Worst Video.


New member
yeah i guess thats why i like it. the energy just pumps you up every time you see it.

points of authority is good cuz i like all the clips they used.



New member
i like all Linkin Park's videos...there's not one that i consider the worst...but this is only my opinion!:eek:


New member
id say faint

such a good song

but the video was soo dull and it was TOO dull for such a good song

in my opinion even I could of done a better job



New member
Pts.Of.Authority for sure. I liked most of the others. Numb and Crawling and In the End are awesome.


New member
I would say Crawling when it came out I mean can u get any more clique

Then Numb Came out....... I guess u can



Scotty B

New member
well i like all of then epec POA (REanime) but i think that for a first vid OSC was brilliant they looked so young lol


New member
osc was so dumb and pointless
ya really i mean playing 10 feet underground with chinese ninjas?!

no point at all :p

i think POA's vid pwns cause u can see tha fans but faint tops all well WID is right up there too

but OSC suckz0rs



New member
I think I'll go with Faint. doesn't seem to have all the symbolism and deep meanings and such. sure, it's about the fans, but I just don't like it as much.

and most of the reanimation vids were...well, weird **** lol



New member
:O I loved Papercut.

I hated Numb. Other than Chester's shirt and that humongous piano Mike was playing, it ruined my image of the song >:[ and that was not good.



New member
ahh add Numb to my list

I liked the church setup thing...but yeah

earlier I forgot to list Numb video cause I don't usually count Numb as a song >.> lol

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