will it leak?

First of all pull your head out of your *** - who are you to know the exact reference to what was said and that the same context does not apply here? Mike and the rest of the band have always been supporters of music for the fans and the widespread utilisation of the internet, it is indesputably where they started anyway was it not? And as far as legitimizing said claims to the new album who are you to say that they arent refering to that which is to come? If they have pared the list down what will come of the tracks that didn't make it to the album? Are you going to say that they wont use the same approach and offer these as "b-sides" (as you say) for free download for their ever-demanding fanbase? If so why draw the line between the album and the unreleased tracks? Korn and U2 to name a few got on their high horses and put a stop to illegal downloading of their music (or attempted to) but LP oes not seem and has never seemed so dead against it.
First and foremost they are about the music. They just want to be heard. They've made their mark, they're apparently not in it for the money but the creative process, and like every other recording artist just want to be heard. After all these years they must know that they have some sort of loyal following that will purchase the new album. For the others that dont or may be uninitiated or whatever they still theoretically have the option to listen to downloaded/leaked versions of songs and make up their own mind. If such leaks and downloads bring in new fans then arguably the band would approve of that - after its still a win-win situation for them because either way their music still gets out there and gets heard. That would be the smarter way to play it, and being the astute businessmen they are I'm sure they've weighed up the pros and cons of leaked/downloaded/illegal copies. If they haven't maybe it's about time they did.
And while you're running off at the mouth about said quotes taken out of apparent context a touch of much-needed tact and deorum wouldn't hurt - especially for someone in a mod stats who's supposed to be overseeing proceedings - at best educating those who may not know of so-called facts you seem so proud to revere, NOT degrading.

after reading that whole thing.....

I still agree with Hahninator
With that said I think the single will leak for sure, but idk about album is possible.

First of all pull your head out of your *** - who are you to know the exact reference to what was said and that the same context does not apply here? Mike and the rest of the band have always been supporters of music for the fans and the widespread utilisation of the internet, it is indesputably where they started anyway was it not? And as far as legitimizing said claims to the new album who are you to say that they arent refering to that which is to come? If they have pared the list down what will come of the tracks that didn't make it to the album? Are you going to say that they wont use the same approach and offer these as "b-sides" (as you say) for free download for their ever-demanding fanbase? If so why draw the line between the album and the unreleased tracks? Korn and U2 to name a few got on their high horses and put a stop to illegal downloading of their music (or attempted to) but LP oes not seem and has never seemed so dead against it.
First and foremost they are about the music. They just want to be heard. They've made their mark, they're apparently not in it for the money but the creative process, and like every other recording artist just want to be heard. After all these years they must know that they have some sort of loyal following that will purchase the new album. For the others that dont or may be uninitiated or whatever they still theoretically have the option to listen to downloaded/leaked versions of songs and make up their own mind. If such leaks and downloads bring in new fans then arguably the band would approve of that - after its still a win-win situation for them because either way their music still gets out there and gets heard. That would be the smarter way to play it, and being the astute businessmen they are I'm sure they've weighed up the pros and cons of leaked/downloaded/illegal copies. If they haven't maybe it's about time they did.
And while you're running off at the mouth about said quotes taken out of apparent context a touch of much-needed tact and deorum wouldn't hurt - especially for someone in a mod stats who's supposed to be overseeing proceedings - at best educating those who may not know of so-called facts you seem so proud to revere, NOT degrading.

Yeah, I agree with FireHawk, after reading that, i still agree with Hahninator.

It was just one quote, from one song, at one show. It wasnt in reference to everything else.

Imagine if every LP fan downloaded the album, and didnt buy it. Sure, people say "well they would make the money from the tours", but they wouldnt, because they wouldnt even have the money to go on tour.

Ravylee said:
Korn and U2 to name a few got on their high horses and put a stop to illegal downloading of their music (or attempted to) but LP oes not seem and has never seemed so dead against it.

LP has stopped illegal downloads of their music before.
Take Linkin Inside for example, they have shut down that site a few times.
They dont seem to fussed about Live Bootlegs, probably because they dont gain, or lose any money from them, but other official material Warner stops straight away.
Even if it leaks, i wont download it. I'd wait for the album/single to be officially released and then buy it to listen to it.

