wow an old fanfic, no wonder it sux!

my fanfic from another board

chapter 1

"ok..." joe whispered grinning evily as he, mike and brad watched over the lump of duvet on the top bunk that sighed heavily and began babbling jibberish in a sleepy tone.

"ATTACK!!!" joe cried

they all pelted the top bunk with snowballs from outside

"Stopppppp" came a sleepy groan

then suddenly he jumped up

"SOOOOOOOO COLD!" he whimpered and started shaking

joe, mike and brad started laughing manicly

"VENGENCE WILL BE MINE!!!!" chester scowled then he stromed bad temperedly into the bathroom

chester,mike,brad,joe,phoenix and rob shared a apartment only a few blocks away from the college that they studied at, the amount of pranks and mood swing from chester disguised the fact they were best friends

mike returned that day from a lecture

joe and chester where arguing as usual.


"NO!"chester scowled "WHY SHOULD I?"

"cos i love her..." joe mumbled "...she's Mr Hahn's little baby..."

"IT'S A FROG DUDE!" chester protested

"oh you wait i'll get revenge!" joe warned

"what will you do anphibi me to death?" chester smirked

"the power of frogs..." joe nodded solemnly and walked away

"crackpot" chester muttered

"you know chaz if you went one day without arguing with joe or brad, i'd eat frog spawn..." phoenix mumbled

"no, don't eat joe's preceacious, slimey friends" chester grinned "he has no others!!!"

"you're mean to him" phoenis frowned

"you're annoying but i don't complain" chester commented

"Ches your socks don't match your underwear" phoenix grinned

"OH GET A GIRLFRIEND!" chester sulked and stompted off to his and mike shared bedroom.

"he has chick hormones" brad grinned "hey ches!!!, did you smudge your eyeliner?"

"F**K YOU!" came the moody reply

"dude don't get your panties in a twist!" brad teased

an muffled angry growl came from the other side of the apartment

the guys s******ed as mike thudded down on the couch between brad and rob

"turn the t.v on hahn-man" mike yawned to joe who always guarded the remote jelously

the door knocked lightly, tentively

Then 'BANG!' 'BANG' 'BANG'

"holy ****!, who's knockin' seven kindsa ***** outta the door!" chester grumbled moodily

the guys sat in the living room

"I'LL GET IT SHALL I????" chester yelled bad temperedly "LAZY BASTARDS, I HAVE TO DO ******' EVERYTHIN', am i your mom's, that it? mommy chester?!?" chester was still ranting when he opened the door "YOU GUYS ******' SUCK!"

"hi, hoping to meet friendly neighbours" a girl smiled

"H-hi um...there's no redeamin' myself is there?" chester asked

"Nope!" she grinned cheerfullly

"aw you think i'm a right moody ****, huh?" chester frowned

"that thought crossed my mind" she grinned

"hi i'm chaz" chester mumbled "and i'm a nice guy, honest"

"i'm ravyn, me and my friends are in the dorm next door" the girl smiled "and i'm sure you're a nice guy...this is my friend kelly notte"

"hey there...i'm chaz" he grinned

"heard you the first time" she smirked

"yeah....right..."chester blushed "sorry"

then chester backed away from the door

"c'mon in and meet my ******* friends"

"*******?" ravyn frowned

"well...they're bein' mean to me" chester sulked

the girls walked in

"hey chester are these your girlfriends.....are they gonna sleepover and paint your nails aw!....and do your hair" a guy grinned

the guy got shoved accross the room and landed in a heap againist the wall

"i'm not in the ******' mood joe..." he scowled

"i wouldn't mind sleeping over" kelly grinned

"hey, i wouldnt mind you sleepin' over either" joe smirked

"back off!" chester snapped "they came here to meet friendly people not a perverted moron like you!"

joe spluttered in indignation "says chester the molester!"

"hey guys, these are the girls from next door,ravyn and kelly" chester annonced to the group

"big deal!" brad cried "i'm tryin' to watch t.v!"

"GET ******!" kelly yelled

"ouh vicious, i'm likin' that" joe smirked

chester glared at joe

"hey i'm mike shinoda!" an eager guy shaked ravyns hand "uh anythin' you need you call me!, mike shinoda, m-i-k-e s-h-i..."

"awww!" ravyn squeled "thank you..."

"mike, my name is mike!" mike babbled excitedly

"mike, i think she know your name now" chester smiled, rolling his eyes

"just incase she forgets" mike mumbled shyly, looking down at the floor

"aw!!!!, he's pouty!" kelly cooed "aw rav, give him a cuddle!"

"ouh!, ouh!, mikes gonna score!" joe cheered

ravyn blushed, and then gave mike a big hug

mike went beetroot, and retreated to his sofa, grinning madly

"you like her don't you mike?" chester murmured quietly

"a little...." mike admitted, his nerves getting the better of his as ravyn glanced his way in mid-conversation with joe, his voice went quieter

"shy shinoda...s-s-shy...shinoda...." joe chanted

kelly and ravyn sat down with the guys and smiled at the beers they were offered

"tahnks guys"

the girls smiled, the guys were cuter than they thought they'd be

ravyn and kelly smiled at the guys, the guys beamed back happily

mike was far, far away....imagining....imagining....

mike sighed

he was leaned over ravyn, her smile againist his, kissing happily, until he was unable to breathe with happiness and love and contentment and....

"mike?....mike......mikey....?" chester frowned

mike merely exhaled in breatheless happiness

"MIKE?!...OH MY ***!....JOE!!! CALL AN AMBULENCE!" chester cried in mock-terror

"wow, went off on one there, didn't you dude..." kelly commented

Ravyn grinned,there was only one guy in her thoughts...

mike nuzzled noses with her

"i love you"

she giggled

"no,mikey i love you...."

