{Wood'z Journal Act 2}


New member
If I remember right there wasn't anything really bad lol I think I was actually disappointed if I remember right lmao


New member
from a image on LPF :p

I went threw like 3 pages lol

And I might have seen it it just depends on what you think is dirty...I have seen a lot and its hard for me to think of much as dirty anymore...



New member
Well what did I do?

I planned out with Rav about floorplans...I woke up twenty minutes until Tabitha was supposed to come, then went out for a morning ***, came back ten minutes later, still not dressed for the world to see a half decent sarah which had practically crawled outta bed, called Tabitha and said it was going to snow and she couldn't come over XD

Going home tomorrow, ergh, Dan wants to stay the night so we can "talk" cos he's picking me up from the railway station at wagga and wants to see some places together. The reason he said he wanted to spend a "friendly" night night together (I gotta get Elise to come over if she's not working...well working at North Wagga KFC with Kimmy, Christan and Ned sounds fun...hmmm) ****, talk about awkwardness. I'm going to be busy in the next few days....

I went for a bakery spot in Marketplace shopping centre on Baylis St in Wagga today via the internet. But still applying for North Wagga KFC, just cos Christan's really hot (but he's got a gf, Emma :( ) and Elise and I love having pointless historical arguments (cos she does History at uni)....

Not looking forward going back.



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OMG ! Daniel has to come back with my groceries that I left in his car and he's gone back to Narrandera :( I don't have any food and I have to wait until our next house inspection that we've got lined up on Saturday. He has to come back !! He's not answering any of my txts and I don't have calling credit so I can't call him *cries* I have only got cereal and milk and $10 left in my wallet and $6 in my bank account and that's supposed to have lasted me until next pay day, next Tuesday. *cries even more*

So what did I do? I had a good time :D There's this sweet house that I really want and it's so close to the bus stop at the south campus of my uni and it's cheaper than the unit that we looked at at first, which was on Baylis St (the huge *** long street that has basically every shop in wagga on it), which wasn't very nice at first, but it was $170, but this place, modern townhouse $160 just down the road from south campus, between two people sweet ***! And Tania, Daniel's sis, is going to give us the money for the bond and I gotta pay her back or we haven't come to a conclusion, but we've taken care of the bond so far and where we are going to get it. We did another inspection of a stingy place, old, cramped up and hated it. Just gotta do the paperwork and I'll be fine ^^

Hate to say it, but after a long discussion and rectifying of the situation I am back with Daniel.



New member
We both set down ground rules, and we both said which thing that we wanted each other to not do/improve on. We also pinpointed that his grog addiction was the cause of his emotional landslides. And oh! He's given up alcohol and it's been just over a month since he's touched it! ... and now I gotta start as well. And he's now all muscley because he's been working out in the past month or so that the time that we were apart :D

Oh phew, he called and said to me that he's going to catch the bus over tomorrow, stay the night, go to the inspection on saturday, give me my groceries, go get something with that remaining $10 tonight and he's going to give me some more money...I already owe him bond + $50 + he owes me $10, because there was a $50 immediate inspection of the two places today and they only had a note in which we paid 2 40's and 1 10 which was mine >.<



New member
Ergh today was fateful. Got woken up at about 9 am by Daniel coming into my room, (I somehow got accepted back into my old place in wagga, despite the fact that I hate it and I had to do it because Mum would chuck the *****). I was still dead the world at that time, and in about half an hour or so I found myself spending an hour or two on gathering up paperwork.

I'm one of those people that screw applications up easily, so we took two just in case and I needed it. So when we arrived at the real estate the one for the Charleville Ave one near South Campus, (we are yet to go and hand in the other one for the Baylis St one) we got told several things that ****** us off -

> No they do not accept a bond as a deposit, have to hand in BOTH applications before anything happens (he left all of his documents in Narrandera). Got my 100 points done and outta the way :D

> Do they have the right to ask how old the person is that you're planning to share the lease with? Cos they asked me for Daniel's age and I was like "ahh, 24."

> References do not include friends or family...professional ones required (So I called up Mendes, him being ex-manager of Foodworks in Kelso, asked him to pretend, agreed yay! Called up ex-Austar boss, Kirsty, who now is Kiosk Manager for AIDA - a company that works in conjunction with Austar got a reference, just gotta get a reference from Max Staples, the only lecturer that passed me)

Was gonna call up Ksenia my sister in law, her being an art high school teacher but decided not to, cos I haven't told anyone in my family. Y__Y Hmm..art seems to run through my family sadly and I hate it. My sister is an artist in her spare time (sold some quite good ****), my brother did art, I was the only child that refused to do art in high school and here I am doing a Bachelor of Arts for a double deg. ^^

So my exams...I PASSED THE ART THEORY EXAM (VIS101) !!!

