{Wood'z Journal Act 2}


New member
Yeah lol .... *hugs*

I've ****** my knee up. So much I cant walk on it. The doctor's don't know what it is, but they highly suspect ligament damage. So I'm confined to crouches. ****.

Watched Dr Who tonight, awesome show. Had omfg Billie Piper in it. So I went and downloaded the song I used to be in love with "Honey to the Bee" and realised how **** it was in the first place.

Listening to Atomic Kitten XD



New member
I know x)
Well, I kept Matt up to 5 am his time lol, talking to him. It's official! We like one another!And we're going to see Sygy together as well!

someone from the forums, im assuming since you both know sygy.. which matt?



New member
My Matt off LPA (devilsnight2003) which I'm Silly Sarah on there :D

Man I'm so tired. *yawns* I put a picture of me and my best friend Heather in my avatar :D



New member
So I got my hair dyed to orange, best two photos, I hate the rest:





New member
Okay here are some more that I took earlier on that I liked:


I'm so hardcore. I'm wearing red arm warmers, a Korn tee and listening to Black Eyed Peas.


Like my friend says "Peath Out"


My uber short fringe which is a dramatic change from the last set of photos I took.

P.s. not using my camera phone cos I don't even have a phone still, I found my camera :D



New member
Thankies xD

I'm so **** tired. Matt didn't come on so I went and had to start another Bourdon thing because someonewas too lazy to write. "The Denial Twist" it's called and I wrote the prologue to it, just posted it then and it's quarter to 3 in the morning. I didnt know I could write prologues so well xD



New member
Ok this relationship is getting weirder, in a good way. He likes APC, loves Constantine, loves Underworld......am I supposed to be proud/happy or be a bit weirded out that the more I know him the more he's like me. I showed him a picture of me drunk in the pool in Coonamble and automatically said "i thought for a second it said *** on the side of the pool" lmao.

Going to see the new Underworld movie soon.



New member
Role play is fun. Fodder, but fun. And I told you before, dont have the time to write at the mo. What that really translates to is I have so much to do and so much going on I can't mentally commit to anything like I used to. I do get the urge, especially during and after such unscripted chats, but really... I'm not in the right frame of mind in my everyday waking life. Get more enjoyment these days just reading it from you.

As for Matt...? I dunno what to say. Good luck I suppose.

Oh and underworld 3 was great! A tearjerker for me (my idea of a chick-flick) but great. Poor Lucian! :'(



New member
I know, even I haven't been too up to writing myself. I don't know why, but meh. Matt had look at The Denial Twist and his own words:

"What you wrote is great, but the content is....i dont know...I think I should've taken your word when you said your lpf family was ****** up..."

Ugh gotto go and get ready now to the movies.

Ahh and I do enjoy those unscripted chats.



New member
I need to store these photos somewhere. ****. Here's the photography part.


Katie the shortass. XD



Dominique, my love <3


Heather, Callan, Alex (aka Lexi), Little Liz


my version of "Get Behind Me Satan" by the White Stripes, aka Little Liz and Callan


Little Liz. Again.




Heather. LOL. We called this one "Heather - the Angel of Doom".


Did that ages ago lol




Tabitha, with long hair, ages ago lol.

Ugh too much **** I wanna keep :(



New member
Being elite to me is nothing special, just means you're green that's about it. Lol. So I've wrote two chapters of Tourniquet: Conquest in 24 hours, (looks like I'm getting back on the wagon afterall with it) and dead proud of myself for it. But somehow angry at myself for not touching The Denial Twist.

Here's the chapter list so far for Tourniquet: Conquest -

Chapter 1: Jack and Jill

Chapter 2: Keep Your Mouth Shut

Chapter 3: Tea Is For Guests, The Door Is For Strangers

Chapter 4: Minutes to Midnight

Chapter 5: The Council of Hard Knocks

Chapter 6: The Pebble Effect

Minutes to Midnight is my favourite one so far :D Very visual.



New member
Come on AIM - want a Smashing Pumkins song and wanna see if you have it.

'The beginning is the end is the beginning' (not 'the end is the beginning is the end')

It's the trailer song for the movie 'Watchmen.'

Sounds cool.

You got it?

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