will it leak?

i may now actually download it with my new fast up to date computer. it save me from spending money which is a good thing seeing as this album will probably be ****.
are you serious with that?
so how do these things get leaked?

The label sends the CDs out before the release date to stores so they can have them stocked the day the CD is released. Usually, douchebags within the companies and stories take the CDs home, rip them and release them themselves.
The label sends the CDs out before the release date to stores so they can have them stocked the day the CD is released. Usually, douchebags within the companies and stories take the CDs home, rip them and release them themselves.
Douchebags? You mean gods, right?
The label sends the CDs out before the release date to stores so they can have them stocked the day the CD is released. Usually, douchebags within the companies and stories take the CDs home, rip them and release them themselves.

but what about the cds that leak 4 - 6 mouths before they hit stores?

those guys is not douche bags

because you are.....OH SNAPZ, YOU NEEDZ IC3 For That Burn? :lol::rofl::p
*stares at posts*

wow what the f**k just happened to me? I have seen every angle, those who think it will be great, those who think it will be bad, those who will steal it, those who wont. One thing I must add in. If it is leaked, I am going to download it, but that goddamn day it is realeased, I am skipping school and running to the local album store, and slamming down the money. He will nod, ad hand me the album. I will run out and scream "I have it" and all the people around me? they are going to know I am a Linkin Park fan. So I don't really care about what a majority of you say.

By the way, referring to the post about stopping downloads by napster and that s**t. Someone said KoRn tryed to stop illegal downloading? But isn't the song "Y'all Want A Single" against that? F**king Hypocrites.

Thank you for reading my post.
depends on ho9w we listen to it to see how bad or good it is. If it is indeed different, then if we expect too much of it to be like meteora or hybrid theory, we re just setting ourselves for a fall, i think the best thing for all of us once we buy the album is to listen to it with an open mind, we just set ourselves up for a fall if we expect it to be exactly like mete or ht.

we already have a doomsayer saying the albums gonna be ****, thats enthusiasm, i spose you could say hes just making sure he isnt setting himself up for disappointment. But there really is little point in bagging an album before its even released, that treatment is usually reserved for people who dont like a band(ie not a fan) and forsee crapness