My courses, well, I passed Art Theory, got a Failed to Withdraw (in other words I didn't show up to many classes) in Prac Art, fail in photography (Jamie's an *** anyway, I hate him) and failed in graphics (only just though....). Man, now I gotta tell my mum some crummy story and hope that my grades improve cos I have to take both Dark Room subjects (I'm looking forward to staring at the red light that's about it) and Adv. Digital Imagery when I go back.

The landlord was really mean to daniel this evening. When Margy (aka Margaret Dan's mum) came over, he yelled something out to daniel when he came to get some food off Margy (we soo short on food, cos he brought my groceries back EXCEPT for the pies =( ) and daniel said he didn't stay the night because he was afriad he did something .... I've got some food, little, but it's something. I've already had it with this place.


Got another inspection tomorrow, this business about the real estates is ******* me off, it really is. Because it said nothing in the form about the rule "NO FRIEND REFERENCES ALLOWED" it just said that they couldn't be family, so I automatically assumed we could have character references. ****** me off. Really dodgy real estate, PRD Nationwide are, but I don't like the look of the Ray White form, it seems too scary for my liking. So "no friend references allowed" I feel sorry for a couple I managed to get in 24 hours including Rav and Tabitha. They wouldn't even accept my landlord's signature and **** like that. Oh well, Ray White wants them as in the form of reference letters which seems a bit less-dodgy, but scary >.<



New member
Good luck with that, some real estate agents can be real heartless bastards. I know they have a job to do and there's certain things you have to abide by in managing someone else's investment, but still, the government is all for this environmental go green save the world stuff, then they make you fill out 3000+ forms (slight exaggeration) to apply for a house to live in for a few months. It's shonky ****, really, but never gets any easier.

Good luck anyway. Don't sweat the reference thing. We tried. Keep it, may come in handy for down the track, never know, 'eh? :D



New member
It's more frustrating than anything. They say one thing on the application and say another in the office.

Okay since I'm so sick of being/feeling sick so I've pledged to myself I'm going to eat properly. Went to Franklins after the inspection (I'll tell later) and bought me vegies, chicken pies, yum, salad stuff and etc etc, there was none of that cheap **** in there for once.

Today I woke up feeling like ****, sore tummy, feeling like I didn't want to eat anything, the reason why I thought it was a tummy bug or something is that I had other symptoms that kinda told me that it was along the lines of it. But I may know what's causing the pain. Went to the docs in Bathurst and she said that it may be just my ovaluation (why am i sharing this on LPF?) and mum said so as well, that it could be the cause of the pain but still doesn't explain the other symptoms. Well I had a sleep, the second or so sleep I've had today, I feel better, but still have that dull ache. Eating my chicken pie with vegies right now, so proud of myself for actually being bothered to cook this ****.

The inspection was weird. We had another person come, other than the agent, and she was like an over-estactic asian woman that kept on smiling and laughing at the smallest things. We were both like wtf? $150 pw two bedroom, so I have to put that application in by monday for the Professionals. I already have all the references and **** ready, so I don't know he was panicky about it when we left. **** reminds me, I didn't get to tell him to say goodbye/hi to Margy (his mum, Margaret) when he was going back to drop off the car, so he could get back to Narrandera at his dad's place.

Oh ****, it's my dad's bday today that I think of it and I don't have any credit to txt/call him to wish him happy bday. Fark.

Looking to see what my brother got for his uni courses/exams, he goes to UTS (University of Technology, Sydney and he knows some of my Yr 11 friends that go there, **** that's a small world :) ). He's too smart for his own good. He's always been the science nerd of our family, would explain why he's doing a major in Med Science and a minor in Pharmacuticals. Lol. My sister was the only child to do social welfare ****, and I'm the only child that's gone to uni outside of sydney.

And oh! I talked to Buskin, aka Michael who we went together at high school from year 7 -10 together last night! First time in about 3 years!

Me - *sees Cradle of Filth on his music interests on Facebook*

"You listen to Cradle of Filth? Bahahaha!"

Buskin - "Yep, remember the good old days Hitlers Love Child"

HLC was a name given to me when I was younger...I don't know if I should feel compliments, still.

