Why Do People Worship Idols?


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2005
Guys,I started this thread because I really would like to understand how exactly people can worship idols
I mean how can anyone worship something of their own manufacture and say this is our God.
I'm not trying to make fun of anyone,everyone has the right to worship what they want,but I just want a little understanding of it.
I have a few hindu friends and i've put the question to them,but they couldn't answer.
So if there are any hindus' or anyone who worships an idol,please could you explain it a bit. :)

what does everyone think of idolatry?
Some people do this to establish some sort of well being. A kind of motivational type thing. Others want control and use this "god" to lead on a group of people who would believe in such a thing. On the other hand, maybe the person that makes an idol is just a kook. There could be many reasons but those are the only three I can think of.
Another thing that is weird is that they give sacrifices.e.g food
My hindu friend told me 'we give sacrifices,our Gods appreciate it.'
I was like do your Gods eat the food?They didn't speak to me for a week.
I was like:''say what?!''
Ok, I'm a Hindu and to start off with let me get the point across that I have no problems with your beliefs. In truth I have supported your faith in many other forums. I'm sure that you would deal with my faith with the same respect that I give to yours.
To begin with, Hindus do say that god exists within an idol. But rarely, if ever, will a Hindu say that god exists solely inside of an idol. I'm sure, through your understanding of Hinduism you've come across the term Brahman. For any others who are reading this forum Brahman is not synonymous with Brahma. Brahma is a Vedic god, Brahman is God. See the difference?
God, if he exists, as hinduism states, is something that is...Let me end my statement there and say no further. I would say he's indescribable but that in itself is a description. I would say he's limitless but that in itself is setting limits on him. I would say he's indefinable...but...I'm sure you get the point.
In other words, God is the creator of our universe. An entity that is awesome and overpowering. We however, are humans. Although we are all created
First I wanna thank you for explaining your belief.I didn't mean any disrespect but I just wanted some understanding,and you helped me there.
I have learned something about judaism,christianity and I just wanted to know a bit about hinduism.
I like someone who understands their faith very well,whether I believe it's right or wrong is beside the point.

'Make sure that in your hurry to fix other's religious practices, you don't forget that you have your own faith and duty to deal with.
A practice may seem stupid or foolish at first glance, but why don
it's cool! :) i'm not too irritated...let me make a point also that I'm not a scholar about my religion. I'm not related to any priests and i'm only a second year college student...but as long we're at an understanding! :) :) Just that some people have been really rude about it to me in the past...but it's obvious to see you're not like them!!
I'm still wondering why people worship an intangible entity. At least with an idol, it's right there in front of you.

The real subject of this thread should be, Why Do I Ask So Many Stupid Questions?.
RoyalOrleans said:
I'm still wondering why people worship an intangible entity. At least with an idol, it's right there in front of you.

The real subject of this thread should be, Why Do I Ask So Many Stupid Questions?.

OH RoyalOrleans,I wish you were worth the effort.
Sonny Lovell said:
If allah is so great then why didnt he give you pakis good home lands, why do you have come over the the white mans land.

Hopefully to piss morons off like you....
Sonny Lovell said:
If allah is so great then why didnt he give you pakis good home lands, why do you have come over the the white mans land.

Racist ****clown. Unless you are a Native American do you TRULY belong here? It is not the White Man's land. Sure he populates it and he makes his home here but it isn't truly percent his. And it surely isn't YOUR land in that sense. BITCH.
People worship idols and gods as a way to humanize what they cannot understand. Idols and religious gods put human qualities on that existence and make it easier for us lolely mortals to understand what is greater than ourselves
tizz said:
People worship idols and gods as a way to humanize what they cannot understand. Idols and religious gods put human qualities on that existence and make it easier for us lolely mortals to understand what is greater than ourselves

Sorta like a cross for christianity
Actually other than albinos...we all have a bit of brown pigment in our skin...making the world a brown people's land!!! :) :) :) :)
People have a ned to be able to ascosiate and empathize with things and therefore all the "gods" are describe by man as having humanistic qualities like compassion or vengence and becase the gods themselves rarely have a face idols are made as a way to speak to god.
Sonny Lovell said:
If allah is so great then why didnt he give you pakis good home lands, why do you have come over the the white mans land.

Hi dear,I'm somalian.My advice is,go into the streets of london(full of pakis),and say these things,coz all you're doing at the moment is preachin' to the wrong people! :mad:
Peace said:
Actually other than albinos...we all have a bit of brown pigment in our skin...making the world a brown people's land!!! :) :) :) :)

What the **** kind of tree hugging nonsense is this. First of all albinos creep me out and they sould all be gathered up like lepers and sent to a remote island.

Brown peoples world, bullshit. That is so ****ing gay of you to say. I'm white, shes brown, that guy over there is black, and that one dude is kinda yellowish. People that dislike people of a different color suck,ya. But Different cultures are different on the outside and the inside. If folks would just accept this we might get along alot better.

Blacks are geneticaly predispositioned to develope sickle cell anemia. They have added muscle tissue and extra long tendons as a result of evolution from all the running they had to do in the open plains of Africa. Cultures that have lived in high altitudes are short with a barreled chest to accomadate larger lungs to draw more oxygen from the thin air.
'Blacks are geneticaly predispositioned to develope sickle cell anemia. They have added muscle tissue and extra long tendons as a result of evolution from all the running they had to do in the open plains of Africa. Cultures that have lived in high altitudes are short with a barreled chest to accomadate larger lungs to draw more oxygen from the thin air.'

Yeah,Johny you must hate us black people.Now we don't seem to have the right to draw enough air into our lungs.
I guess there are many Olivers on this thread,I thought he was a one off!