Why there are no black NASCAR drivers

RoyalOrleans said:
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, C-J. I'm not the one with that gay yin-yang symbol as an avatar. Grow up, you ain't a skateboarder no more.

Another hilariously moronic & childish statement on your part, do they never end? Is Yin-Yang homosexual? Please enlighten me as to how thats possible, and while you
C-J... said:
Another hilariously moronic & childish statement on your part, do they never end? Is Yin-Yang homosexual? Please enlighten me as to how thats possible, and while you
RoyalOrleans said:
Wow! C-J... I knew you were going to reply with your usual comebacks. Get some new material, ya' shitheel.

I could just pick a number between 1 & 3 as a response, and still come out on top.
Finally, the Real Reason There Are No Black NASCAR drivers...

Hey, how da fuq be I supposed ta hot wired da beeotch when it don' gots any ignition wires on da column? what 'chew trippin foo'
Limbaugh's Top 10 Reasons Why Fans Love NASCAR

10> LOUD! CARS! ROUND and ROUND! Yay!! Football make brain hurt!
9> If there's a crash, cousin Joe Bob might find a tooth donor.
8> My humble, grassroots, Southern Confederate heritage is only affirmed when watching millionaire celebrities race multi-hundred-thousand-dollar cars at billion dollar track events.
7> Roll bars make the ultimate gun rack.
6> For a brief moment, rednecks can believe the Dukes were real. Culture validated!
5> High octane fuel tastes just like moonshine!
4> Helmet and firesuit offer much more protection than a sheet with eye holes.
3> Let's face it, not many dress codes specify a wifebeater and Skoal cap as formal dress.
2> Where else are 70,000 good ol' boys and their barefoot-pregnant sister-wives going to go?


1> Chance to check out NASCAR team trailers for home improvement ideas.
I actually like nascar...after all jeff gordon doesnt know it but he will be my husband some day....

But i thought this thread was about something else other than liking nascar...so ill try to put it back on track....

reason number 55(wherever we left off) a pitstop isnt to get a strawberry soda and hit on the white girls wanting to fill up their "tanks"!

someday a tiger woods will infultrate...but now is not the day apparently!

Caseof rum caseof rum!
you guys ever though there isn't any cart drivers that's black?

black people can't drive that well, if you haven't noticed that in the highway yet. They try to run you over half of the time. Not just the guys but girls especially.

For some reason, not many black drivers in any auto-sports, period.

not in F-1, GT3, Cart Racing, and Rally.

I guess they're too loose.

by the way, that top 10 list wasn't that funny. It's very typical, and predictable and boring.

it's fairely lame.
Everyone knows that if there were black nascar drivers then they would have to start letting all the fans bring they're shot guns to the race. Blacks can't drive on the regular streets, WHY should they be allowed to drive fast with a group of well respected drivers!
No black nascar drivers? Let's see why?

1. Redneckism is mostly a white preserve

2. Caddilacs aren't good stock cars

3. Hydraulic lifters on a race car probably isn't a good idea

4. You go too fast to shoot out anything out of the windows

5. Their bling bling would add too much weight

6. They will all start fighting over who gets to have a Colt 45 decal on their car

7. Their lips will flop around in the wind too much and they will beat the driver to death.

8. The pit crew's bling bling will get caught on tools.
:eek: Blacks are alot more athletic? Perhaps? I mean, blacks encompass at large population of the football, baseball, and basketball players of the world. Could it be that they find racing boring and pointless? or could it be that they don't feel the need to dominate yet another sport?

I tend to agree that they find racing boring and pointless... as do I. The only thing Blacks and I agree on. Ohh... and we both like white women.
I find there are more Hispanics in baseball than blacks. Though there are a few.
And I guess it takes a special kind of white man to find the excitement in driving a car in circles for hours at a time.
back to the topic they are probably too busy street racing to actually want to go into the nascar circuit because they make about the same amount of cash in either setting
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Top 10 Reasons Why There Are No Black Nascar Drivers

10) They Have To Sit Upright.

9) Pistol Won't Stay Under Front Seat.

8) Engines Drown Out The Rap Music.

7) Police Cars On Track Interfere With Race.

6) They Keep Trying To Carjack Dale, Jr.

5) Pit Crew Can't Work On Car While Holding Up Pants At The Same Time.

I'm sorry to say Bro! 'cause i do think you're cool! But there was one black nascar driver back in the late '80's by the name of Willie T Ribs. He's got his own web site, so fill free to look 'em up. But the only difference between him and reguler black folks is that he acted normal and he was a good man!
Limbaugh's Top 10 Reasons Why Fans Love NASCAR

10> LOUD! CARS! ROUND and ROUND! Yay!! Football make brain hurt!
9> If there's a crash, cousin Joe Bob might find a tooth donor.
8> My humble, grassroots, Southern Confederate heritage is only affirmed when watching millionaire celebrities race multi-hundred-thousand-dollar cars at billion dollar track events.
7> Roll bars make the ultimate gun rack.
6> For a brief moment, rednecks can believe the Dukes were real. Culture validated!
5> High octane fuel tastes just like moonshine!
4> Helmet and firesuit offer much more protection than a sheet with eye holes.
3> Let's face it, not many dress codes specify a wifebeater and Skoal cap as formal dress.
2> Where else are 70,000 good ol' boys and their barefoot-pregnant sister-wives going to go?

True that! Rush is always right!
Their lips will flop around in the wind too much and they will beat the driver to death.
This one almost made me delete all the ****ing users on the site because I was laughing so hard. I have to remember not to read anything in the forums while I working on the site.
I wouldn't say blacks aren't in any motor sports. The top short track motorcycle racer is black and the top dirt track rider is also black. They do love those bikes. Especially driving down the interstate at 100+ MPH on the back wheel.