Xbox 360

Im Bada24
Haha I know but bada is my stupid nickname! But yeah im on Halo 3 alot Call of Duty 4 doesnt have alot of people on it all the time like Halo, so thats why.
Yeah I have been addicted like a drug to the 360 XD, my rep is so shitty lol, I curse too much! Halo 3 is so ****ing cool, especially forging maps! Also another awesome game, Dead Rising, dude i've killed like 3000 zombies right's so cool...CoD I need to get some money for...hmmm what can I do to get that game?
Rob a bank.....
Another great game is Rock Band but it cost $170 (well at least on PS3 version I think my cousin said it is more for 360, but i don't think guitar is wireless on 360 so I got PS3 version)
Im pissed. Got a 360 and Halo 3 yesterday.
Halo 3 played once, and now the disc doesnt work so I gotta go get it replaced.
I read something written by Major Neilson (works for Live) saying that the problems are because there were so many new registrations over the holidays, that's why it was all screwy
there is a scratch, a perfect ring 360 degrees around the disc...
too perfect to be of human error.

Got Halo replaced. had to ****ing argue with the guy to get it though...
But yeah, I'll activate my live account tonight.

EDIT: Activated my live account :)
Add me if you want: Shadowfax1007
Send me a message letting me know who you are first though.

So I am getting my Xbox 360 tonight. I am wondering, if anyone else here has one? Also is there anything from your experience I should know? Like caring for it? I'd really appreciate it!

Don't throw your controller at it.
And if all of the red lights flash, it's not a good sign.
lmao that is true

PS3 = no red ring of death FTW lol

Actually 360 is great I just whipped it out and played Rainbow 6 Vegas earlier today

Yeah, I'm addicted to it.
But banned from playing my brothers haha.
Sucks, because he just got Rock Band, special edition.
And the one at my boyfriend's house got stolen by one of his nieces' husband for a while.
Makes me sad.

I got rockband on my PS3 and I it is so ****ing fun and addicting lol.

my brother is playing online singing right now and sucks lol
Supposed to get one for my birthday (the 24th)... Parents couldn't do it for Christmas, but of course I'm not upset. Super eager to play Halo 3, just beat Halo 2 on PC.

COD looks amazing.
Not sure if I'll get Assassin's Creed for it, or for the PC. But when I do get a 360, first thing I'm getting is a high definition VGA cable. I like playing games at my computer desk (been a hardcore PC gamer lately), and my 19" widescreen monitor is way better than scanlines on a TV. (Yes, no flat panel plasma HD TV user here)

There's a number of games I would really like to check out once I get one (and a job of course, I'll be turning 16 finally), but all the names have slipped my mind. :\