"but i love you more" mike teased

"noooo....i love you more...." ravyn smiled and stroked his face

"no, you"

"no, you all you...."

"awww...ravvy, i love you so much!"

ravyn smiled a far off smile, and back in reality....

"AWW!" kelly groaned "FOR **** SAKE!, ANOTHER ONE!!!"

"HELLO?, RAVYN!?" chester asked

"sorry the phone number you have called has not been reconised, please try again later..." kelly smirked

chester couldn't resist laughing

"you are so funny" he smiled

"i know" kelly admitted

"i bet rav is like all thinkin' of mike..." chester grinned

"why not?, mikes a cool guy...i wouldn't mind" kelly answered

chester's smile faultered "yeah..., yeah i s'pose he is...."

Ravyn finally came out of her fantisie, redder than ever

"hey enjoy yourself?" kelly grinned

ravyn went bright crimson

"human tomato!" kelly teased

ravyn lowered her head, a barely aubiable mutter escaped her lips

"shut up"

chester felt awkward " girls think mike is pretty hot,huh?"

the girls were silent, kelly grinned a little, her eyes averted at the poor, embrassed form of mike in the corner

"d'ya know he still wear sponge bob underwear!" chester burst out

"aww!" ravyn giggled "that is precious!"

"CHESTER!" mike yelped

"and his mom still calls him her little mikey" chester added "and he's afraid of the dark!"


"i think it's cute..." ravyn smiled lightly

chester looked at the girls in a panic, surprised that they were endeared by this behavoir more than put off

"okay!" chester suddenly burst out "I have a teddy called mr mooers, my mom got for me on my fifth birthday....and ...."

"ches...shush....calm...." brad advised

the next day mike walked out of the bed room

chester slammed in to the bathroom


"IN THE MINUTE!" chester called

"in a hour..." mike muttered bad temperedly

chester was in the bathroom

"okay...okay...just chill, be cool....she'll accept you for who you are...."

chester messed with his blonde platinum spikes, the door knocked impatiently, loudly

chester sighed

"i'LL GET IT!" he yelled, bursting out of the bathroom, nearly knocking down, a sleep dazed mike

"hey!, watch it!" mike complained

chester run down the stairs,

"get outta the way!" he called, sliding down the banistor and jumping into place in front of the door, he opened it

"Rav....hi...." he gasped for breath after the mad dash down the stairs

" is mike in....." she stuttered nervously

"have you seen kels...she was meant to be here 2 minutes ago..." chester asked "MIKE!!!!, DOOOOOOR!" he screamed up the stairs

"what ches....i'm brushin' my teeth...." mike grumbled walking down the stairs, with toothpaste around his mouth

"hi" ravyn smiled

mike panically wipes his mouth "h-hey me..." he dragged chester aside "Why didn't you tell me it was her!?" he hissed

"um...i'm sorry....i kinda had other things on my mind...." chester said quietly

"MAN!, i had my boxer shorts on and everythin'!" mike complained "she's gonna think i'm a slob...."

ravyn stood at the door, she sighed "awww he so sleepy and so so cute and he's got a cute ***....hey kel!....."

"checking out mike are we?" kelly grinned

"!" ravyn smiled nervously "um...."

kelly glanced, who was nearest?, chester

"checking out chester?" she asked

"NO!" she said defensively

kelly frowned slightly "ok...."

chester suddenly looked up, his relief obvious, he'd heard her voice

"okay...we'll talk later okay?" chester said quickly

"you wait one second, chester bennigton, i wanna make sure this never hap..." mike began

"yeah....whatever..." chester waved away his concerns with a tattooed wrist

"don't you walk away...." mike complained

"bye micheal" chester concluded firmly, waling out the door with kelly

"where d'ya think you're goin'?" mike called

" you should be!" chester answered

"aw ****!" mike realised

ravyn and mike walked to college "so y'"

"yup" ravyn nodded as if mike was making intelligent conversation

"and y'" mike asked nervously

ravyn giggled

"so that's a NO!?" mike whimpered

"that's a yes" ravyn smiled

mike blushed "so is that normal like or LIKE, like?"

"like,like" ravyn said easily

"so...i'll seeya around..."mike said uneasily, opening the door to his lecture

"yup!" ravyn smiled



ravyn looked in the class as he walked in, he waved shyly

"awwwwww..." she squeled

she quickly walked away


mike glanced towards the door, she was gone

mike started doing a dance in his chair

"mike....i still got it....ravvy likes me....i hope i don't screw it up.....yeah....yeah....wooooo....c'mon!....the emcee likes it...uh-huh...c'mon...ravvy likes me...." he rapped, then he started beat boxing

"MR SHINODA!" his lecturer prompted

"sorry" milke flushed in colour

the lecturer turned his back

"she likes me.....ravvy and me...." mike continued queitly


"that's mike shinoda....who's got a she's hot!" mike grinned happily

"do you need telling again?"

mike grinned "nope!"

Chester sat in lesson, nodding his head in disapproval

"honestly....mike....quit while you're ahead..."

"now today we'll be talking about...." the lecturer droned

mike began doddling on his pad

'ravvy shinoda.....mrs micheal kenji shinoda.....'

"dude!, pass me some paper!" chester hissed

Mike sighed doddling 'i love ravvy' on to a piece of paper and giving it to chester

the lecturer saw

"mr bennington, what's this?"

kelly frowned "now honestly chester....drawing..." she giggled

"I LOVE RAVVY!" the lecturer exclaimed "well mr can sing it to high heaven when you're not in my lecture..."