It's just a different kind of feeling.
Well, think what y'all like. We're all entitled to our own opinions - as I figure this thread is a question isn't it, not a rhetorical statement. And regardless I still stand by what I said. Disagree if y'all want. There's valid points for and against. I aint about to get my panties in a twist over hypotheticals that really have little if anything to do with us, there's far greater issues on the planet that take precedence - and consider theoretically we aren't in the position to leak it or not. Not only that but perhaps a greater question would have been IF it were leaked WOULD you download it and why/not? I think regardless when it's all said and done it will be leaked. I can't see such an act being such a catasptrophic detrament to the band if and when that should happen.
Would I download it? Hell yes.
Would I go out and buy the album? Hell, just try and stop me!
We can all think what we want there is nothing like a Pope in here who says THIS is the truth and everything else is just rubbish. As long as there isn't an official statement from the band about this each one of us can voice whichever opinion they want! What I WILL stress though and I HAVE stressed it in other threads too, is that people who consider themselves civilised express their disagreement NOT through degrading others' opinions but through respect and valid aguments ONLY!!! Before we learn to be ANYTHING else in this world, we should primarily learn to behave and treat others how we expect to be treated... Rant over.
Well, think what y'all like. We're all entitled to our own opinions - as I figure this thread is a question isn't it, not a rhetorical statement. And regardless I still stand by what I said. Disagree if y'all want. There's valid points for and against. I aint about to get my panties in a twist over hypotheticals that really have little if anything to do with us, there's far greater issues on the planet that take precedence - and consider theoretically we aren't in the position to leak it or not. Not only that but perhaps a greater question would have been IF it were leaked WOULD you download it and why/not? I think regardless when it's all said and done it will be leaked. I can't see such an act being such a catasptrophic detrament to the band if and when that should happen.
Would I download it? Hell yes.
Would I go out and buy the album? Hell, just try and stop me!

I am the same, i would download the leak, and then go buy the album, so Im still suporting the artist, just getting an advanced preview lol. But what I dont like is people just downloading LP and not buying it afterwards.
man i cant wait till this leaks, well i hope it dose....but ya.....
so if it leaks will there be a thread about it?

or will the board stop all of that, and pretend it never happened?
someone will start Pm'ing the file to everyone as soon as someone finds out
the admins will most likely shut it down since it IS official LP material =O
Yeah, I agree with FireHawk, after reading that, i still agree with Hahninator.

It was just one quote, from one song, at one show. It wasnt in reference to everything else.

Imagine if every LP fan downloaded the album, and didnt buy it. Sure, people say "well they would make the money from the tours", but they wouldnt, because they wouldnt even have the money to go on tour.

LP has stopped illegal downloads of their music before.
Take Linkin Inside for example, they have shut down that site a few times.

They dont seem to fussed about Live Bootlegs, probably because they dont gain, or lose any money from them, but other official material Warner stops straight away.

In that you are incorrect. That is Warner who is shutting down sites like that. We have no clue what LP really thinks about that.

It will leak... when is the question however.

My opinion on downloading it ahead of time is go for it just so long as you definetly buy it when it comes out. :thumbsup:
real strong,true words there :D
problem is those ****ers who like the music but dont have the **** in them to buy it...
its just 15$... u can live without coke and macdonalds for a week :)
real strong,true words there :D
problem is those ****ers who like the music but dont have the **** in them to buy it...
its just 15$... u can live without coke and macdonalds for a week :)
not where I live...
around here it costs double, some countries maybe more

not sayin I won't buy it, but CDs are too expensive for me to buy on a regular basis
ill type up a long response later today when I have time.

I wouldn't make a statement here unless I had facts to back it up and knew 100% what I was talking about. I have friends that are close to the band, I know what I'm talking about.
First of all pull your head out of your *** - who are you to know the exact reference to what was said and that the same context does not apply here? Mike and the rest of the band have always been supporters of music for the fans and the widespread utilisation of the internet, it is indesputably where they started anyway was it not? And as far as legitimizing said claims to the new album who are you to say that they arent refering to that which is to come? If they have pared the list down what will come of the tracks that didn't make it to the album? Are you going to say that they wont use the same approach and offer these as "b-sides" (as you say) for free download for their ever-demanding fanbase? If so why draw the line between the album and the unreleased tracks? Korn and U2 to name a few got on their high horses and put a stop to illegal downloading of their music (or attempted to) but LP oes not seem and has never seemed so dead against it.
First and foremost they are about the music. They just want to be heard. They've made their mark, they're apparently not in it for the money but the creative process, and like every other recording artist just want to be heard. After all these years they must know that they have some sort of loyal following that will purchase the new album. For the others that dont or may be uninitiated or whatever they still theoretically have the option to listen to downloaded/leaked versions of songs and make up their own mind. If such leaks and downloads bring in new fans then arguably the band would approve of that - after its still a win-win situation for them because either way their music still gets out there and gets heard. That would be the smarter way to play it, and being the astute businessmen they are I'm sure they've weighed up the pros and cons of leaked/downloaded/illegal copies. If they haven't maybe it's about time they did.
And while you're running off at the mouth about said quotes taken out of apparent context a touch of much-needed tact and deorum wouldn't hurt - especially for someone in a mod stats who's supposed to be overseeing proceedings - at best educating those who may not know of so-called facts you seem so proud to revere, NOT degrading.

woaa ravy...ive never seen u at ur maddest
I rarley buy cds that arent from indie labels now cause I know that these corporations dont deserve the money they get cause they have no passion for music.