Why never America?


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2005
Why do we spend all of our damn time worrying about what is going on in other countries when our country is not doing to good its damn self, if we werent so worried about what the **** is going on in Iraq, and if our president paid more attention to the **** thats happening RIGHT HERE, maybe we would not be trillions of dollars in debt with a dumb ass war thats not getting us **** :)
Let me ask you this.....How would you feel about a platform that included the following.....

The security of our Nation would come down to secureing the North and South borders of the United States.

The INS would be held to strict protocol to insure no mistakes like in the past.

Military service members would be used to help secure the borders, search import ships and cargo and DEFEND OUR country from attack.

Removal of all troops in the Middle East, put demand for alternative fuels and other forms of energy at the forefront of the current energy woes. Also included is a complete flush out of members of congress and other leadership that are being bought and sold by the powerful oil compnaies that determines our very dependance on them. In the interim.....drill in Alaska, and search for different areas that might be prime for drilling. May be more discussions with China and Russia as far as drilling sites. (The terrorists went after our financial infrastructure to cripple us....cripple those Middle Eastern ****s that don't do enought to control the radicals by not buying their ****ing oil!) These ****ers won't be as rich if you take away their largest money maker....the United States.

Move legislation through both branches of congress for the legalization of hemp for agricultural growth. (Hemp oil can be converted to a clean burning fuel alternative. Unlike crude oil......you never run out....you just keep replanting. Also....you give farmers a real chance at making a real living!) This can be done....but it will not be done as long as Oil Companies are allowed to run the show.....hence the assholes like Bush and many other leaders who are owned by these POWERFUL corporations.) With alternative fuels such as Ethanol or the Hemp fuel derivative....you take the pressure off the U.S. automobile manufacturers to come up with Hybrids, that will also keep auto prices affordable for the mass population.

There is more....but what about so far????
Thats a vote I'ld change citizenship to suppot!

But yah, you must realize that the US has become an Oligarchy. (Not that Canada isn't too far off) And the sad thing is that the small ruling group isn't even in politics! (Oil companies being the most prominit)

But in anycase, these no-political rulers are international companies, there interests lay outside their homeland so why the hell would they limit their activities (Drilling, employment, genocide etc..) to the US?

Just realize that you have no say in the workings of your government, its been rigged to self-sustain and nothing short of a Camileaon-goodguy that managed to lie themself into the presidency to try and make a few changes will fix anything. (Which would most likly be boned down by the Senate)
Its really scary how far right the population of the US is, any extrem on the spectrum is gonna leave yous boned. (Not to mention EVERYONE else)

PS: **** off with the instability! Our doller is going up because of it and dammit, i wanna trade with some other non-assholes. (Sorry, just generlizaing)
Actually G., we do have a say. The most horrifying thing to all this is that there are too many "sheeple" as I like to call them that think they have to go out and vote for one of the two morons that the Democrats and Republicans trot out on stage.

Both parties have sold this country out completely! The Republicans have sold it out to large corporations...especially the oil industry, and the Democrats have sold it to special interest groups, and international interests.

Our government was set up to be opposed if it got out of hand, which our forfathers knew could happen. However...most have become complacent with ineadequate leadership, and have become more interested in self-sustaining actions, than in sustaining the country.

"Sheeple" have allowed our Government to run ramshod over themselves, and they are to blinded by bosting that they belong to one party or the other, and that their party can do no wrong.


We have an unfair tax system,

a failing retirement program that people pay good hard earned money into,

spending is way out of control,

We are sacrificing our service men and women over radicals that are more than willing to die themselves....for what? Freedom? Security?

We are leaving our borders wide open to the very people who we are sacrificing our service men and women over. Christ.....might as well piss on their flagged draped coffins when you pull that ****!

We have dolled out billions of dollars to other countries who hate our guts!

Along with the border problems we have allowed over 40+ million undocumented citizens to enter this country illegally causing a drain on the Medical, and Social Security programs which has also aided to the skyrocketing medical care costs.

We have gone after countries like Iraq, while ignoring countries like Iran and North Korea who DO HAVE ****ING NUCLEAR WEAPONS!!!!!

and due to this country's depedancy on foriegn oil for energy, we have sold the souls and very lives of our citizens here and abroad. All this, and we have the technology, and natural resources to stop this dependency, and to sustain and enrich the lives of our citizens for generations after generations and past. Two simple moves that I posted before would have a ripple effect unlike one that has ever occured in this country before. It would help America economically, enviormentally, and even improve our security.