"b-but" chester stuttered

"do you want to sing it to high heaven in dentention?" prompted the lecturer

"n-no sir..." chester mumbled quietly

at the end of the lecture

"i can ask you out for you if you want" kelly said

"no, no, it's fine...i don't..." chester stuttered

"later chester" she answered

"hangin' out later?" chester called

" i can bring ravyn..." she said easily

"no!....i meant..." chester sighed

she walked away

"oh c'mon....WHAT ARE YOU SO HAPPY ABOUT?!" he snapped at mike

"me and ravvy are unoffically goin' out...but she said she liked me...." mike smiled

"WELL...LA DI ******' DA!, GOOD FOR YOU!" chester protested

"i'm just happy..." mike sighed

"QUIT BEIN' HAPPY IN FRONT OF ME!" chester yelled

"man ches, it's called self control..." mike frowned

mike sat next to ravyn in lunch

"what wrong?" asked ravyn

"chester's bein' such a moody ***...." mike complained

"awww....mike...why?" ravyn sighed

"i don't i'm with you...." mike smiled

ravyn and mike smiled at eachother they went to sit closer, mike put his arm around her and they looked at eachother

ravyn's smile got wider, their lips touched

"SO!" Kelly's food try slammed down, they quickly jumped apart "I BET YOU'RE HAPPY ALL THE GUYS ARE CHASING YOU!"

"what....kels...." ravyn looked upset


"what have i done?" ravyn asked quietly


and kelly stompted off

"ravvy?" mike put his arm around again, but in a more big brothery way this time "y'okay?"

ravyn looked hurt "we've been best friends...and she just...exploded..."

Chester sat accross the room and waved to kelly as she walked past

"hey, wanna sit?"

"wanna quit ******* with my emotions?" she demanded

"i got you some lunch..." chester said tentively

"give it to your girlfiriend!" she argued

"kels...okay!....i'll check you later!..." chester called good naturedly

mike walked over to chester

"hey" chester said quietly

"what's up with everyone today?" mike sighed

"i'm confused...i thought we....." chester looked sad "connected"

"is this seat taken?" mike smiled

"i thought you wanted to sit with ravyn, y'know for some alone time?" chester asked weakly

"c'mon chaz...i'd never let you down" mike laughed

chester smiled slightly "wanna spare lunch?"

"well, i just had lunch, but i think i could manage it" mike grinned

"'re lookin' after your figure aren't you?" chester joked

"just counting the calories until i can fit into my old prom dress" mike grinned back

"it's just your size" chester nodded solemnly

they both burst out laughing

chester walked home, alone, confused

then suddenly he heard a mass running behind him

"CHESTER!" someone jumped on his back

"OW!, ******' get off you immature ****!" chester complained

"CHEERRRRRR UP GRUM-PY..." joe sang, jumping off chester's back, he nuggied chester, messing up his hair

"s'up bennington?"

"nothin' much...tired, lonely, wanna get a girl to like me, you?" chester sighed wearily, not care about his messed up hair, his mass of spikes shifting in one direction

"well....well.....well...chazama chaz has a crush!" joe exclaimed

"don't call me that!" chester complained

"so who ya gotta crush on chazy...." joe made a silly 'in love' face

"noone you know...." chester sighed "just a girl....a cute girl...."

"hmm....well...yeah obviously, cos you're so shallow...she has to be cute...." joe grinned

"I AM NOT SHALLOW!" chester sulked

"well gimme some clues, i may change my mind....." joe tempted

"um....she's a girl" chester mumbled

"well she's obviously not a guy,unless...." joe smirked

"DON'T YOU EVEN SAY IT!" chester growled

"no....i wasn't gonna call you gay, that'd be pradictable, i was gonna say she was a he" joe grinned

"that is basically callin' me gay!" chester protested

"except you don't know!, she shaves very well and hides his...." joe grinned

"DON'T YOU DARE!" chester snapped

"you like a she-he, you like a she-he....." joe chanted, dancing aroung chester

"yes joe you are my very good friend" chester grinned

"hey **** you man!" joe yelped

chester kept walking ignoring joe stuttering for a come back, joe caught up with chester

"so, if they aren't a 'shem'....gimme a clue...." joe smiled

"why?" chester asked

"well you did say i was your very good friend..." joe chirped

"so...doesn't mean i can trust you" chester frowned "you're my very good friend but you're also one of the biggest ******** i've ever met...."

"chessy no love me....?" joe pouted

"i do love you joe...i can't liveeeeee....if livin' is without youuuu...." chester sang

"you're a romantic little **** aren't you, awww chessy gimme a kiss....." joe giggled

"ew! no way, you're full of joe-germs...." chester winced "but... this girl....i wouldn't mind at all...."

"soooooo....." joe prompted

"whatttttttt......?" chester sighed

"who's the girl?" asked joe

"your mother" chester replied

"mommy!" joe wailed "you're jokin' right?"

"ofcourse i am you moron!" chester snapped

"tell me who the girl is!" joe demanded

"" chester said simply

"tell meeeee...." joe complained

"oh this girl....this amazin' RAVVY!" chester winced

"HI CHES!" ravyn smiled "have you seen my gorgoeus mikey?"

"nope, i think that ******* went home early!" joe grinned

"i haven't seen him either" chester agreed

"awww...i misses him so much...." ravyn sulked

"well, i saw him in the libary about half an hour ago" chester surgested

"he'll still be there..." joe sighed

"no, i checked" ravyn smiled "so are you guys walking?"

"yup!" jope agreed

"so what ya been talkin' about?" asked ravyn

joe grinned suddenly "do you know who chaz has a crush on?"

"hmmm...i wouldn't know...WHY? HAVE YOU GOT A CRUSH CHAZY?" ravyn giggled

"WAIT!" came a cry

"MIKEY!!!" ravyn smiled

"awww...why where you leavin' without me?" he sulked

"i would never leave without my gorgeous mikeyyyyy...." she nuzzled his nose "besides i thought you'd left without me"

"i'd never leave without cute little..." mike grinned,they kissed "loveable ravvy..."

"ewwwww!!!"joe and chester chroused in unison

"they kissed!" joe wailed

"with tongue!" chester winced "ew! dude put it away!"

