Would you be mad if your childs school fingerprinted them without your permission?

I'd give him a fingerprint. Like I said, if your not guilty, who cares?

Thats not the point. The point is if this faggot teacher wants to make such a big ****ing deal out of something like that, then i'd say they don't have any business teaching chldren. Thats just not a normal reaction to something so innocent and silly. Its the principal of the matter thats important, not the matter itself.

Maybe i did on accident break the pencil off, whats the big ****ing deal. I did'nt take a gun.

Exactly what I would say to this so called teacher if I were the parent.

From what Diane has told me they have kept her fingerprints on file just in case this happens again.

Right ****ing there is where this issue got me pissed. Schools have no business whatsoever to be collecting forensic evidence to store on file. A violation of the rights of the students. People need to stop thinking of children as lesser beings with no rights. Like I said before, if you were to find out that your boss was keeping an employee fingerprint file just in case a pencil gets broken off in a sharpener, you would likely not appreciate it much.

If I were Lethal, I would demand the fingerprints be returned to their rightful owner. If they want to make a big ****ing deal out of nothing, then return the favor and make a big ass deal out of it yourself.
Jhony5 said:
Thats not the point. The point is if this faggot teacher wants to make such a big ****ing deal out of something like that, then i'd say they don't have any business teaching chldren. Thats just not a normal reaction to something so innocent and silly. Its the principal of the matter thats important, not the matter itself.

Exactly what I would say to this so called teacher if I were the parent.

Right ****ing there is where this issue got me pissed. Schools have no business whatsoever to be collecting forensic evidence to store on file. A violation of the rights of the students. People need to stop thinking of children as lesser beings with no rights. Like I said before, if you were to find out that your boss was keeping an employee fingerprint file just in case a pencil gets broken off in a sharpener, you would likely not appreciate it much.

If I were Lethal, I would demand the fingerprints be returned to their rightful owner. If they want to make a big ****ing deal out of nothing, then return the favor and make a big ass deal out of it yourself.

This is how I feel about it. If this was such a huge issue they should have called me to come down to the school. I don't agree that innocent people should be willing to give up their constitutional right to protection against searches from the police. The police (and the government) should have to abide by the laws of the nation. So often the rights of children are trampled on. You guys are aware that the school can't even photograph your child without your permission?? But they think they can fingerprint them??
Lethalfind said:
My daughter is 8 years old, she doesn't have enough independent knowledge to make up a lie like that.
There is a difference in lying and not having the benefit of full truth. I think you should look at it a bit more objectively. My five-year-old has come up with stories that I would not have given a ten-year-old credit for. Most were based on some truth, but exaggerated quite a bit. It is good to trust your children, but not to the exclusion of all other possibilities.
I think my nigga Jax is suffering from head-in-sand syndrome. And he sounded awful sure that your daughter is a scheming little liar.
ToriAllen said:
There is a difference in lying and not having the benefit of full truth. I think you should look at it a bit more objectively. My five-year-old has come up with stories that I would not have given a ten-year-old credit for. Most were based on some truth, but exaggerated quite a bit. It is good to trust your children, but not to the exclusion of all other possibilities.

