six to seven houses. I saw cut off genitalia and women's crushed stomachs. According to the shooting signs on the bodies, it was direct murder.2

Albert Einstein, along with other concerned Jews, wrote a letter to the New York Times in 1948 decrying Begin as having: "openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist State." He went on to describe Deir Yassin in these words:

On April 9, terrorist bands attacked this peaceful village, which was not a military objective in the fighting, killed most of its inhabitants - 240 men, women, and children, and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of Jerusalem



New member
why when the criminal is a swedish or a senegalese or a japaneese or a french or a russian or a canadian everybody agrees that he is a criminal but why when the criminal is a jew zionist israeli,people are in a bad position ,they try to avoid to declare that this jew is a criminal,why they try to hide and cover this jew crimes?why they feel guilty to condemn this jew since he is a criminal,why all this unjustice?why this unfair attitude?why they are coward enough to denounce these israeli crimes,massacres,genocide and holocaust against palestinians and at the same time they feel free and strong to comdemn palestinian brave operations against their occupiers,why they feel free to comdemn any criminals in the whole world but not the zionist jewish criminals?


New member



The "truth"? You are an idiot.

Oh, and why don't you actually explain this to us by posting something original, not this stupid copy-pasted 4-page bullshit/bullshit links. I cannot quite fathom how someone can be so utterly lacking of any thought! Jesus Christ!!! :mad:



New member
Why America Is So Hated All Over The World?
Arabs have been made to look bad in America and America has been made to look bad to them! PERIOD.

The video that tomaust posted is actually not stupid... All those people are Americans who've been the Middle East since 1950, and a Palestinian Christian.



New member
Pat does the best job of pointing out why we are hated. From his "Republic, Not an Empire" speech

Quo Vadis? Where are you going, America?
Because of our sanctions on scores of nations, cruise missile strikes upon others, and intervention in the internal affairs of still others in the wake of the Cold War, a seething resentment of America is brewing all over the world. And the haughty attitude of our foreign policy elite only nurses the hatred. Hearken, if you will, to the voice of our own Xenia, Madeline Albright, announcing new air strikes on Iraq: "If we have to use force, it is because we are America. We are the indispensable nation. We stand tall. We see farther into the future."

Now I count myself an American patriot. But if this Beltway braggadocio about being the world's "indispensable nation" has begun to grate on me, how must it grate upon the Europeans, Russians, and peoples subject to our sanctions because they have failed, by our lights, to live up to our standards?

And how can all our meddling not fail to spark some horrible retribution? Recall: it was in retaliation for the bombing of Libya that Khadafi's agents blew up Pan Am 103. And it is said to have been in retaliation for the Vincennes' accidental shoot-down of that Iranian airliner that Teheran collaborated with terrorists to blow up the Khobar towers. From Pan Am 103, to the World Trade Center, to the embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar - have we not suffered enough not to know that interventionism is the incubator of terrorism? Or will it take some cataclysmic atrocity on U.S. soil to awaken our global gamesmen to the asking price of empire?

America today faces a choice of destinies. We can be the peacemaker of the world - or its policeman who goes about night-sticking troublemakers until we, too, find ourselves in some ****** brawl we cannot handle. Let us use this transitory moment of American power and preeminence to encourage and assist old friends and allies to stand on their own feet and provide and pay for their own defense.

Let me state my present intent: If elected, I will have all U.S. troops out of the Balkan quagmire by year's end, and all American troops home from Europe by the end of my first term. Forty years ago, President Eisenhower pleaded with JFK to bring all U.S. troops home from Europe. Certainly, sixty years after the end of World War II, and fifteen years after the Berlin Wall fell, is not too soon to get all U.S. troops out of Europe and let Europeans provide and pay the cost of their own defense. If not now, when?

And let us quickly adopt a measure of humility about how much we know about what is best for other peoples and cultures. In the words of the great scholar Russell Kirk: "There exists no single best form of government for the happiness of all mankind. The most suitable form of government depends on the historic experience, the customs, the beliefs, the state of culture...and all these things vary from land to land and age to age."

We are entering a fertile and exciting time in our politics. Our ossified two-party system, that has managed to stifle serious foreign policy debate for a decade, is cracking up. Pressure is growing from dissidents within, and this year, there will be a mighty challenge from without. As Joe Namath said, I guarantee it.

Our Reform Party will be on the ballot in 50 states, and, if I have anything to say about it -- and I expect to -- it will become a non-interventionist party, a peace party, that will reach out to Americans of Right and Left who reject the Third Way imperialism being forced upon us by the elites of both Beltway parties.

In this new era, many of us are rediscovering the old distrust of crusading that was at the center of the world view of the old American Right. We are conscious of our love for this country. We do not wish to isolate America from the world, only to isolate America from wars -- the religious, ethnic, and territorial wars of less fortunate lands. We know there is a powerful body of American thought -- from Washington to John Quincy Adams to William Jennings Bryan and Robert Taft -- as well as all the near forgotten figures written about by Justin Raimondo and others -- to help guide us. And their message is one I intend to stamp upon our banners in the campaign of 2000: A Republic, Not an Empire! America First!
We should have elected Pat.

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