"just because you can't get kelly notte!" mike cried

joe turned on chester grinning

"i knew it!"

"you did'nt, cause ain't true!" chester snapped

"the last moments of a guy in complete denial!" joe exclaimed "before the end of the day the whole ******' college is gonna know! woooh!" he ran off "hey you guys, GUESS WHAT!"

"THANKS A LOT MIKE!" chester yelled

"y'welcome!" mike smiled, he grinned at ravyn "ravvy, i did good?"

"you did good" ravyn nodded

"sooo...i should get a kiss, right?" mike smirked

"oh you'll get more than a kiss mister..." she giggled

they both ran off in the direction of home


"hey ches" came a voice from behind him

"" chester suddenly realised his hair was messed up from joes nuggie, he straightened it "hey..." he smiled and turned to face her ""

"indeed" she smiled back

"so you're in front of me...." chester stuttered

"so it would seem" she agreed

"chester is nervous, so chester speak in third person and pretend he isn't in this awkward situation...." chester babbled "chester says bye!" chester squeked and ran for his life

"kelly says um....never mind....." she sighed

chester's ran as fast as his legs would carry him back to the dorm, he banged on the door forgetting completely in his state, he had a key in his pocket

"MIKE!, OPEN UP!!!!!" he yelled

chester kept banging with his fists

mike opened the letter box "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT PERFECT BLISS YOU JUST INTERRUPTED!?" he hissed

"just let me the **** in!" chester wailed

"why?" mike frowned

"," chester stuttered

"erm chester....isn't this usually a good thing....your big opportunity and all...." mike laughed

"no....please don't want.....TOO NERVOUS!" chester sulked

"too nervous,huh?" mike smiled "'ll need to cool off in the fresh air..." he shut the letter box

"mike? you're so funny....mike?, MICHEAL!?, YOU GET YOUR **** OUTTA HER! AND GET BACK HERE!" chester yelled

"soooo....ravvy and mike are at that stage...." kelly said

chester wimpered backing up againist the door "!"

she giggled "what's wrong?, yesterday you wanted to talk to me....infact you were trying to tell me something...."

"Um, i was? OH YEAH, I WAS!" chester laughed " friends say....i have a crush on you"

"and do you?" she asked

"maybe....might do...possiably....nuts about you...." chester spluttered

"what about ravvy?" kelly sighed

"ravvy?, what about ravvy?" chester mumbled

"you like her" she looked down at the floor

"i like....i love you...." chester said

"the note?" she asked

"mikes" chester smiled

"the avoiding me?" she asked

"nervousness" chester smiled

"THAT NOISE?" she protested

"d'ya really wanna know....?" chester grinned

she grinned back "you know...." she began

"what..." chester smiled

"empty dorm" she answered

"i'm there!" chester agreed quickly

she dragged him to the door and they giggled againist it


"hey...dove...what a lost...." kelly smiled

"and who's this!?" markus accaused

"um chester, chester bennington...." chester smiled "sir" he added

"have you seen my sister?" markus asked

"noooooo......" kelly smiled lightly "nooooooooooo....."

"who's his sister?" asked chester

"ravyn" answered markus

"OH! YEAH! she's over the road makin' love with my best friend!" chester laughed "kels what are you talkin' about?"

kelly gestured wildly to 'shut up'

"WHAT,I ONLY SAID! i said the truth of mike, havin' nookie....with rav...." chester smiled

"KELS IS THIS TRUE?" markus yelled

"um....a little...when he says makin' love he means .... watchin tv perfectly innocently....with bodily contact at all...." she smiled nervously

"YEAH RIGHT KELS?!, i mean he's doin' her!" chester grinned

kelly clamped her hand over chesters mouth

"he's such a joker...." she giggled

"all night long...the shinoda way...." chester laughed

"CHESTER SHUT UP!" she yelped

"hey, i don't like bein told to 'shut up'!" chester sulked

markus shoved past chester and went next door where he banged on the door in rage

"GO AWAY CHESTER YOU ***!" mike ranted, opening the door

markus glared furiously at mike

"you mike?"

"yeah" mike admitted

markus swang for mike, punching him in the face


"OW!, what's your probelm man?!" mike protested

Ravyn came down the stairs wrapped up in mikes over large dressing gown

"mikey....i misses you already.....OH MY *** MIKEY!"

Mike lay on the floor groaning as markus, smugly stood there, with his arms folded " know what to do don't you micheal...." markus said sweetly, calmly and quietly

"no" mike moaned


"MARKUS!" ravyn snapped "what have you done to my mikey?!"

"don't worry ravvy, big brother will protect you...." markus smiled in a 'aren't-i-a-good brother' way

" and mike we're in love...." ravyn sighed

"THAT'S WHAT HE'S MADE YOU THINK!" markus accused

chester rolled up his sleeves "THAT'S IT, I AM GONNA KICK THAT MOODY BASTARDS ***!" he growled

kelly held him back "no chaz....leave it..."


kelly held him back firmly

ravyn knealt beside side and stroked his face

"how ya feeling mikey?....mikey please talk to me..." she begged

"c'mon rav....let's go...." markus took her arm

"NO!" ravyn protested, pulling away


mike sat up, ravyn stroked his face, they kissed

"i'm sorry..." she hugged him, ""

"so...this is your 'wonderful' brother markus?" mike frowned unhappily

"now come home ravvy..." markus insisted "nobody will think any less if you if you just ditch this loser...."

"NO, MIKEY!" ravyn hugged mike tightly

mike kissed her and felt a threatening arm around his neck

"you touch my sister....and i'll break your neck!"

"MARKUS!" ravyn's eyes flashed dangerously, territorally, telling him '*** help you if you lay a finger on him!'