This is what Mel said to me on facebook -

sarah thats still good you passed VIS 101, its meant to be the hardest subject we did last semester lol so many people failed it the year before so its awesome you did well naturally. yay we can do VPA 101 next year together, i'll complain if i dont get julie as a teacher. it should be easy the 2nd time around as we know what is required, and can hand some of the same stuff back in :p
dont worry too much about the other subjects, im sure heaps of people failed.. it was pretty hard and most of the teachers were ******** who made people cry. i only barely passed.. sigh

anyways i'll see you in about a week, have fun moving out!

take care,

Mel ox
She looks like she's 16 but she's 20 this year XD



New member
Okay I'm going to have a ***** on about how I still hate my landlady.

Something about me moving in with Daniel blah blah blah blah tuned out blah blah blah blah blah....

"stop trying to mother me..."

"the ****'s going to hit the roof, you know?"

"I do," (*thinks* I dont mind being mothered by certain friends but not from you *thinks*)

I hate her! I hate her! I hate her! My own mother even calls her behind my back and asks how's things! Grrr! Talk about not being trusted! I'm not going to listen to my sister and I am not going to put up with **** that I hate! I don't like it I don't do it! (Uni is an exception and a couple of other things like chores and **** like that...)

So I told my mum today about Dan and I.

Mum pls dont freak and I know this isn't the best way to tell you but I need to get it off my chest. But pls don't be angry when you read this but Dan and I are looking for a place together...as we are only friends still.... I don't like it here, still..... We're moving in together to a to-be-confirmed two bedroom apartment. Have told Alice. Date not confirmed. Will ring you tomorrow to explain deeper, but I'm giving you a cooling off period I know its not best move but I want to do it. Please don't tell anyone. But will be down in sydney probs end of next week.
Well she's cut down my rent to $50 now that I think of it... instead of $200 per fortnight :D Cos I'm having my own dinners by myself now.

She's trying to mother me and I hate it! I don't mind it when Rav/Tia/Tabitha mothers me (despite the fact that Tabitha's my age) cos they are both older than me and know better! But she's my landlady not my mother! I hate her!


Dan's over so soon he's gone to Maccas >.< He was supposed to be here at 4! Grrr!



New member
She's trying to mother me and I hate it! I don't mind it when Rav/Tia/Tabitha mothers me (despite the fact that Tabitha's my age) cos they are both older than me and know better! But she's my landlady not my mother! I hate her!
It's funny, almost everyone at some point are peddling their own advice and good intentions, it's up to you to stand firm by your own convictions. The problem with saying that is that yes by general standards you are young (compared to me) and you still have a lot of growing up in the bigger picture of the world yet to do. Yes you can't do that until you're out there living it, so yes, it's a big step, and yes you're going to make mistakes, and yes people who have all been there and done that will try and tell you how to do it thinking thay're saving you when you really won't learn unless you do it and screw up and learn from your own mistakes.

NOW having said all that, there are a few exceptions to the rule. Always are. As friends we feel this unspoken sense of duty to shield you regardless what it is you want. Annoying yes, but again, done with the best of intentions. This thing about Daniel, while I've heard all the arguments, and while you've heard mine, doesn't change my opinion, and I know it's something you have to do to learn from. It's not easy, and again I realise having everyone come at you telling you how bad he is etc only makes you more determined to make up your own mind and live your life for you. So be it. But when you do this understand the choices we make define who we are and what we will become in the future.

Sure, you're saving money now, that's great, but what if the cost is say 2 years down the track you fight, you break up, and suddenly you realise you've been so hurt you can't appreciate the old things you once used to. Yes it's a matter of growing up, you change, your tastes change, your choice in friends change, etc, but rememember everytime you interract with anyone you give them part of yourself and you take away part of them too. If you surround yourself with negativity to save yourself a few dollars, then don't be surprised you don't save much of either in the long run ;)

As for your mum, seriously, I get where she's coming from. I don't necesarily 'side' with her or her tactics, but she's a mum and mum's get insanely protective to the point sometimes reason gets overshadowed. Really, while I think she might be going around thinsg the wrong way, she may feel after all this time she's given up, that you're making choices she can see will end badly, and she doesn't want to keep going around in circles with you.

You forget, just because we are older, your mother and landlady (I assume) and myself, plus your siblings etc, we act like we know it all. The point is Sarah we don't know it all, but we do know a lot more than you give us credit. It's not a badge of honour. We used to be your age once too (oh memories), and people unfortunately are all alike in many respects. We've dealt with people that we wished we hadn't and so when we see someone we care about making our mistakes it gets personal for us. You look at your mum and me like the enemy. Like know-it-alls. We aren't. But we've got several more years life experience on you, and even young people with hard lives still don't know it all because there's things that come with age you don't get until you're in the moment.