I can't see an eight year old conjuering a story that involves finger printing evidence. I'm sure theres two sides two this story, but i'm thinking she has a quack for a teacher.
Jhony5 said:
I can't see an eight year old conjuering a story that involves finger printing evidence. I'm sure theres two sides two this story, but i'm thinking she has a quack for a teacher.
I'm saying it is probably less than what the daughter is claiming. Perhaps a threat that became a story. I knew about fingerprinting at that age. It is in a lot of movies and is very common place. The thing that seems concocted to me is the whole microscope thing. That seems like a child’s view of how fingerprinting works. An adult would threaten to send it to a lab. Something is not right about this. I am saying I would not fly off the handle at hearing this story from my child. I would get to the bottom of it by going to the source. Going to the police before finding out the whole story is rash and irresponsible. You are talking about a person’s career. I think she should at least get the chance to speak before she is charged and convicted by some irrational parent that refuses to believe their child could ever lie.
Your right about getting the story straight first. I would have nipped that one right off with a calm and freindly visit to the office. Maybe the teacher was using this as a learning experience to teach them finger print comparison. If the teacher was to collect fingerprints then I imagine that she wouldn't send them off to a lab for forensic analysis. I would imagine that she would compare and contrast them there with the aid of a magnifying glass or a microscope on its low magnifacation setting.
Jhony5 said:
Your right about getting the story straight first. I would have nipped that one right off with a calm and freindly visit to the office. Maybe the teacher was using this as a learning experience to teach them finger print comparison. If the teacher was to collect fingerprints then I imagine that she wouldn't send them off to a lab for forensic analysis. I would imagine that she would compare and contrast them there with the aid of a magnifying glass or a microscope on its low magnifacation setting.
I would imagine that would be near impossible. Where would she lift the print from, and what with? If it was a lesson, I could see comparing them to other children's or showing the children what their own finger print looked like, but not analysis of a print lifted from a broken pencil. I realize she wouldn't send them off to a lab, but that doesn't mean she couldn't threaten to do so. My mother used to tell me that she could send my toothbrush off to a lab to see if I was really brushing my teeth.
I think the most likely scenario is that the teacher just wanted to scare the little bastards into confessing. She probably fumbled around with some tape and chalk dust as a means to convince the guilty one that they were ****ed. It just seems so trivial to make a big deal out of a broken pencil. I'd be more concerned about that then anything else.
Jhony5 said:
Thats not the point. The point is if this faggot teacher wants to make such a big ****ing deal out of something like that, then i'd say they don't have any business teaching chldren. Thats just not a normal reaction to something so innocent and silly. Its the principal of the matter thats important, not the matter itself...

Wow. Do you always use the word "faggot" as a derogatory term for anybody you don't like? :eek:

Interesting. :(
Lethalfind said:
My daughter is 8 years old, she doesn't have enough independent knowledge to make up a lie like that.

My kid is 4 and he lies all the time. Tells little stories he has made up on this own. You are not too smart if you do not know kids start to lie as early as two.

Children lie for different reasons at different ages. Very young children may not yet be able to always distinguish fantasy from reality. Three-year-old Mikey’s fantastic story about the toy that flies around his room is not actually an attempt to deceive. More likely, Mikey has a very active imagination and cannot always tell the difference between what he imagined and what really happened. Children this age may also appear to lie because they have honestly forgotten things. When a 2 year-old is accused of putting a roll of toilet paper in the toilet and she claims she didn’t do it, she may simply not remember doing it, especially if it wasn’t discovered for several hours.

Around the age of 5 or 6 children start to develop a more consistent understanding of the difference between fantasy and reality and are less likely to insist on the truth of their imaginings. Around this age, a child begins to develop a conscience and understand that certain behaviors may disappoint his or her parents. He or she may also begin to experience feelings of guilt associated with misdeeds. For the first time, the child may construct a lie in an attempt to avoid punishment and/or disapproval. Children this age may also tell fibs or exaggerate extensively in order to get their parents’ attention.

By the age of 7 or 8, most children have learned to tell the difference between fantasy and reality and can usually be counted on to tell the truth. The most common reasons for children to lie at this age are to avoid being punished, or to avoid doing something unpleasant like emptying the trash. Children may also begin to grasp the concept of polite social lying around this age. They may pretend to like the knitted socks that Grandma gave them for their birthday, or compliment a friend’s new haircut even though they think it looks ridiculous. Altruistic lies to protect others from harm may be told as well. Lies at this age may also be a cry for help. Children who are very fearful of disappointing their parents and are feeling overwhelmed by school or some other area of their lives, may lie in an attempt to deal with this pressure.

By adolescence, lying begins to take on a new significance and parents are likely to become more alarmed by the lies their adolescents tell. Adolescents clearly understand the difference between fantasy and reality and are aware of the possible consequences of telling lies. They have also become better at it! However, not all lies that an adolescent tells should be taken as a sign that he or she is up to something dangerous or forbidden. Adolescents may lie simply to protect their privacy, to establish their independence, to avoid embarrassment, or to spare another’s feelings. Of course, they may also lie to avoid punishment or doing chores, or to try to get something that they think they may not be able to get by telling the truth.
Jhony5 said:
I can't see an eight year old conjuering a story that involves finger printing evidence. I'm sure theres two sides two this story, but i'm thinking she has a quack for a teacher.
When almost every show on tv is about CSI or NCIS or some other cop show, she might happen to catch a commercial and see a finger print. Kids retain stuff. The teacher might have said she is taking everyone's finger print to scare the kids. But I seriously doubt she ever did. It is not that hard to put a story together like that. Especially from an 8-year old with an active imagination and parents she wants to get the attention of.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Wow. Do you always use the word "faggot" as a derogatory term for anybody you don't like? :eek:

Interesting. :(

Yes I do get alot of use out of that word. Along with bitch, whore, cumjunkie, shithead, donkey raping **** eater, etc. Ya'll got issues with my coarse verbage then I can't help that because i'm gonna call ya a faggot if I feel the need to do so without so much as a question otherwise.

