Woody's journel

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Apparently thats paedophila according to Scott. According to me, it's a album cover.

YAY! I've done 2 exams over and done with !!! I did IPT yesterday, and did English today !!! Got Geography tomorrow, then a 4 day weekend. Then I have Maths on Monday and then on Tuesday I get Modern History.

I feel so loved.
I am going good. Got up at 9.30 am after being woken up with my stepdad burging through my door. Rockin to some Cherub Rock by the almighty Pumpkins.

Recieved a letter from Ash yesterday after the exams, which nearly made me cry on the bus back. Other than that nothing much.
YAY ! 4 day weekend !! 2nd day into it. My sister is coming down for the week, in which I finish next Friday and after that no more year 11 !!! But year 12 ... ****.

Been getting into Garbage, Shirley Manson rocks my socks. Lol, when I first learnt her name I thought she was related to Marilyn Manson. But my brother was like "Ah, that's not his real name" im like "****."

I've got General Maths exam 8.30 to 11.30 on Monday, then Modern History on Tuesday from 8.30 to 11.30 (both am lol). I'm so gonna flunk maths, no wonder I am dropping it.

I found out that Tristan likes me. Ew. He's okay as a friend but nothing more than a friend I see him as. And I think that's the same way Benecke feels about me. Man, I can't change the fact that him and Ash are going out and that's taken me a long time to admit to that.

My ass is asleep but I don't want to move.
Sip it. Eat it. Then shut the **** up about it. I D'arcy says:
ahh ! the white stripes !
Sip it. Eat it. Then shut the **** up about it. I D'arcy says:
I love you! the denial twist !
ZERO ~ Anyone going to the third Red hot chili concert? says:
I ****ing love that song to death
Sip it. Eat it. Then shut the **** up about it. I D'arcy says:
now start playing the doorbell song and you'll be on your way of being ****ed by me
ZERO ~ Anyone going to the third Red hot chili concert? says:
I'm thinkin bout my door bell ringing
Sip it. Eat it. Then shut the **** up about it. I D'arcy says:
*****s chloe*
ZERO ~ Anyone going to the third Red hot chili concert? says:

One of the most interesting conversations I've had today.
I've discovered the ****ed up rhealms of wireless internet. My nephew is being annoying, even though he's 1 year old, he's annoying the crap out of me.
Every time I walk away from the computer with the net on, and he's the reason why I have to walk away, the net ****ing goes down.

Well today I woke up at 7 am. I went to bed at 2 am. Because I was talking to Ravyn on MSN the whole time. My Dad thought I was asleep. The quote in my sig is from our little 3 hour conversation. Gay MSN and gay wireless networks dropping in and out. Yeah she got to see the dirty side of me in that conversation.
Lol so much has happened. So I am going to start with today, what happened today. Anthea and I got her camera, because I didn't want to chase after Huon all day (he's down with Mum and Dad and I cos Beck's in Melbourne), like I did yesterday. I didn't want to clean up his vomit, after yesterday's incident in the car when Mum and I had Huon in the backseat, in the Blue Mountains, he THREW UP ALL OVER HIS CARSEAT AND THE CARSEATS !! and not to mention himself. And guess who had to clean it up? ME !! Aunt Sarah had to clean all of Huon's vomit up. Blrgh.

So today, Anthea and I got her digital camera, me being a total slut in one of them, and other ones that looked like I was either stoned or dead. There was this one pic that had me with my normal goth eyeliner on and my eyes were just highlighted completely. So if I show that to Mel she would be like:
"I want to **** your eyes."

I banged my head several times, trying to plug USB drives into Anthea's computer and I am somewhat deluded, temporily right now. I have to listen to ****ing Destiny's Child because I didn't bring any of my CDs, and I apparently love it. Even though my fav bands are A Perfect Circle, The Smashing Pumpkins, Zombie Girl, Pearl Jam, Nine Inch Nails and Cradle of Filth. Goths <3

Um, number of dirty conversations with Ravyn on the phone, and I am wanting to go to my friends party where there's nothing but goths just present. Apparently, at one party that I went to, I started a cult, according to a drunk guy. Because I had gotten Ed into NIN, and that was the starting of a cult. Of coarse it's a ****ing cult, NIN cults on VF rock.

Ah, I miss VF so much. Ergh, Destiny's Child is bugging me with the current head ache that I am being treated for.
woodyloveslinkin said:
The only people on LPF that call me that are Allie and Rav (and she usually says that to me on the phone). Jo just calls me darlin'.
That may have sth to do with the fact that Allie and I are like the two oldest members around (age wise, not time wise) so at least at my age (a whopping great 30 lmfao) everyone's dear. Meh. Deal with it I say. Could be way worse. You ought to know. Our long conversations on the phone should attest for that one ;)

Well, headbutting desks isn't the best way to keep one's self entertained... but as long as you didn't sustain any permanent injuries then I guess its all good. Mostly. Good music at least.

Have fun at camp. Stay away from sting rays and fast cars. And if you happen to see either on your 'daywalking' hikes I suggest you turn around and haul ass as fast as you can humanly manage it in the opposite direction and seek medical attention... cause obviously you've sustained more serious head trauma than you thought ;) Oh and avoid desks. And should one jump out at you from behind a tent or sth do not, I repeat DO NOT head butt in as a form of self defence... you should have learned that lesson well enough already. Hahahaha.

Rob says he loves you too.

~Rav :D
Excuse me but hudbutting works when I want my brother out of my room and when he has something of mine... YES BITING AND LICKING MY BROTHER IS THE BEST WAY TO GET RID OF HIM OUT OF MY ROOM !!!