I hope before it is too late, that the voting public of this country wakes up, and tries to change the path we are on...it wouldn't be that hard to do, and that in and of itself is what is so ****ing maddening about the whole scenario!
Well i didn't really mean NO power, but yah the 'sheeple' along with the many un-voting population are the ones allowing this **** to go down. Really, those of us doing nothing but nothing are just as responsable for and BS our governments get our Collective-name in to. Its apathy on a large sacale that allows the numbskulls to run our institutions into the ground and, not that Canada isn't without our idiot politicans, were the US has such a massive effect on the rest of the planet, the gov really gotta get their **** together. I recomand reading a little Chowsky, biased on some points but in genrally he's quite informative. a thinker at anyrate. (Manufacturing Consent being a good'un)

So here is my message to the general american population....


Oh yah, Lose the Theocracy type tendencies and well send you down some bacon and beer. (Now THATS a proper religion!) :p
I deffinately dug the Canadian beer when I was up there! As well as the Northern Lights this dude turned me onto! :D The people were pretty ****ing cool as well!

Had a damn good time! When we left Austin to go there it was about 99 degrees.......when we got to Ottawa, it was 56! Godamn I really dug the **** out of that!
Let me ask you Gentilhomme....

Do you like the Medical Care Program in Canada?

Pros.....and Cons please.
Oooh. I'm Canadian.

Anyways, our health care system is messed up, and I wouldn't trust it as far as I could throw it (which wouldn't be at all, seeing as it's not like I have an "object" on a leash).

In Canada our health care is done by provinces, but obviously with funding and research provided by the federal government. I don't really know the policies for the other provinces, but in Ontario, our health care system provides a lot for us. Without further explanation, a lot of it is "free" and we can go to the clinic, hospital, etc. without receiving a gross bill the next day.

The downfall? The health workers are paid less and go elsewhere to find higher paying work, the waiting lines aren't exactly..small, the duration hours of the "emergency care clinic" are normal work hours in a lot of places, it's hard to find a family doctor who doesn't already have too many clients, etc.

The idea of the ontario health care system seems to exist for the sole purpose of benefitting people financially, but not necessarily benefitting people for convenience, or for the workers.

I'm sure other people have different opinions, and more to add =)
And, in response to the main idea of the post....

Why never America? I'd have to say a few big reasons are:
- America is developed, and developed countries need to look like their like one huge Ronald McDonald Charity, otherwise the world bites there ass.
- But at the same time, if America DOES help/intervene/interfere with another country, the people complain, but as soon as America leaves, where the **** were you guys?
- there's political & economic interest in places like Iraq, bush's daddie, oil, etc.
- providing foreign aid for things like diseases in Africa and the like aren't just an american thing, even though america probably provides the largest portion of financial support, most developed countries provide foreign aid.
- America doens't make friends, it buys them. America needs to buy, because there's too many countries & people that would gladly shove it to the shitholes.

It's just a "thing that's expected" by the peoples internationally, and nationally. You can help make a difference though (yeah, yeah, 1 vote, whoopee), but unfortunately aout 55-60% of the voting population has to agree with you, and as adamantly want to change things before anything huge changes.
Medical Care System in Canada eh, well i'll tell you this. I won't die if i need a heart transplante. Its definatly worth the taxes, although the system isn't perfect i'm a firm believer in the public system, however how 'terrific' it is will vary form province to province. I'm in what we call a 'have not' province. basically we're the poorer folksin or canada, but theres really dum reasons for that that i won't bother getting into. anyhow, you can sometimes end up waiting for longer then you need to (although i never have) The reason for this being mainly people who feel a hospital visit is necessary for something as trivial as a sprained wrist or a slight fever. I generally find that these are city-type pussies that are helpless on their own. (i'm not a redneck by and definition, i just meet VERY few townies that arn't idiots)

So idiots aside, i like it alot. The people bitching really are the ones there for no reason, i had a broken arm for example and although it wasn't life treatening or anything 9obviously) they put me at the front of the line because everyone else there were just whiney fools. so if you really are hurt in any repsectable way, you can usually get what you need no prob (in my experince anyway, like i said it'll differ form place to place)

All i mainly hear ppl bitchin about form the sates is like "OH!! the taxes are TOOO much!" witch is really bullshit. I'm sure as hell not making alot, i'm a student for christs sakes, but i can live comfortably/happily without dumpster diving for my foods etc.. maybe 30cents a day so me or somebody else can LIVE, it's by no means a bum rap.

