Would you be mad if your childs school fingerprinted them without your permission?

Jhony5 said:
How intresting. What I want to know is how did this term evolve into a derogetory term for ass****ing homos?

More so, I want to know what derogatory term we should use for ass****ing heterosexuals? :confused:
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
More so, I want to know what derogatory term we should use for ass****ing heterosexuals? :confused:

Oh thats an easy one CES. I call them FAGGOTS!!! Ass sex is fecalphilia. I don't care if your a guy ****ing another guy up the ass. A guy ****ing a woman up the ass. A woman ****ing a guy up the ass with a strap on. Its all faggoty fecalphilia. Nasty nasty nasty. **** fetish. Thats why gay men inherently sicken me. And don't give me that politicaly correct bullshit because I have as much right to an opinion as anyone else, and its my opinion that gay men are nasty almost exclusively due to the engagement of anal sex. The narrow minded masses call this "hate". I call it my opinion.
Jhony5 said:
Oh thats an easy one CES. I call them FAGGOTS!!! Ass sex is fecalphilia. I don't care if your a guy ****ing another guy up the ass. A guy ****ing a woman up the ass. A woman ****ing a guy up the ass with a strap on. Its all faggoty fecalphilia. Nasty nasty nasty. **** fetish. Thats why gay men inherently sicken me. And don't give me that politicaly correct bullshit because I have as much right to an opinion as anyone else, and its my opinion that gay men are nasty almost exclusively due to the engagement of anal sex. The narrow minded masses call this "hate". I call it my opinion.

Opinions come and opinions go, but ignorance (lack of knowledge) or the narrow minded, always persists.

Anatomy 101:

The poop in your intestines, remains in your intestines, until peristalsis moves it into the rectum, whereby your brain receives the sensation that it's time to go have a seat on the toilet, whereby your muscles surrounding your rectum contract and expel the poop.

If you are eating a normal diet, which should include adequate fiber, then virtually no poop is left in the rectum.

In addition, most people, hetero or homo, who engage in anal sex, utilize the technique of anal douching to cleanse themselves out, thereby assuring themselves of good clean sexual fun.

I do have to chuckle though; people like you will quickly call anal sex as "faggoty fecalphilia" yet think absolutely nothing of the piss which comes out of your dick and a *****. You'll gladly insert your dick into your partner's mouth, complete with residual piss inside your urethra, or even better, you'll go licking and sucking all over a vagina which has been bathed in piss, which is then spread around it with a piece of tissue paper.

Even more revolting, should be the thought of actually shooting the man spuge into the mouth of your partner and actually expecting them to enjoy consuming it. WTF?!?

However, I'm sure that given your puritanical Victorian viewpoint of the world, you only have engaged in Missionary Position sex with the Wife with a sheet with a hole between you so as to only allow the rapid depositing of sperm to make children. Afterall, sexual pleasure is a sin, right?

Oh, one more thing, don't ever put your mouth on another's genitals, nor swish tongues together, because you would just DIE if you knew about the 50 million bacteria and germs that you just swapped around. FYI: The human mouth is THE DIRTIEST area of the human body; more so than the anus ever could be. :eek:

Stupid Dipshit...

That was the nerdiest **** I think I ever heard. ****ing nerdy bitch. All talkin bout feces and fiber. Ass sex is for faggots. Faggots that wish to dip their penis in a **** sundae.
Jhony5 said:
That was the nerdiest **** I think I ever heard. ****ing nerdy bitch. All talkin bout feces and fiber. Ass sex is for faggots. Faggots that wish to dip their penis in a **** sundae.

Tell us how you feel don't hold back.
Well for real. I tell the dude I think ass sex is gross and he tries to explain to me that every sexual act can be defined as gross. Why is it that one can't express their opinion without having some homo get all uppity? I think anal sex is nasty and blow jobs are not. Just my opinion. I know about the presence of bacteria in the mouth, the mouth is the dirtiest thing blah blah blah. I'll tell ya what. If people **** out of their mouth then I would think the same of kissing.
Jhony5 said:
That was the nerdiest **** I think I ever heard. ****ing nerdy bitch. All talkin bout feces and fiber. Ass sex is for faggots. Faggots that wish to dip their penis in a **** sundae.

I'd rather be a intelligent nerd, than a dumb ****ing idiot like you. Although, given your location of "Indiana state prison", I'm sure you're an EXPERT on getting ass ****ed.
Jhony5 said:
Well for real. I tell the dude I think ass sex is gross and he tries to explain to me that every sexual act can be defined as gross. Why is it that one can't express their opinion without having some homo get all upity? I think anal sex is nasty and blowjobs are not. Just my opinion. I know about the presense of bacteria in the mouth, the mouth is the dirtiest thing blah blah blah. I'll tell ya what. If people **** out of their mouth then I would think the same of kissing.

Homo = No. Nice try. I have had anal sex with women before. It was tremendously fun. Thanks.
Jhony5 said:
Well for real. I tell the dude I think ass sex is gross and he tries to explain to me that every sexual act can be defined as gross. Why is it that one can't express their opinion without having some homo get all uppity? I think anal sex is nasty and blow jobs are not. Just my opinion. I know about the presence of bacteria in the mouth, the mouth is the dirtiest thing blah blah blah. I'll tell ya what. If people **** out of their mouth then I would think the same of kissing.

I would have to agree but you forgot your opinion on eating it, where's that fit in? Never thought much of going anal, but i have a work buddy that gave his wife 100$ for a sure anal. He thinks its the best, he'll take that over vaginal.

Oh **** i just fell in to the list of people who took this off subject...Damit sorry
I'd rather be a intelligent nerd, than a dumb ****ing idiot like you.
Although, given your location of "Indiana state prison", I'm sure you're an EXPERT on getting ass ****ed.

Look ma, I'm making Friends on the in ter net. All I said was that I thought anal sex was for faggots an you provide me with a lesson about fiber and bacteria.
I just think its gross. Whenever I see anal in porn it totally ruins my chubby. Maybe I'm "fecal phobic"?
Uhm Jhony :rolleyes: I see the Goatse avatar every ****ing day in the underground of the unholy army of the suckage... MUST you use it as an avatar ?? :eek:

Edit: I resized it for you.. OK I like it.
phreakwars said:
Uhm Jhony :rolleyes: I see the Goatse avatar every ****ing day in the underground of the unholy army of the suckage... MUST you use it as an avatar ?? :eek:

I've been shown a little GF "love" by the "mod from hell". Apparently it's a bad idea to call a mod a homo (uh, yep). But alas, the avatar has kinda grown on me. (and is subject to change at a whim)

PHREAK SAYS: wasn't me
CES SAYS: It was Me...
jaxmagicman said:
I see my long discussion on when children start to lie has turned this thread into sex talk.

Welcome to GF. Thats how we be does thangs here.
jaxmagicman said:
I noticed. My white people suck thread turned into a posting your favorite limerick thread.

I know it can get frustrating at times. However it beats the alternative. So many other forums out there that you can't exercise free speech without some backlash. I got banned from an atheist site for simply arguing against gay marriage. The fags that run Internet Infidels.com did not like my opinions very much. Has anyone else ever visited that site?