Woody's journel

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  • I don't like her at all.

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  • Can I get back to you on that?

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Well here in our country it's not that easy to meet fellow LPFers, you'd get lost just trying to find them. Then add a teeny little bit of discrimination.
He's also one of ours, an LPFer. If I'm not mistaken of the spelling, I think his username is Projekt_Parusa.
And I am annoyed at myself cos I lost her number... damn we got together like a year and half ago and before than we didn't speak for about 4 or 5 years to each other. Cos I was in and out of the country.
That's ok. Is she here in the country now? Who knows, I might crash into her when I'm walking down the street..
I think she is still here. Last I heard cos my Dad knows her Mum and my sister knows her Mum as well.

Okay, I am SO OVER GEOGRAPHY !! blerg, like Kimmy says. I finally did my geo project which is late and i have been offered maths tutoring from Rachel cos she's going so bad and im like
"I'll tutor you!"
Even though I am failing general maths.

I ran into Shayne...my HOT HOT ex-maths tutor when walking home from one from school at town hall. He said he was coming back from Uni and he was like:

and he cracked up laughing.
Well, first, sorry about that boy...but don't feel too bad about it...
It's not even worth it...really... ;)
As for school...I hope everything is gonna be alright...you'll manage to deal with it somehow, I'm sure... :thumbsup:
Lot's of luck, take care and have fun!
yay another school day and i have to perform for year 7s at recess my shakespeare midsummers night dream thingi. I wanna go to NIDA (national insitute of dramatic arts) workshops in the holidays.

i have hand in geo assessment....blrgh..
nah i think i might want to do music clip directing.

YAY! I get to sleep over at Ash's tonight. Cos the drama play that we have to watch goes from 8-11 and Mum doesn't want to pick me up. So I am going over to Ash's place.

I ran into Bianca today!! Omg, we had a gossip fest about Iain. lol. the public toilet thing was grand.
i want to hurt benecki. i found out he asked ash and mel out. but both of them said no. I got pissed off cos he didn't take any considerations of how i felt. i found this out last night after the drama play that we watched. We went to the seymour centre and watched "Capricornia"

OMG !! when the guy came on the lead actor, IT WAS THE GUY FROM THE ALICE !!