New member
Hahahaha! It's true! Woe is the elderly Vietnamese woman who cuts Neal off. I'd hate to be the recipient of one of his tongue lashings.....or wouldn't I? heh.Such as driving, for instance, Ali can tell you that I suddenly turn into a barking drill instructor cutting down other drivers.
(PS: To Wez and Ali --- Vikes suck!)
Care to make a friendly wager this season? Hmmmmmm?
Wow, some of you got really candid. That is just so cool.
TJ and Bender - I can relate to loving a substance abuser. My ex husband got into drugs when we moved to Minneapolis and it completely changed him and our relationship. All he wanted to do was go out, party with his new druggie friends and ***** around. I stayed at home trying to make some semblance out of our lives, but I just couldn't make it work all by myself.
So many fights, so many tears....it was horrible. He grew progressively more belligerant and abusive and I knew it was going to be over soon. I tried to get him to go to counseling, church...anything with me. He didn't want to change. The last straw came when he was served paternity papers for a baby boy he'd had with another woman and the date of conception was MY FUKKING BIRTHDAY. I told him it was over and to get out.....the evening wrapped up with him shoving me into a wall and choking me. He finally came to his senses, stopped and I fell to the floor. He gathered his personal effects and left. I'm convinced he was strung out on coke that night.
During the divorce, I found out that bills I wasn't aware of and other things had been racked up in my name. There was no way I was going to get a red cent out of him for it so I wound up declaring bankruptcy. I still hate, hate, HATE that I had to do it!
I've had other boyfriends since and I had boyfriends before him, too. My usual pattern is I break up with them when they get too close to me. I am absolutely NOTORIOUS for pushing people away. I've had other ones that were verbally, mentally and physically abusive as well...they don't last long. I was also date raped in college and caved into his threats if I told, so I never told anyone in real life about it....not a soul. My own mother doesn't even know it happened to me.
So yeah, I have trust issues galore. When I say I'm not good for anyone, I REALLY mean that I'm not good for anyone. There isn't a man out there patient enough to put up with likes of me.
But I still love men!!!!....lol.
Well. This was cathartic!