KVH technically took most of the words right out of my mouth. But for the sake of ranting, I'm gonna quote and give my own version of these ideas. Keep in mind I don't believe ALL women are like this but those that are classified as *******, whores, *****, *****, hypocrites, and any other type of vaginal degenerate you can think of...ESPECIALLY those with mental issues.
1. They think bars were made for womenkind to make ***** of themselves
Yea really. I never understood that. All this rhetoric about being used for *** and guys staring at them and all that **** and what are they doing? Dancing on top of the ******* bar naked and letting sik ***** drag them home. LETTING THEM! And the words "I was drunk!" is not a valid excuse.
2. They crave attention that isn't due to them
Attention ***** fits quite well. The whole world doesn't revolve around you sweetheart. Give us a ******* break if we don't call every 10 seconds, or we hang out with the guys, or we play our video games, or watch football. Just like you girls demand space, we like ours too. Most of us sensible guys WILL not give you attention when you want it only for you to decide when to "summon" us or push us away.
3. They flirt their way into everything and use ***/*** appeal to get free things -- then they ***** about being treated like a *** object
The army is THE perfect example. This one girl got promoted with stripes just for sucking the **** of all the officers on post. Then you got the ones in the civilian world that kiss up to their boss just to get extra pay. Then ***** that they are being treated sexually and guys are pigs. I find that quite revolting.
4. They think men are supposed to play bodyguard and fight their battles for them.
This is true AND false. There are some women who don't want their man to fight. But for those that do...attention whores. They want to feel special that a guy will sweat and bleed for them. They want some barbaric knuckledragger to take care of them. The same jackass that will probably abuse them later. I can see if someone was threatening the girl and the guy defending her...that's fine. But sending him to beat up someone that stares at her wrong or just because some guy accidentally knocks over her ice cream? **** WITH THAT. Any girl that says "I need a man to protect me." is the one you need to stay far away from. Protect you from what? Hordes of guys that say "HELLO!" to you? Get a life or shoot yourself.
5. They think any guy who isn't Brad Pitt or doesn't own a Bently is a slimy old loser pervert person
Unless the girl has alot of money themselves. Then all guys are slimy losers. Unless she don't like paying for things on her own. Mainly with young girls looks are THE NUMBER ONE reason they want someone. Trial and error I guess. But when a girl asks me "What kind of car do I have?" or "How much do you make?" it is time to shut this goldigging predator down.
6. They think that their BF/Husband's money is for THEIR ****.
I wouldn't know but I hear stories bout stuff of this nature all the time.
Now some things I'd like to tell womankind
1. You're NOT a princess so don't act like it or expect to be treated as such
I definitely agree. I especially hate those that say..."I'm a dyme. Holla at yo girl! You know you want me." Ummm ***** please. You are NOT a dyme, you are just a used up bus token. And you are NOT my girl...I sure as **** don't want no stuck up ***** gutter **** trash heap trying to control my life and think she can get her way with a "ghetto booty" and all that. Make yourself useful and go feed a barracuda with your worthless existance.
2. Supermodels, Pro Athletes, Actors, Popstars, and Captains of Industry DATE AND HANG OUT WITH EACH OTHER. They don't give a **** about some average jane/joe.
That's the entertainment industry for ya. Not to mention in America they spead this anti-male propaganda all over the **** place. Have you ever seen the commercials and movies? 9 times out of 10 when a guy and girl are competing for ANYTHING, who usually comes out on top? The woman naturally. Just another way of trying to make younger impressionalbe people pick up lousy habits like opposing the opposite ***. Pop stars included. All the teen angst of "My boyfriend sucks!" and all that ****. The "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them" shirts. But as soon as something remotely against a woman pops up, all guys are automatically SEXIST. That is ******* bullshit.
3. That lonely older guy ISN'T a slimy sleezeball. He's something else. What he is is called "NORMAL". In other words, he wants human contact just like everyone else.
Well that's the one thing I can beg to differ. Not all older guys are pedos but you have a few who want a younger girl cuz she's young and dumb. Then again, not all older guys who are nice to younger girls are looking for entrance to her pants. Goes both ways.
4. Are you poor? Didn't think so. So buy your own ******* drinks at the bar.
Exactly. With that being said and done...why don't YOU buy ME a drink!?! Non-alcoholic though...I don't comsume alcohol.
5. Speaking of the bar, You aren't sexy when you go up there and **** out or climb onto the bar or stripper stage. You look like a drunken ***. And the strip club crowd paid 15 dollars to see the STRIPPERS, NOT SOME DRUNK *****.
I cannot further elaborate on that comment. The nail has been hit on the head.
6. I'm not fighting anyone for you. Someone staring at you? Someone flirting with you? Someone call you a name? Ex boyfriend ****** off? DEAL WITH IT!
I owe you a shitload of rep, BIG time.
I can go on and on. For years men have always been seen as the criminals. ALWAYS. If there is a divorce or a breakup it is ALWAYS the guy's fault. I don't understand that concept. If she did something wrong, it is STILL his fault. He MADE her cheat. WTF? It is perfectly okay for girls to get away with **** like this. But if ONE guy ***** up, the whole gender is tainted. It is about time the females get bashing of my own. Once again, just the ******* and ***** and so on. So if you think I am being sexist or KVH is being sexist, then you are nothing more than a product and a tool of today's society and media that taints your brain with this ridiculous propaganda that is plaguing our nation.
P.S. I still don't condone rapes and cheating and all the other **** some of us guys do. Still think I'm sexist? Well I feel very sorry for you. Seachelle (a rare member here) already got my verbal bashing and she's seen the light. A once ranting feminist turned sensible. Take notes from her.
http://Off Topic Forum.com/showthread.php?t=53547