your biggest turn ons

This is gonna be a long list...
Guy that turns me on is
intelligent-looks are not enough if u have no brains
confident-but not too much
funny, interesting
good in bed- just had to say that :)
he can have piercings, tatoos, nice smile, nice eyes, great abs....

What else turns me on... Vin Diesel, Chester.... :)
First off... they must be smart... i hate stupid people
Second, figured doesnt bother me too much...... but i am male... so yeah a fairly decent, i dont want know Rosean Arnold (If thats how u spell it)
Not selfish....
Not sluty....
... cant think of anything else....
chester,chester,screaming like chester, hair like chester, face like chester, ahh body like chester, attitude like chester, CHESTER. ohh.. and Axe..mmMMmm, i like it when guys call me BABY... i dunno what it is!....good sence of clothing... When guys like touch my thigh...i dunno...DONT AsK!! hhaha...
piercings: tongue, ears, nose, eyebrow (anywhere else is just nasty, but belly button is sexy)
punky spiky hair
beautiful eyes
nice body
like it when guys rub below my ass it feels awesome
XrockinfreakX said:
nice smile
smells good
nice hair
doesnt lie
is funny
hugable :D
....i never had a boyfriend like that though lol

my brother fits the not boastin or anythin but he does one more thing ......he does have good looks
amazingly good looking.......talll......athletic........kind......loving.......amazing hair. blode or brow anythin.......nice eyes.....hugiable(sorry stupid soul 1 i stole yours)......romantic.... convertiables.......tattoos(good ones) intelligent ........understandable.......a very very good nature

never seen such a good lookin guy.......
biggest turn ons are ( on a man I must say ):

* blond hair
* blue eyes
* tattoos
* piercings
* scars
* armpits
* a good scence of humor

And right now I'm in love with a guy who has got every single f*cking thing I want. There must be a god out there.

xxxxx The Tester
someone who understands and can stand me.
and beautiful eyes i could stare in all day
at least one piercing (facial please)
at least one tattoo
um... a sence of humor
and just that person who is just himself and doesnt go with the flow.
i also like the shy types.
Someone who i can stare into theirs eyes all day
sexy and handsome..
who i look forward to seeing everyday..
has a sense of humor..
makes me feel beautiful in every way..
likes hugs
i can count on...
The_Chester_Tester said:
biggest turn ons are ( on a man I must say ):

* blond hair
* blue eyes
* tattoos
* piercings
* scars
* armpits
* a good scence of humor

And right now I'm in love with a guy who has got every single f*cking thing I want. There must be a god out there.

xxxxx The Tester

sorreh, but who doesn't have armpits?