"okay ravvy you go get changed" mike got up "i think we have to talk, we'll go next door and think of a comprimise for your....markus"

"TALK MY ***!" came chester's protest "LIKE THIS ******* WILL TALK....C'MON MIKE LET'S PUT HIM IN HIS PLACE!"

ravyn unsurely tiptoed upstairs, watching markus cautiously behind her back " careful...."

as soon as ravyn had disappeared, markus grabbed mike by the neck and held him up threateningly "i'm gonna made your life a living ****..." he growled

"okay dokey..." mike sqeuked "we'll get on for ravvy's sake...we can be adult about this....yeah...we're both sensiable...pain feeling...adults...."

but the glare in markus's eyes said he wasn't going to even try to be nice

"THAT'S IT!" chester pulled out of kelly's grasp

"CHAZY....!" she warned

chester walked up to markus and shoved him "what you doin' makin' beef with my best friend, huh?!"

markus glared at chester

"what y'gonna do about it you little worm?"

"i'll tell you what i'm gonna do about!" chester snapped

"oh please...." markus laughed

chester punched markus hard in the stomach then kicked him down

markus jumped up "YOU LITTLE ****!"

ravyn walked back down the stairs, markus was on the rampage as kelly held mike back and chester and markus fighting, markus was winning

"C'MON I CAN STILL TAKE YOU!" chester was yelling, his nose blooded, his lip cut

markus was taller than chester and a bigger build, he was over 6ft and chester was only 5ft11" with markus's bulked out, muscler build, and chester's skinny,smaller figure, chester didn't stand a chance but that didn't stop him trying...

markus floored chester again, chester groaned, rested for a few seconds and got up again "'re weak...." he gasped, winded

"CHESTER!" kelly yelled "STOP IT!"

"it's all good honey!, i'll tire him out!" chester wheezed

"this guy does weights 4 hours a day!" kelly protested

"well.....i can get beaten up for 4 happened all the time in high school......" chester said dazedly, he fell to the floor

she let mike go, hyerventilating over chester laying on the floor, perfectly still....unmoving....

she leaned over him "chester....are you okay...."

chester didn't answer

"MARKUS!" ravyn screamed "YOU KILLED CHESTER!"

"all....good...." came a weak, tiny voice

"chazy..." kelly murmured

"i'm long as you don't move me for a couple of days....OWWWW.....IT'S HURTS TO BREATHE....." chester wailed

"WHY DON'T YOU QUIT CONTROLLING MY LIFE!" ravyn snapped and stiompted off

"ravvy!" mike and markus chroused and ran after her

"NEH!" she held her hand up, blocking markus

kelly sat down beside chester

"you are a" she sighed, kissing his mouth

"i'm just doin what he'd do for me....i mean he's my best friend and we look out for eachother..." he murmured

she sat him up

"ow...ow...ow..." he complained, he fell back on her lap "OW!"

she let him lie there for a short while, head in her lap, his legs resting on the cold concreate

"okay....this snow is freezin' my ***" chester sighed

"let's get you up!" she smiled and tried to pull him up

"arhhhhhh!" chester let out a cry of pain

"aw chazy....i'm sorry...." she breathed

"it's okay...just move me...arhhhhh!...careful....!" he groaned

he rested on her and they limped back to her dorm

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" dove gasped

"markus" kelly sighed

"let me guess you confronted him...." dove turned to kelly "i hope you told him it's a BAD,BAD,BAD! idea!!"

""i tried...but do men listen?" kelly rolled her eyes

"is a fish a land animal?" dove laughed

chester let out a pathetic groan

"awww....chazy, are you in pain...." kelly murmured

"my everthin' hurts a little...." he sighed "and chazy needs kisses...chazy needs love...." he smiled slightly as she tilted over him, he went to kiss her

she pulled away, giggling

"noooooooo...." chester complained, looking pathetic and needy

dove and kelly laughed


ravyn ran ahead, her sights set determinedly on a tall tree, covered in snow

"RAVYN! PLEASE STOP!!!" markus yelled

she smiled, markus deserved punishment for the way he hit mike and the way he beat up chester and the way he mad her and mikes relationship, differcult and she was more than happy to dish it out...,noone knew markus was afraid of heights....not even kelly, she began to climb, biting her lip, getting her grip and hoisted herself up the first branch

"RAVYN GET DOWN!" markus wailed

"come and get me!" she called, and continued climbing


chester gasped as she held ice to his swollen joint

"OH SHUT UP YOU *****!" dove grinned

"nice to get your sympathy..." chester glared

"y'welcome...." dove replied

"ok chazy...stay still...." kelly instructed

"not unless a get a kiss" chester smirked, he was putting it on a little and the girls knew it, but still he insisted he deserve to be fussed over and chester loved fuss....

"well you can't be that bad then!" she exclaimed and lifted his leg

"Arhhhhh!" chester wailed


mike ran noticing where they where

"ravvy!" he cried

ravyn looked down from the top branch, way out of markus's reach

"mikey...." she sighed

mike beagn to climb up the tree, markus dragged him back and shoved him away

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" markus accused

"LIKE **** IT IS!" mike snapped


"because....i love her...." mike mumbled, he ran up jumped up to the first branch and swung up

"'re so athletic...." ravyn sighed

mike climbed

"GET DOWN HERE!" yelled markus

"uh....nope...." mike grinned

he met ravyn up at the top, markus growled as they kissed happily, passionately....right in front of him....

markus grit his teeth, and began to climb

mike gasped, "oh no..."

"don't worry..." ravyn smiled "he won't get far..."


Joe, brad, rob and phoenix walked in

"oh my ***! chaz!" joe gasped

"he got beat up" kelly sighed

"chaz...there a guy stuck up a tree and..." rob said quickly

"wait...wait...wait...hold up..." chester protested "okay...where..."

