Would you be mad if your childs school fingerprinted them without your permission?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2005
For some reason Diane mentioned something to me over the Christmas holiday that she knew what her fingerprints look like.
I asked how this happened.
She proceeded to tell me a story which made my blood boil.
She told me that someone had broken a pencil off in the pencil sharpener and would not own up to it.
The teacher took all their fingerprints and used a telescope in the science lab to compare them and found out who had done it.
I was not notified before or after that my child had been fingerprinted. From what Diane has told me they have kept her fingerprints on file just in case this happens again.
Of course I have yet to speak with the principle about this but I have spoken with the police and they tell me they can't fingerprint your child under these circumstances.
You guys might not be aware of it but schools can't photograph your child without permission, they can't perform any special testing without permission, they can't give them any medication, over the counter or script without permission, they can't even remove them from the school grounds without permission. BUT evidently my daughters school thinks they can fingerprint her without my permission and retain her prints on file.
Unfortunately people today seem to think that minors don't have rights like adults do. I don't remember reading anywhere that the constitution doesn't apply to people under the age of 18. If I remember correctly from my law class, this falls under people having the right to be protected from illegal searches and siezures. This of course being an illegal search. A cop has to have probably cause to arrest and fingerprint someone. They can't compel you to give your fingerprints without this. I can't imagine the college I go to pulling this **** with people who are over 18.
This is insane i wouldn't have gone to the cops, i'd have been in the principal and teachers face. And i have done this it works well. You can **** with me, but don't **** with my kids.
And then the teacher thinks he or she can pull this prosecution off with a microscope. She watches to much ****ing crime t.v. This was all a ploy to scare the children, if this teacher need to get respect that way their a piss poor teacher.
We had a thing kinda like this (but Different) with one of our kids. My wife called and said meet me at the school. By the time i got there she have the principal in the room and the teacher balling. By the time it was over the teacher was apologizing to the students involved. My wife is not a large lady just good with words. Again don't **** with the kids!
I said it once I'll say it again. SCHOOLS THESE DAYS ARE A ****ING CORRUPT CROCK OF ****.

Fingerprinting students over a broken pencil like they're ****ing criminals? This is an all time low. A ****ING BROKEN PENCIL OF ALL ****ING THINGS! Remove the broken chunk from the sharpener and get on with it.
I went to the police first in order to confirm what I thought. My thought was that this was not legal. I will be having a chat with the principal and I will be outlining the activities they may not engage in, with my child. Evidently I am going to have to outline this because prior to now it NEVER occurred to me that someone might fingerprint my child so I never told them they couldn't.
I have to ask if their judgement is this impaired what else are they doing that is wrong.
Not too get on a soap box or anything but I feel the rights of our children have been eroded until they are treated like second class citizens. This kind of behavior is just an example of how little by little people are accomplishing this, maybe without even knowing they are doing it. Try something new like fingerprinting the kids in school one day and the next step is what??
I found this out when we were out of town but you can be sure the principal (who probably has no idea this happened) will be hearing from me loud and clear.
At my old school out in BC they had "Finger-printing" clinics where a nice officers would finger-print the children in the school - with parental consent. They said it was in case we ever went missing. Most parents subscribed to this bullshit. Me dad always said that if I were to commit a crime, my first job is to make sure I don't make it easier to get myself caught, so my parents wouldn't let me get mine done. snicker
I wouldn't mind something like that assuming I was the one to hold the fingerprint card. That is how we used to do it when I worked at the police department. The parents kept the card and there was a place to make note of other identifying features such as scars or whatever. But that is not what happened here, not even close.
Our educational system likes to say that their #1 job is to prepare us for the real world, yet they often enact rules that would not apply in the "real world". The no tolerance fighting policy is one of many rules that does not jive with the outside world. If another student jumps on you and starts beating your ass, you have no choice, in accordance with the rules, but to curl up in a ball and take the beating. If you fight back, you get suspended, arrested, or worse.

This bullshit about fingerprinting your child would result in a personal talk bewtween me and the teacher in question, outside and away from school grounds. Its amazing how much power teachers and administraitors have in school, and how little they have outside.