But I won't call you a faggot CES. Cuz for now I think your alright. Faggot is a wonderfully flexible term. It no longer just applies to homosexuals, at least in my circles. It can be used as a descriptive term for weak hearted sissys and cowards and the like.
Jhony5 said:
Faggot is a wonderfully flexible term. It no longer just applies to homosexuals, at least in my circles. It can be used as a descriptive term for weak hearted sissys and cowards and the like.

Don't forget about this meaning.


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Faggot is a bundle of sticks or branches meant for firewood. It derives through the Old French fagot from the Latin facus ("bundle") (see also fasces), coming into Middle English on or around the 13th century. It has also been used on occasion to refer to wood for funeral pyres or a burning at the stake.
What fool hath added water to the sea, Or brought a faggot to bright-burning Troy?
How intresting. What I want to know is how did this term evolve into a derogetory term for ass****ing homos?

I actualy got handcuffed once when I was 19 for calling a cop a faggot. He had no basis whatsoever to arrest me so I was let go immeadiately, but he had to show me whos boss by cuffing me for 3 minutes. I was pulled over for "failing to properly signal" because I didn't let my flasher blink long enough before merging, ya right. He saw two long hairs in a '72 nova and thought he had a sure pot bust because that was the first thing he wanted to talk about, whether or not I had drugs. Which I did not because we had to wait until later that night to score our precious marijuana. Anyway the guy searched and searched and did manage to find half a piece of a crushed white pot seed under my seat. So the pig starts making a big ****ing deal out of it and asking me where the dope was. I was nice at first but quickly became nonchalant and very much not nice. The cop threatened to bring in the drug dogs. At this point i'd had enough and said "Go ahead and call your mom out here ya ****ing faggot". I know that wasn't the smartest thing but at this point I no longer viewed him as a cop, rather a menacing jackass. So he cuffs me and says "You'll think thats funny when your in jail". I just smerked and asked him if he was going to charge me with being an asshole.
Maybe he cuffed you because he was concerned for his safety.
Maybe when you called him a "faggot", he thought you were referring to the sticks and branches definition and that you were going to start him on fire.

Did you ever think of that.:rolleyes:

JK. I had a similar situation when I was about 19. I got pulled over on my way back to a party and I had just had a fight with a friend and was in a pissy mood. The cop brought me back to his car. He had my license in his hand and asked me what my name was, so I told him. Then he asked me what my address was. Now, I have since learned that this is a way that cops use to see if someone is drunk. If someone ****s up on their address or other personal info their ears perk up.

Anyway, like I said, I was in a pissy mood and I pointed at my license in his hand and my reply to his inquiry about my address was, "What the **** does it say, jerkoff." Now, the officer appearantly didn't like this and told me to go and turn off my car because he was taking me to jail. I then asked if I was going to jail for ****ing cussing because as far as I knew it wasn't illegal yet. It seems he didn't have a backup plan for if I called him on his bluff and gave me the speeding ticket and let me go.

Funny part is, I was stoned and pretty damn drunk. I was ****ing lucky and pretty ****ing stupid to pick that fight at that time.:eek:
So I guess i'm not the only one who doesn't bow to the all mighty police. A well trained police officer with a level head would never allow a person with an attitude to rattle him with some curses or name calling. Its the standard to which they are supposed to hold themselves to. But most often if you show a cop that you don't really give a **** about his badge, they will attempt to make you give a ****. Its not illegal to curse at or insult a police officer. However if you get loud you can be charged with disorderly conduct, or even obstruction if you won't answer any questions while your cursing him/her.

My brother is an Indianapolis police officer and I have been on many ride alongs with him. Once he had a guy pulled over for expired plates and this dude was calling him a "big fat ass pig who thinks hes bad because he has a badge". My brother remained a true professional and just said things like "I think you like me" and " Your not getting anywhere like this sir".