Woody's journel

What do you think of Woody?

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  • Can I get back to you on that?

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"he's not going to get my number for a good reason"

i was just telling you he doesn't want it, is there a part to that which you can understand?

"So I've got some
Advice for you, little buddy
Before you point your finger
You should know that
I'm the man.
If I'm the ****in' man
Then you're the ****in' man as well
So you can
Point that ****in' finger up your ass " - Tool.

Don't over inflate your little ego, you shouldn't be proud of what you have become.
Maybe you should take the advice of Sally as she once told me a couple of months ago... "Don't trust Taffy..." I intend to... in fact, I don't know why we had this argument...it's over a person who turns out to be a complete two-faced jerk.

Nothing much has been happening, going to a Killing Heidi concert which is coming up...I have to go down to Anthea's 20th soon so that'll be grand to see what she's planning for her b'day.
At least we agree on one thing.

Mum's back from Queensland!! And she brought me all this Gothic stuff back, I'm like yay!!!
Some dark and disturbing stuff has been happening in my household lately. I don't want to talk about it, because I broke down in tears this morning when I tried explaining it to Mum this morning.
Omg nothing much I can tell everybody. Just high school and i am still the noob of yr 12 Bathurst High. I paid for my jersey saying "Woods" on the back because the other 2 sarah's in the group were just getting sarah on the back of their hooded jerseys.
I got asked out by jack, and I said okay, So he came over 8 am this morning and drove me around in his blue hatchbackl and bought me V, in which was the only thing Anthea and I have been drinking all day in Parramatta. Apparently he had liked me for 3 months and only told Anthea and anthea had only told me a couple of days ago thjat he liked me. So i txted him asking him if it was true and he said yes it was true and a couple of hours later after constantly being called cute (WTF IS IT WITH PPL CALLING ME CUTE???) we were going out. Now, I just have to tell Mum about him. :)