I have so many bizarre memories of incidents between myself and school administraitors, that I could go on and on. Just one quicky. I got out-of-school suspended for 3 days once when I asked my teacher if I could go to the rest room. She said "No, you can wait ten minutes til the bell rings". I told her I have diarhea and I have to go now. She again said in a very nasty tone "NO!". So I said no more, and ran off to the rest room to **** myself bloody. When I returned to class I was sent to the principle, then promptly sent home, not for having diarhea, but for being insulant.
Wow, lethal you gotta smoke the teacher in the face...

Than ask her to use her microscope to find your knuckle prints..
This seems really far fetched to me. There are professional labs that screw up finger printing. Analysis usually takes comparison of more than one specific point on the print. Nowadays the analysis is done by computer. I seriously doubt anyone is using your daughter
Lethalfind said:
For some reason Diane mentioned something to me over the Christmas holiday that she knew what her fingerprints look like.
I asked how this happened.
She proceeded to tell me a story which made my blood boil.
She told me that someone had broken a pencil off in the pencil sharpener and would not own up to it.
The teacher took all their fingerprints and used a telescope in the science lab to compare them and found out who had done it.
I was not notified before or after that my child had been fingerprinted. From what Diane has told me they have kept her fingerprints on file just in case this happens again.
Of course I have yet to speak with the principle about this but I have spoken with the police and they tell me they can't fingerprint your child under these circumstances.
You guys might not be aware of it but schools can't photograph your child without permission, they can't perform any special testing without permission, they can't give them any medication, over the counter or script without permission, they can't even remove them from the school grounds without permission. BUT evidently my daughters school thinks they can fingerprint her without my permission and retain her prints on file.
Unfortunately people today seem to think that minors don't have rights like adults do. I don't remember reading anywhere that the constitution doesn't apply to people under the age of 18. If I remember correctly from my law class, this falls under people having the right to be protected from illegal searches and siezures. This of course being an illegal search. A cop has to have probably cause to arrest and fingerprint someone. They can't compel you to give your fingerprints without this. I can't imagine the college I go to pulling this **** with people who are over 18.

Someone is being lied to.
What's the big deal?

If I had my way, everybody would have a National Identity card and be fingerprinted and DNA matched. Innocent law abiding citizens have nothing to fear.

BTW: Every hospital in the USA takes footprints of every newborn baby. I don't hear anybody complaining about that.

jaxmagicman said:
Your daughter is lying to you. Schools do not do that. Plain and simple.


Schools do alot of **** that you wouldn't think they would. When I was in the second grade a bottle of glue came up missing and my teacher set us all down and told us she was going to strip search us if the bottle didn't turn up. Crazy as hell and I have no idea how it could be that a teacher would say such a thing, but she did.

So to me what Lethal has said that her daughter claims, is completely feasable. Teachers are just like every other person in the world. Some of them are crazy as **** and some of them enjoy the power they have over the children.
Jhony5 said:

Schools do alot of **** that you wouldn't think they would. When I was in the second grade a bottle of glue came up missing and my teacher set us all down and told us she was going to strip search us if the bottle didn't turn up. Crazy as hell and I have no idea how it could be that a teacher would say such a thing, but she did.

So to me what Lethal has said that her daughter claims, is completely feasable. Teachers are just like every other person in the world. Some of them are crazy as **** and some of them enjoy the power they have over the children.

Gotta agree with Jhony on this one. By law, school officials are give quite a bit of free roam with kids rights in order to protect the safety and security of the rest of the kids (ie. searching bags and lockers and such), but they are people also and some take things too far and abuse this liberty.
I'm with jhony and IWS as well. I'm interested to hear what the teacher has to say when confronted.
angie said:
I'm with jhony and IWS as well. I'm interested to hear what the teacher has to say when confronted.

Of course it could have been a ploy by the teacher to make the kids think she could tell who's finger print it was. If a kid that young is guilty, and gets worried he's gonna get caught, he'd show some signs of guilt.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
At a bare minimum, it was a lesson about fingerprints. Science. Good stuff.

I still fail to see the harm.

How would you feel about it if your boss was collecting fingerprints from all the workers in order to figure out who broke off a pencil in the sharpener? It's just not ****ing right.
Jhony5 said:
How would you feel about it if your boss was collecting fingerprints from all the workers in order to figure out who broke off a pencil in the sharpener? It's just not ****ing right.

I'd give him a fingerprint. Like I said, if your not guilty, who cares?