"just up the road...he's yellin' and bellowing for help...." phoenix answered

"oh my ***...the poor guy...we gotta help him..." chester frowned

the chester got up tentively, he looked out of window "maybe...we should call 911, the fire....or an ambulence...incase he falls down..." then a grin creapt on chester's cut lip, he sat back on his seat, relaxing back "On second thought...."

"'re not gonna help him?" brad protested

"well...these things sort themselves out...." chester shrugged happily, "i'm sure he'll be fine on his own...he'll figure it out..."

"you're a cruel *******!" rob scowled

kelly took a look

"oh my ***...poor markus...CHESTER!" she protested

"well he's an *******...i'm sure he won't mind cooling off while hanging for his life...." chester smiled easily

"CHESTER!" she scowled

"okay...okay...someone getta ladder..." chester sighed "it was fun while it lasted..."

kelly climbs the ladder

"ok markus....grab my hand...."

chester s******ed

"i'm okay...h-have you got me?, FOR FUCKSAKE SOMEONE HOLD ON TO THAT LADDER!!!!!" paniced markus

"chester behave yourself!" dove scoulded

"whatev mommy" chester rolled his eyes

dove jabbed him in his swollen ribs

"Arhhhh...ow..." chester complained

"serves you right for talkin' back!" she giggled

"sorry m'am didn't realise you were the law around here...." chester smirked

"GET ******!" dove pouted

"kels...." chester began, grinning widely

"no chester...." she sighed, desending the ladder with a shaky markus

"aw man..." chester sulked

"the....t-tree was s-so so heigh...." markus trembled

"relax dude, you're down now, hey putta there..." chester smiled holding out his hand

markus looked questioningly at the friendly gesture

"what's in it for you?" he asked coldly

chester sighed in exaspperation

"see kels...i try!....I GODAMN TRY!"

"markus!" kelly warned

"okay...putta there..." markus sighed reluctantly, squeezing his hand hard

"owwwww..." chester winced

"opps...sorry did i do that...?it was an accident...." markus smiled

chester pulled his hand away quickly

"you are one evil guy..." he mumbled



New member
lol Kelly this is hilarious! Koolio idea on Markus being afraid of heights by the way, can't wait to see the next installment! It's so funny, Mike's laughing!


lol hehehe

"Guys when are you comin' down?!" Chester called to mike and ravyn

"Next year!" Mike grinned

"c'mon man, it's below freezin' out here, alright!, FINE!, we'll leave you out here, but don't come cryin' to me if you slip and break your neck!" Chester protested

Mike cuddled ravyn, "i'll keep you warm..."

"Oh man...there they go again...." Chester sighed

"Awww...they are such a sweet couple..." dove smiled

"hey where'd kels go?!" Chester Sulked

"Took markus home, he was really shook up..." Dove mumbled

"MIKE!, MIKEEEEEEE!?" Chester screamed,trying to get mikes 'distracted' attension, all the birds flew out of the tree panically at the sudden hot-blooded scream

"Man, chaz the people in nasa are gonna think there's an alien life force callin' to them from space....but then they're gonna's just chester bennington....and his big ******' mouth...." Mike laughed

"Nah...i can do louder...." Chester grinned

"Prove it!" mike grinned

"Hold on tight to somethin' cause...this will blow you away..." Chester boasted

"Sure it will" Mike smirked

"you challegin' my ability to out voice everythin'! FOOLISH MORTAL!" Chester exclaimed, chester cleared his throat and took a deep breath "**** YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed, he stopped grinning in satisfaction, at all the dogs and cats in the neighbourhood yowling and howling, and a nearby car alarm whining in complaint at the noise

"SHUT THE **** UP JACKASS!" Came a cry

"BLOW ME!" Chester yelled

Mike climbed down the tree effortlessly, ravyn followed behind him, stepping down the branches and mike pulled her down into his arms

"mikey!" she giggled

"aw mike quit the soppy...ew.....!" Joe winced

"hey, they're in love!" chester argued

"Just cause you're with a girl!" Joe protested

"yup and speakin' of her...i gotta go and do the chaz thing!" Chester grinned

"don't be makin' no chester-mess!" Brad called

" are so sick in the mind...." Mike shuddered "ew!....chester-mess"

chester ran off bowing and blowing kisses


"that guy...sometimes...he's too much..." mike sighed, he put ravyn down

as chester leapt backwards waving to them grinning widely and then turning around to run back to his dorm


"markus...please come out...." kelly fussed

"I hate that mike shinoda....he's makin' ravvy resent me!" Markus protested

"He's have to let her go can't keep her away from all men..." kelly argued "and mike is a nice guy..."

"not nice enough to stay away from my sister!" markus yelled

"Ravvy is nearly 20!" Kelly snapped

"hey...what's goin' on....?" Chester asked

"markus has decided to act like a spolit child!" kelly scowled

"act?!" Chester laughed

Kelly glared at him

"what?, it's true!'s not like he's all mature..." Chester rolled his eyes

"Neither are you!" She proteseted

Chester got a hurt look on his face

"Sometimes i act all mature..."

"no don't...for you that is physically impossiable..." Kelly argued

"OH i get it!" chester suddenly burst out "you have a crush on markus!....that's why you are always defendin' him!, and i'm just a guy on the sidelines....for you to get markus! Yeah...Mrs kelly markus!"

Kelly stuttered "That's not true!, he's just a friend!"

Chester scowled "No wonder you never liked me as much as i liked you..." his face scrunched up in hurt "I hope you're happy together...!"

"Chester...i love you...." she whimpered, then she looked furious "you're just a jealous ***!"

"ME?!...JEALOUS!?" chester snarled

"you..." she smirked "Jealous!"

