You guys are pissing me off.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
Yes, yes, before you even say it, this is another post of SD talking about herself. Know what? If you don't like it, don't read it.


Now it's your own damn fault if it pisses you off; I gave you fair warning.

I'd just like to establish once and for all that I was not AWARE that there were restictions on what I was ALLOWED to post on this forum. I was under the impression that this was the ONE PLACE I could come and post whatever the hell I wanted to. No one told me people would get pissed if I posted a particular kind of thead, or that they would chuck a spaz if my opinions weren't the same as theirs. Fine, I get it; you've made your point. The 'free speech' you advertise here is as phoney as Jerry Springer. (Ironically, this is much LIKE an online version of said Springer.)

So. I get it. I had thought that this was the place where I could say anything I wanted and people would be tough enough, if not rational enough, to take it. Apparently I gave the site too much credit, and I shall keep some of my thoughts to myself from now on. From this day forth, I will make no unrelated comments on your country except to say that I despise what it's become. Surely, it was founded on what a group of people thought was best for it, but...things have gone downhill since then. The whole world's gone downhill since then.

You will now see a restrained and hopefully less OFFENSIVE SD. Send me an IM if you're ever ready to hear ALL of what I have to say.

Are we all quite happy now?
You are ALLOWED to post anything, but you must also take responsibility for being an idiot. It's all about accountability deary. LOL This is just amusing as hell! If you can't take it well..... YOu know the rest
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Everyone tells me I'm 'allowed' to post what I want, then they jump on me like a dog on a steak about doing exactly what they told me to. Pick one.
Dumbass!!!!!!! You never should have tried to dish it out if you wren't prepared to play with the big kids. The more you react like an idiot (or just plain act like one) you WILL be abused (at least by me I love to play this game in case you hadn't noticed) So go back to "silently observing" oh enlightened one, and don't open your trap until you are ready to play
Silver_dragon87 said:
Yes, yes, before you even say it, this is another post of SD talking about herself. Know what? If you don't like it, don't read it.


Now it's your own damn fault if it pisses you off; I gave you fair warning.

I'd just like to establish once and for all that I was not AWARE that there were restictions on what I was ALLOWED to post on this forum. I was under the impression that this was the ONE PLACE I could come and post whatever the hell I wanted to. No one told me people would get pissed if I posted a particular kind of thead, or that they would chuck a spaz if my opinions weren't the same as theirs. Fine, I get it; you've made your point. The 'free speech' you advertise here is as phoney as Jerry Springer. (Ironically, this is much LIKE an online version of said Springer.)

So. I get it. I had thought that this was the place where I could say anything I wanted and people would be tough enough, if not rational enough, to take it. Apparently I gave the site too much credit, and I shall keep some of my thoughts to myself from now on. From this day forth, I will make no unrelated comments on your country except to say that I despise what it's become. Surely, it was founded on what a group of people thought was best for it, but...things have gone downhill since then. The whole world's gone downhill since then.

You will now see a restrained and hopefully less OFFENSIVE SD. Send me an IM if you're ever ready to hear ALL of what I have to say.

Are we all quite happy now?


No speaky till the man speaky to you.
SD yes this is that type of forum.....but when you are the minority and piss of the general WYPO public yea you are going to get a **** storm.....

Its the ability to bounce back that counts....

and i think you have done that...............
This look like another case of someone not taking what they dish out!

All SD seems to do is bitch at "us"(general GF pubilc) and then go crazy because everyone gangs up on her. Try just sharing your point of view instead of saying it with such disrespect to others ALL the time and it will work better for you. Talk **** please, it keeps it interesting, but like tizz said, you got to keep yourself from looking like an idiot.

If you keep acting like a childish idiot, we will most likely continue to treat you like one.

If you can't take it then you should have thought more about who you were talking to!
Poor little SD...still being the attention whore, we see. Have you nothing better to contribute to this forum? I guess that little pity pot you reside in must be overflowing with contempt by now :(
Oh Woeses (SP) me....Everyone picks on me cause i open my mouth and say how i feel..BOO WHO....And i mean i think i should get to say what i want since i am from a country that isnt despised because we dont have a real army and we love our trees. America sucks cause you guys are oh so patriotic and it disgust me. How can you love a country that would fight for you...Umph...NOT FAIR...You all tell me how childish I am and I am grown up!
I AM I AM I AM!!! ITs ME ME ME....See how you pick on me...

RegisteredAndEducated said:
SD how did you hack Gray's password???

I think we should have a moderator or somebody get that fixed!!!


LOL see i think there should be something against that sorta...CHAOS..LOL
So SD what do u think everybody is gonna think when you say that you'll change and be quiet because everybody gangs up on you. What I thought is that your retarded for saying that... be yourself!!! So what if they gang up on you? so what if they dont like you? that's what this place is about saying whatever the **** is in your head but you also got to take whatever the **** everybody else has to say about the load of crap you just said. Am I making sense?
So keep on posting about yourself and keep on taking the ****, don't expect for anybody to feel bad for you here.

You DO have free speech here, and you CAN post whatever you want. But however, free speech applies to EVERYONE on here. You have the right to make your posts and others have the right to take the piss out of them. I've probably recieved more piss taking than you ever could imagine, let alone recieved on here, but hey, thats how GF works.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind you at all and I agree with some of the things you say, but you do set yourself up to be hit pretty hard.
I never said I couldn't take what I dished out, guys. Though in my own defense, what I say is based on mature thought--even if you don't like what it IS that I have to say. I don't dish out ****-slinging, and therefore I don't like being in the midst of it either.

But anyway, my point isn't that I'm frightened or whatever and I'm running away--I just find that my blood pressure gets too high when I start screaming my opinions. That, and it's just not worth it. I'd rather keep some of my opinions to myself than have everyone hate me. Not that I care, but I'd rather...maintain an environment in which some people will still hold a real conversation with me. It's less fun, but has more substance. If that's what I'm preaching about--which I am, now--then I should practise it as well.

My rage has been spent, thank you for bearing with me. I'm now trying a different approach. Still me though. ;)

PS: touch
SD, with freedom of speech comes the responsibility of accepting the consequences for what you say. You can say what you want, and we can say whatever we want right back.
Gray~Gal said:
Oh Woeses (SP) me....Everyone picks on me cause i open my mouth and say how i feel..BOO WHO....And i mean i think i should get to say what i want since i am from a country that isnt despised because we dont have a real army and we love our trees. America sucks cause you guys are oh so patriotic and it disgust me. How can you love a country that would fight for you...Umph...NOT FAIR...You all tell me how childish I am and I am grown up!
I AM I AM I AM!!! ITs ME ME ME....See how you pick on me...

The whole time I was reading this I was like 'what the ****?' Then I realized what you were getting at. I was about to smack you until you asked "who am I?"

I'm giving a wild guess. Silver Schmuck.
Silver_dragon87 said:
I never said I couldn't take what I dished out, guys. Though in my own defense, what I say is based on mature thought--even if you don't like what it IS that I have to say. I don't dish out ****-slinging, and therefore I don't like being in the midst of it either.

But anyway, my point isn't that I'm frightened or whatever and I'm running away--I just find that my blood pressure gets too high when I start screaming my opinions. That, and it's just not worth it. I'd rather keep some of my opinions to myself than have everyone hate me. Not that I care, but I'd rather...maintain an environment in which some people will still hold a real conversation with me. It's less fun, but has more substance. If that's what I'm preaching about--which I am, now--then I should practise it as well.

My rage has been spent, thank you for bearing with me. I'm now trying a different approach. Still me though. ;)

PS: touch