Yeah, but Im going to see if I can find an echdna (sp?) and pick it up with gloves on and throw it at Edward. Lol, like I've ever had the guts to go near one, I got startled by going near a kangaroo on Geo camp.

Go Mr vancers and rachel <3

Lol disenfencting yourself from brian molko germs.
anway where do I start?

Let's start with me moving to Bathurst. Back to good ol' Bathurst my home town. Now I'm closer to my sister than I've ever been lol.

I'm going to another drop kick public high school called Bathurst High. It was that or another private school here called "MacKillop" which is full of crap.

Mel was like to me on the phone when i told her that I was leaving scecgs "I ****ing hate you little bitch! I'm going to go down there and stalk you!" I don't have any friends down here that I know of from primary school, all full of bitches at MacKillop that I went to with primary school.

I haven't spoken to Ash and thank god for that. I hate to be cruel but she deserves every single bit of wraith I've given her.

Anthea's got a job placement at a travel agency (i tried calling her the other day but she wasn't picking up so i called Rav instead, and there was another phone call coming through at one stage and it was anthea...ooops). I said to her that it would be really sad if they placed her on bookings, because knowing her she'll put a person on a flight to South Africa instead of England. Lol.

Talking of dear ol' Anthea, she cut my hair the other day, too much of her Mother's dismay, so I was bored the other day so I cut my hair even shorter. It was wet and I saw a pair of scissors, plus I was bored, so I gave myself a dodgy short fringe, that I can't put back in my hair.

My friend Callen wears more makeup than Brian Molko does. Racheal thinks that I like Callen cos all we ever talk about is sex and heavy metal music. Lol. That's put me off totally.
Anyway, nothing much new, managed to break firewall blocks on this site at school, well this particular computer.

Been writing Vicarious too much, even I've lost Rav in the middle of it all.

Sarah, my friend. her bf Tim, is setting me up on a blind date on Saturday. So that's gonna be interesting cos, my crush, Chris, he kinda knows that I like him, and yeah, he got his gf onto me. Eek.

I do canteen duty, so I can get free food.

Lost my phone in the move, the camera **** ass one, and now my Sister has given her old Nokia to me. It's got Eeyore (-sp?) from Whinnie the Pooh on it, as it's cover. I want another one, but she's still in the process of finding another one.

Everyone is delusional, I've find out. They think Brian Molko is a girl, even Heather and Zoe agrees. Anthea, Zoe and Ravyn are in the "Let's Bag out Sarah" club. With Anthea being the founder, cos she's been doing it since Year 7 for me.
Wtf? What kind of club??

Anywho Im happily drinking the night away on new years eve and mum's not gonna get the net at home in bathurst. Had to sit next to a crying baby called my 18th month nephew named Huon today over the blue mountains because we've travelled to sydney to see relatives.....oh yay...

um.. got a new kitten named miffy for christmas and a digital camera...so i've been such a camera whore. I saw Eragon with Heather and Callin...

We saw the dragon and we were both like "Can I have that for christmas?" Heather - "Only if you get me one". Then we Alice and all that after the movie went to the new DNA cafe in William St.

Nothing much than that really...
Well I woke up the same way as I do everytime I have Miffy in with me, scratches all up my legs, because she thinks it's funny to wake me up at dawn.
I went to IGA yesterday and Sarah was working. She served me and Dad and she was like:
"Why didn't you go to see Happy Feet with us all?" As in Callin, Erin, Rachel, Alice, Heather and Steven....and I said to her I had to be in Sydney so she's like "Screw you!!"
I had to wait a freaking hour in line and sitting down in Centrelink today which really annoyed me, because it took them about 3 minutes to tell me the reason why they've cut my payment.
I was going to post pictures of Miffy, but yet again, I couldn't be bothered going to my photobucket and getting them. She sooooo adorable.
What did I do for New Years Eve? I went to Sydney and stayed at Antheas and ran around the nieghbourhood drunk while carrying HOTTTT sparklers...I found out the hard way...and we got randomly hugged by this chick that was obviously drunk because she joined Anthea in dancing in the middle of the road at 11 pm. It was weird...and she lived near Anthea so even more freakier.
Then the when the 1st of January actually came, I had to go and see my relatives....thank god I have patience with them...and Huon, he drives me nuts sometimes...but you can't blame him he's only 18 months...
Then afterwards Anthea shouted me an icecream, yum...
The next day which in my terms, was yesterday we went back to Bathurst with a screaming baby right next to me...God help my sister with that child of hers.

Now I have to go and distract that child while my sister gets ready to move...
Tell him that it's not my number he has, it's actually Anthea's...he's not going to get my number for a good reason...

Well I've finished my second text out of four texts I have to do for my advanced english..I made utter bullshit up on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Phoenix and explained of how it conveyed imaginary journeys through blah blah blah etc. For my visual I'm doing Signs that movie, I was gonna do Donnie Darko but Liz took it before I could choose. The first one that I finished was "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" I wrote 5 pages on it...yes! A + here I come!


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What part of it's not my number but Anthea's don't you get? And that baby ****...I know nothing of... he was the one that kept sending msgs and I saw them for myself that he wanted me back...and then he msgs again saying that he changed his number and yet, if that was my real number..why would he want it?

It's Tims 18th soon and he wants to go camping for his party, Tabitha told me...So I was like "I'll get him a present but I'm not going ****ing camping on 2 days" especially when it's 29 degrees here...

Other than that I haven't touched my geography work in which I am 4 weeks behind in, haven't touched my english work and I've been playing Need for Speed Underground 2 on XBOX and Sims 2 on my laptop...other than that nothing much...