"like i'm ******' jealous...i'm never...i'd never be jealous...if you ******' quit makin' eyes at markus maybe i'd be able to have a relationship with you!" Chester argued

"maybe you would, if you weren't so dellusioned!" She snapped

"t-then maybe we shouldn't be together!" Chester yelled, unsurely

"Maybe we shouldn't!" She agreed firmly

"we shouldn't?" Chester quietly asked

Kelly stood firmly

Chester went to touch her arm

"kelly...i didn't mean..."

"you 'don't mean' a lot of things..." she said coldly

"it can't be was just an empty threat...i love you...." chester whimpered

"'re the big man ended think me and markus are an item....i think you need a break...." She muttered

" don't need a break....please...." chester pleaded


Mike happily walked in his bedroom, then he heard muffled crying from the next room

He knocked on chester's door

"Go away!" Chester's reply came

"ches...what's wrong?!" Mike sighed

"I'm a complete idoit...that's what's wrong..." chester answered tearfully

"ches...what happened....?" mike asked

"she broke it off...she doesn't want to be with me anymore...." Chester cried

"sure she does were only goin' out for a day...." mike frowned

he walked into the room, chester's bed had a quivvering lump in it, his head burying miserably into the pillow

"don't worry're better without that ****..." markus reasurrred

"why are you so mean to him!" kelly yelled "why can't you be actually be nice to somone for once in your life!"

" don't really mean that...chester is a ******!" markus said calmly

kelly jabbed markus visously with her finger

"YOU! drove him away! by bein such a arrogant ******!"

"kelly you don't mean that..." markus whimpered

"hey, what's goin' on?" ravyn walked in

"RAV, he broke up me and chester...." kelly wailed "aw ravvy! hugggg meheheeeee!" she began crying

Ravyn stroked her hair as she chattered while she cried

"i didn't mean it...and he got upset and....markus was the cause of it all....cos he said mean things...and i let him get away with it....and chester was all jealous....and we argued and he ran awayhayyyyyyyy!"

"MARKUS!" ravyn shrieked "do you have to ruin everyones relationships....!"

"I was only trying to help....chester didn't seem like kelly's type...." Markus sulked

Kelly grabbed markus by the throat, having to tip toe

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT!, me and chester are made for eachother!, just like ravvy and mike!"

" think me and mikey are the real thing..." Ravyn squeled

She broke off from markus smiling slightly

"Yeah!, sure you are...we can have double weddings and kids and everything!" kelly joked

"really!!" ravyn beamed

" can i'm ******' not...." kelly stuttered

"so if chester got down on one knee....?" ravyn asked

"i'd tell him to shove it!" kelly chirped

"i thought you loved chester!" ravyn argued

"i do love's just the commitment deal isn't really my thing...." Kelly sighed

the door knocked

Markus went to answer it, the door got slammed

"who was it?" kelly called

"erm...pranker..." markus answered, looking slightly nervous

ravyn turned to the window, where it was knocking, she opened the blind

there stood chester, with a ****** nose waving, one hand clutching his nose

"kels...even if you won't go back out with me....could you please pass out some toilet paper...."

"What happened?!" kelly protested

"i couldn't live without you so i...erm got markus to punch me in the face...." Chester joked

" did this...!?!" ravyn growled

"it's all okay....feelin' a little dizzy...." chester smiled

"YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE!" kelly yelled "He didn't ask for it at all!, he's just sticking up for you!"

Markus smiled lightly "he asked for i told him where to go..."

mike joined chester in the window

"mikey!" ravyn smiled

"Hey ravvy...can you come out here....your brother will kill me if i go in there...." Mike said nervously

"I'll kill you anyway!" markus protested "don't think four walls can protect you for long shinoda!"

mike whimpered


Markus stormed towards the front door

"RUN MIKE...SAVE YOURSELF!" Chester wailed


"NO!" kelly whimpered "Chazy!"

"Don't worry he may be tough...but i'm real fast!" chester yelped


"no, i need to know...if kels still loves meeeeee!" chester ran for it as markus advanced menacingly

" are such a brave dude!" Mike called from his higher vantage point

"Mike...where the **** are you man...." chester frowned

"The roof chaz, the roof!" Mike yelled

"OH!...well i hope you're enjoyin' the show...." chester protested

"there's no snacks...and a risk of fallin' to my death!" mike argued

"help meeeeeee!" chester wailed

"sorry man, i love you like a long lost second brother twice removed...." mike smiled

"you always said you loved me like a brother!" chester wailed

"well...the last ten minutes has really put my relationships in to perspective...any one who is a liabilitie or increases my risk of slightly down the relationship chain!" Mike said weakly

"YOU COWARD!" chester screamed "you ******* save me now!"

"markus...chester isn't so bad you'd want to literally kill him....." kelly said lightly "now you come in, sit down and i'll get you a nice cold beer...."

"SEE!, you're always on HIS side!" chester protested

"SHUT UP! i'm saving your ***!" kelly snapped

"i think he broke my nose can you take me to hospital...." chester moaned

"pretty please..."

"aw i've broke this...fix me that! you ever stop complaining??" kelly argued

"well you never offered me a beer and now i'm real hot from runnin'...and my face hurts...and there's a crazy psycho glarin' at me...." chester complained "have you ever considered how much i put up with for you...."

"Not really!!" kelly chirped

"well that's nice of you...nice to know i'm cared about...." chester snapped

"markus go inside...i'll sort out chester..." kelly smiled

"okay...but get rid of him...." markus sighed "i need to get a shower..."

"look kelly...i know your friends brother hates me and theres no need to be so mean and...." chester babbled as she walked to him and put her arms around him

Chester frowned "B-but you were...and the big guy and the cold beer....and aw my head hurts....." he rested his head on her shoulder, she stroked his head

"So we're talkin' now....right?" Chester looked confused

"of a fashion..." she smiled

"you either love me or you don't....." chester complained "now i've got a bangin' head ache...i'm in the snow in my t-shirt and boxer shorts....and...."

