Why do people hate LP so much?


New member
Lp Rule........we all know that.......

i dont know why some ppl dislike them......possibly for the reasons Rusu_luvs_LP_4ever stated or maybe for sum other reasons........

a lot of the ppl at my skool just listen to the music that is played on the Top 40 each nite.......they claim to love one singer/band one week and the next week its some other band........i seem to remember when Breaking the habit was first realeased here every1 at skool was talking about it and listening to it etc.....

Long Live LP



New member
I guess people dont like linkin park cause they are just different genres of music and some people dont like it mixed up like that. My friend that goes to another school said that no one in her school likes linkin park because of the whole jay-z thing. Then after that she said linkin park and jay-z are going to stay together and ****, I got ****** off cause she doesnt know **** about linkin park only the stuff that comes up on MTV!


New member
Poeple can be retarded a lot of the times, i brought my "Meteora" CD to school, which i listen to in my CD player of course, but anyways..We had art and the art teacher allowed me to play it. So i did, and well some people were glad that i put it in, instead of listening to the radio, but theres this one guy in my class who just doesn't like LP, if forget what he said before but today he said he can't stand Chesters voice.

Which kind of ****** me off because Chester has an awesome voice. But yea..



New member
LP Rule

I for one don't care what people think about LP, if someone hates LP and feels the need to shout it from the rooftops then I'm not going to waste my time on them, because all they are doing is proving their ignorance. Mark Knopfler said in his biography that for someone to really appreciate music, and to understand it enough to make a valid comment then they must listen to all genres... obviously these people haven't 'cos anyone who listens to LP properly cannot fail to appreciate the genius that is LP. There is no band that can pull of nu-metal the way that LP have managed, and yet they have done it in a style that is all their own, there are enough of us fans out there who realise that, and the opinions of those who like to dis LP don't matter to me. I talked my father into listening to all the albums, and he hates rap, and initially hated the album, but after a few listens he managed to appreciate the music, and now loves it, and he's ancient, so if he can open his mind to sheer genius then why can't everyone? Simple answer, because they are narrow minded and aren't willing to give something a little different a try. To Mike and the gang... keep going lads, and don't change for anyone, what you have done is amazing and brings happiness to millions!!!! :thumbsup:



New member
well i can tell you that the LP guys dont conform to anyones rules. Linkin Park is the only thing that my art teacher will play since its not that hard core heavy metal, its not strait up rap, and its not that creepy techno stuff. And most people in my art class like it since it has something for every one. then of coures theres this gay guy named rashad that dosent like them because he says that "none of them look like they would be good in bed." (yikes.) Now if thats not a stupid reason to not like them, I dont know what is. of course my teacher also thinks that mike is a hot guy (well he is) but people who dont give a legitament reason to why they dont like linkin park really makes me ticked. but hey every one is intiteled to their own opnion except when it comes to trying to start things between bands. and for the people that dont like them because they arnt this or that, that is what makes linkin park unique. They never said that they were anything.


New member
they r too busy listening to reggae from around my town . . . whenever i says something of linkin park they r like eww they r gay! it hurts me soo much inside *sob* but linkin park doesnt give a **** that everyone needs to like them they know that out there they have many good worthy fans!


New member
alot of people in my skool like lp...numb seems to be 'fashionable' at the mo...poeple tolerate it but theyd never be willing to listen to it....

dont care wot they think though

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