Here in Nova Scotia we are currently debating allowing privet clinics as well for those who can afford them, i'm still up in ther air on my opinion about that though, :confused:
Yeah, the two-tier system is up for debate in all provinces - but you're right. Our health care systems are abused by people who could NOT go to hospitals, just go to a small clinic, or wahtever, and get a prescription for a bad cough, get crutches for a bad sprain, etc.

I've never had a serious injury, though, so I'm not sure what it's like jumping in the line :p

and our taxes aren't bad, considering how much we get subsidized (health care, education, etc.)
OK!!!!! Great info! Thanks to you both! You see....one thing that alot of liberals are wanting to do is to form a medical program such as Canada's. It all sounds warm and fuzzy, and indeed in a "perfect world" would be so great!

You stated alot take advantage of the medical system there.....

Well, America has 40+ million undocumented workers that already suck the current system into chaos by taking advantage of the system and showing up in Emergency rooms for colds, and the like.

Under a Nationalized Health System, the taxpayers would be bled dry due to the current trends in illegal immagration, as well as our own "problems" that already reside here.

Whenever an individual says "NO" to Nationalized Healthcare, they are immediately labled by liberals as "Nazis" that don't care about the common man.

When in fact...it's the common man that will be severely ****ed in the ass under a National Healthcare program under current situations.

It just adds another reason to why I am so staunch about securing our borders, especially to the south of this Nation!

Everyone I talked to in Canada was very open in the fact that they were displeased with the medical program, and very displeased with the taxes!

My explaination of the great benefits to a Fair Tax system will soon be following.....
i say we dismantle the IRS and just have a flat rate tax, it would make life allot more easy, and securing the Mexican boarder, and don't forget the Californian border (to the rest of America) gotta shut them in.
You mentioned the whole taking advange thing in soem other posts, while it might pose a problem, we DO have measures of prevention so, for example, american tourist can't ake advatage of us. it works well i guess since there have been no complaints to the contrary. We're all given HealthCare cards with ID numbers on em, when you want an appointment you must provide this and some other form of ID when you get to the hospital. the only exception to this is the ER. you are then treated immeditly (if it require immediate attention) and must provide your card number within however long afetr you've been treated, otherwise they get you to fill junk out whaile you're waiting. if it IS a hardcore, "Heal ME" case then they take your info before relase and if you refuse to show the nessessary junk, then they bone you with bills, jail etc...

Not saying that it wouldn't be possible for a few to slip through the cracks, but its a pretty solid system. And being the rich country the US is, i'ld hope you could work things out for yourselves (the larger population may pose a problem, but nothing worth doing is easy)
The problem would be the beuracracy that is involved in everything here, and the strength of special interest groups that would no doubt cloud the system with demands to deal with illegal immigrants. It would kill the taxpayers, plain and simple.

Of course you could thin it all out under a plan of shutting the ****ing borders down, which after all that would be allowed to enter would be DOCUMENTED citizens that the US Government would be aware of, and under a National Fair Tax...they would be tax payers worthy of all goods and services available....they would be assisting in funding of all programs through their tax dollars.

I just have a major problem with those who suck on the government tit....which of course is the tax payer dollars that were worked hard for!
if you hate beuracrasy.... do you think we would be better server by a peaceful dictator or an apathetic democracy? Just a question....
I think the real question here is: Why were we sending people in Iraq food and rebuilding their bulidings? (When there are starving and homeless people right here in our own country).
cynthiaa89 said:
I think the real question here is: Why were we sending people in Iraq food and rebuilding their bulidings? (When there are starving and homeless people right here in our own country).

I can answer that one....

Because we caused them to be starving and ruined their buildings in the first place.......

perhaps we isnt the correct answer.....We=Bush/republican christian fundamentalist right

The REAL question is....why did we get decieved into bombing the country in the first place...we could have used that money to fund education, homless, etc.....
Vortex said:
I can answer that one....

Because we caused them to be starving and ruined their buildings in the first place.......

perhaps we isnt the correct answer.....We=Bush/republican christian fundamentalist right

The REAL question is....why did we get decieved into bombing the country in the first place...we could have used that money to fund education, homless, etc.....

Hmmmm, old thread, but still relevant. Well said Vorty.