"shush!" she ordered

"I don't under stand...." chester moaned

Ravyn came out the house "mikey...he's in the shower....kelly...chester what's goin' on....?"

"I'm telling chester i do still love him....and i want him to kiss me now...." she smiled

"But..." chester stuttered

"NOW!" she grinned

"mikey be careful of the...arrh!" ravyn squeled

"woah!" mike slided down the tiled roof,he grabbed on "i'm okay ravvy!, please don't need a ladder....i can't get down!"

"JUMP!" chester urged

"YOU SHUT UP!" ravyn yelled " mike don't jump....ok...ok....wait there a second..."

"Um....rav....please...don't be long....." mike pleaded

"aw cos you love me?" ravyn smiled

"ofcourse ravvy....and plus the fact i'm slippin'..." mike answered calmly "Now! PLEASE!" mike began to get paniced "HELP ME DOWN!"

Chester s******ed

"Aw y'think this is funny smart ***?!" mike yelled

"i was just thinkin'....that karma thing does work...." chester grinned

"You smart alec ******* you just wait until i get down there!" mike screamed

"sorry i can't 'hang' out with you mike!" Chester smirked "but time is 'slippin' by...."

"chester!" kelly glared

"well...we wouldn't help me before....i'm enjoyin' this show.....FROM THE GROUND!, THE FLOOR!, THE BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL EARTH!" chester grinned


"will you shut up!" Mike snapped

"AW look....mike is slipppp-ing....slipppp-ing....he's gonna fall....bye bye mikey....." Chester grinned

"ARRRH!" mike fell

chester gasped "oh ****..." he ran over to mike "MIKE!" he began sobbing "I DIDN'T MEAN IT MAN...WAKE UP PLEASE.....WAKE UP...I LOVE YOU MAN...."

"MIKEY!" ravyn screamed dropping the ladder and running out,

mike sat up, dusting himself off, he grinned widely


"OH MIKE!, I LOVE YOU...." Chester hugged him tightly

"ew...i hope you haven't got a *****..." mike pulled a face

Chester shoved him away

"a near death experience...and you're still an *******!...aww and don't change....never ever....cos you're my best friend.....and we'll always be together....." he hugged mike again "y' hungry? thristy...does anythin' hurt....?"

"okay...he's creepin' me out...." mike sang

Kelly pulled chester off mike

"he's nearly died...." chester sobbed hugging her

Ravyn hugged mike tightly, kissing allover his face "never ever do that worried me...and i never wanna lose mikey....please be more carful.....where does it hurt?, i'll kiss it better!"

"well...." mike grinned, doing a very chester-like wolfish grin

"Hey that's mine!" chester protested

kelly kissed his mouth

"you kissed me!" chester grinned

she kissed him again


they smiled at eachother, suddenly they got distracted by the mass of the squels and giggles coming from the floor

"Mikey! we're out side!...mikey!'s naughty....!"

chester was suddenly himself again, he grinned evilly

"i like followin' by example..."

"me too...." kelly admitted

"mikey see, chester do!" chester smirked

"aww...mikey...i thought you were injured...." ravyn grumbled

"you said you'd kiss it better...." mike grinned

"MIKE!, QUIT STEALIN' MY LINES!" chester yelled, he suddenly muttered to himself "i can't believe that ****** got layed before i did...."

Chester woke up the next morning

"ow....why does my nose hurt and my sore back.....arrh!" he looked next to him "mike why are you in my bed?!"

"shut up ches....ummm...i'm sleepin'...." mike sighed, mike woke up with a start, chester was looking under the cover's curiously "'m kinda....naked..."

"me too..." mike sighed

"erm...wanna pretend this never happened...." chester stuttered

"i feel like ****..." mike sighed

chester suddenly got out of pair of underwear in the bed

"erm...mike have you been wearin' chick undies?"

"hey i just found some to...." mike grinned "HEY!, maybe we got laid!"

"in the same bed?" chester protested

"i've done stranger...." mike smiled

they both pulled on their under wear that was next to the bed, chester hung the girls underwear on his bed post

"hey ches...sombodies wrote somethin on you..." mike frowned "kels's *****....hey woah! THAT IS TWISTED!"

"where....where?" chester yelped "arhhh! i've been manhandled.....!"

Mike grinned "ha ha, ravvy would never do...." he caught the site of his back in the mirror "holy ****!...we must've been really wasted!!"

"Ravvy's *****...hahahahaa!" chester smirked "you're a ***** too!"

chester walked in to the bathroom, humming

"my back hurts a little....Hey mike i think i've had an allergic reaction to the ink...." he called

the shower was heard from the bathroom, then i high pitched girlish scream


"chester....y' dead....?" mike wailed

"it's not comin''s not even fadin', it hurts like when i first got my tat..........****!" chester realised "mike...."

"uh....huh..." mike drawled lazily

"How do you feel about permanant scarring.....?" chester asked

"well...i couldn't really say ches....i've never really got permanantly scarred before...." mike mumbled

" that..." chester said nervously

"Yup!?" mike smiled "hey ches want pancakes for breakfast....i'm in a really good mood...."

"well that's just great mike, you'll need to kinda see the funny side of this...huh?, you like funny...." chester stuttered

"why...what have you done!?" mike protested

" the girls...those mischeivoius...little gorgoerous...annoyin' little....thing they are...kinda set us up for drunken tattooing...." chester laughed "it's funny....yet i slightly wanna throttle kels...."

"ches...don't be stupid i haven't got a tat...arhhh! how did that happen?!" mike yelled, he tried to catch sight of his back in the mirror again

"well y'know i'm kinda figurin' we were really drunk so the girls...kelly's idea probably...." chester bit his lip "but...i still love her...." he said quickly and defensively

"KELLLLLLLLLY!" mike screamed

Chester came out the bathroom smirking "don't get mad....get even..."

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