Yeah I was ****** off that day. I have a reminder on my desk saying "YOU DO NOT NEED DANIEL" and it's usually sticked to my calender which I am constantly looking at and writing stuff down on the notes parts. I like that flicky calender, it has odd sayings for the day at the bottom of it, but some are useful though.
But its still hurting a lot, I guess. I do miss him a lot and I just miss his company. He wasn't all bad, there was some good in him. I usually tell myself when I get to the stage of wanting to call him up and have a chat to him, that I got out of there for a reason. I know I was pushed out but I could've stayed in Wagga, but I didn't.
Well today started off really ****. The traffic on the M2 was bad this morning but managed to grab a seat on the backseat of the Express Bus that went through the Lane Cove tunnel and decided to get off a stop before Town Hall (Queen Victoria Building) and walk the extra distance. I grabbed some stuff from Woolies and walked down to McDonalds to get my morning mocha. I walked back up the hill and went into work. It started off really dull for me because my leads were **** and I had started to lose motivation. But I soon found my motivation when I started to get good leads. At the end of the day I got my first comment from Jenna -
"Congrads! That's the best pitch I've heard from you all week!"
Ali, who's the IT guy really likes me and it's kinda weird. He gave me some lollies today out of the blue. I was on the phone to someone and because he can see me directly from his desk, he told me through pointing that he had bought some lollies for me. And he wanted to go down with me to talk to me on my break but I ended up going down with Simon instead. And he brushed my arm when he was walking past me and I was on the computer getting some pretty ******* good leads.