Again, I don't mean to sound in any way condecending, but you have to realise this thing with Daniel is about as much a sore point to me as it sounds to be your mother. We've discussed why. And no amount of saying 'I can make my own decisions, you just have to get over it' is going to change that. Bottom line, I as your friend won't 'get over it.' You deserve better than you get and you chose that life and those consequences for yourself. It's mentally and emotionally exhausting watching someone you care about as a friend (or family member) continually ******** up and having to be there to pick up the pieces. Especially when they keep asking for advice and never apear to take any of it. Try to see things from everyone's perspective where you can, not just stubbornly your own.

You don't have to and never should make your opinions based on what others think, but if the external turmoil of having everyone around you that you care about making your life harder than you feel it needs to be, then maybe that should give you some indication that we're not just being nosey and trying to tell you what to do, but that there might be something true to what we're saying. You may argue "The whole world can't be wrong right? You don't know Daniel because...(insert whatever reason or great memory or justification here)" Yeah well, the world is full of Daniels, deary. You'll have to accept that. Leopards don't change their spots, promises aside or not. But you know all this. We've talked abou this. Being with him as a girlfriend or just a housemate still keeps that tension in your life. That's fine in social circles but on a day-to-day basis... well... Now we are going around in circles yet again, so I'll stop about that. Again. Haha. Can't help myself can I?

Anyway, after all that, I don't know what else can be said. It's hard to appreciate someone Ive never met and only heard disparaging things about everytime you get frustrated with him. Seeing as how all our discussions over him lately are how mean or apathetic he is to you, then when I tell you what I think you defend him, maybe talking about him isn't such a smart idea. Vent by all means, but you know what I am trying to say. Hopefully.

After all these years of chatting online and the loooong phone convos ;) and texting and so on I think we're pretty good as friends. That's why I say what I say. Not to preach but to show you, just because it seems like the world is against you sometimes, doesn't mean it really is.

So with that rant over, let me just congratulate you on your recent positive push to eat better etc. It's time you start influencing me in that score, I'm a lazy ***! Hope that works well for ya, your health has been suffering lately. Stress as well. Maybe this will help you even in a physical sense. Smart move. And congrats on rent reduction. Wish I could catch a break there *pouts*

Take care *hugs* Good luck with it all in general. You deserve to be happy. Help yourself, 'eh? :friends:

Maybe catch up later usual place, usual time. Awesomestness.

Oh and should have said sth like RANT ALERT AHEAD at the top of the post but meh, you know what I'm like by now. I only really rant when I'm passionate about something. So I may not be running off at the mouth so much over dear Rob these days, I still rant when I have to ;)

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New member
I know where you coming and yes, I am very young, compared to Tia (her being 23 this year) and you, but probs not as much as Tabitha, her being 19 this year, but I don't like living here. I am young and I am willing to make the mistake. I know in the end I'll probs turn around and think "why the **** did I move in with that *****?" yes I fully acknowledge that. We're not the best couple and I've never denied that fact. BUT it comes down to what I can tolerate and what I can't. Right now, I can't tolerate my landlady being a mother to me. Fine, I can stand any of my friends trying to look out for me, I listen to them I decide considering what they are saying might be true in the long run but I also consider the type of position I am in. I can't stand living here. I hate everything about this place and (this was an issue that Tia raised with me her not being Dan's number #1 fan as well and they know each other as well through uni) sometime down the line I'm going to have to do this moving in and moving out process by myself. I know it may sound like I've ran into a stupid wall but I know what I'm doing and I wouldn't be persisting it if I didn't really want it. It's not the Dan aspect that I really want, it's the moving out and getting outta this place. I mean, if Elise or Sammi were free to move in with, I would! Trust me on that note.

I still think my mum is going to extremes about "double-checking" on me which really ****** me off. Just shows how much she doesn't trust me. If he had it his way, she wouldn't have beent told until we had actually moved in, but, yet again, it's my choices that comes into play, I choose not to do wrong to my mother and I did tell her and I'm going to keep her informed just as long as she doesn't open her big mouth to my sister, that I'll be annoyed about cos then all the family knows instantly.

And always loving the ultimate rant as always =)

I'm just having one of those days that make me go ergh! x10

I'll be on AIM on about nineish tonight, I'm just on and off away from the computer right now. Trying to do some paperwork/going to do some running about downstairs/listening to xtina =) *hugs back*

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