Wish Granted


New member
Granted..but someone makes an ironic twist out of it so you don't get to enjoy it anymore..lol

I wish i could be the strongest guy on earth



New member
granted but you went blind...except for seeing through walls...wow that was lame...

i wish i was the suicide bomber that runs in ugur90



New member
granted..but then you can never go to sleep in your life

i wish i cud get mr.hahn's dj equipment for my b-day



New member
damnit you gotta wish.. ok so you wish for nothing?

granted but you get everything.. turned out pretty good hey? :p

i wish i didnt have to go to matchs extra class tomoz :\



New member
oops yh i forgot >.<

wish granted: yh but it comes again the next day

i wish for a dancin pup



New member
tou know the sad thing is.. i have to go all week.. so ya its true i have to go the day after tomoz :(

granted but its a bulldog :>

i wish school would never start again



New member
Granted but now you have to go to ballet lessons instead of school for the rest of your life

I wish school was all about Linkin Park



New member
granted but the then lp decides to stop makin music

i wish i could haave some braaivleis right about now :D

soz fo the afrikaans word :>



New member
lol ill eat the braaivleis before it eats me ><

granted but your wings are made of wax and it mels.. poor you..

i wish rusu didt die falling



New member
granted but you lost both your legs.. least is didnt hurt :D

i wish lp would hurry with the new album...

yeah can always get new legs ^^ *attempts to steal GraDoN's legs*

granted, but now it sucks like **** :O

I wish LP's new album is so awesome that words cannot describe its awesomeness



New member
Granted but now your busy and don't have the time to do stuff you want.

I wish i had a good dvd to watch.

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