Your Last Meal

Anna Perenna

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2005
Another morbid one for you all ...

If you were on death row, and you were given the opportunity of a final pig out, what would you order?

This website is good for inspiration.

Also, what would your (ideal) last words be?
Scalloped potatoes made with Guv'ment cheese, and picnic ham.

My final words would they are about to hit the switch...

" Uhm, excuse me, I need to take a ****.... oh nevermind, I'll go after we finish this".
The biggest seafood feast ever. King crab, snow crab, blue crab, dungeon crab, butterfly and popcorn shrimp fried along with sauteed shrimp, and some rock and Maine lobster tails. Butter with garlic please. Side order of fries.
Hm...this should be a loong list!
Lobster tails with lemon and butter, filet mignon, glazed carrots, stuffed clams, mashed potatoes, chicken cordon'd be good eats!!
Let's see, umm, a FAT SHAWARMA pita, garlic paste and homus on the side, some Pizza, a lot of chubby cola, and some nice big, merinated steaks.

I would say, "Hey officer your shoe is untied!".
I'm thinking some nice Alaskan King Crab legs, some Shrimp ****tail and maybe some Lobster tails...
MUST have a Dr Pepper to wash it all down with.

My last words...maybe something self depricating like "I forgive you"
or maybe "I'll save a seat for you in hell"
or maybe if I did something I was proud of I would choose that moment to make a statement like "it was all worth it".

Not sure of course
I would have to go with a freaking huge slab of rare prime rib and cheesy hashbrowns. As for what my last words would be, I guess I would laugh in their face about how they would still have to pay taxes, and I would no longer be. :D
My last meal would be lazagna, a salad, olive bread, and for dessert, (just to piss off MM) apple pie alamode. :D Last words to MM and LF: "From Hell's heart, I stab at thee! For Hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee!!" Then I'd flip both of those assholes the bird. :mad: :mad:
If i'm asked what I want for my last meal I will ask for an all you can eat buffet. As long as I keep eating, I stay alive.

Last words would be a long stuttering rant that would not end 'til they throw the switch.
If I could attend my own wake, it would be a pig on a spit, with salads aplenty, and roast veges and gravy.

Chicken and sweet corn for starters, and banana fritters, vanilla ice-cream, and cinnamon sauce, for afters.

What would I say to my potential executionists? With that lot of food in my guts, I would be doing all of my "talking" through my arsehole.

BRrRRRRRrrRRRrRRRRRp. FffffrrrRRRRRRffffRrRRRrrrrrRRppppfdrerp. ;)
In preparation for this meal, I'd have to not eat for a week before the date. That way, when it's time for the meal, I have lots of hunger!!

Chicken cordon bleu
Vegetarian cheese lasagna
Pasta primavera
Egg rolls
Spring rolls
Cabbage rolls
Cheese cake
Egg salad sandwich
Eggs benedict
Monty cristo sandwich
Western sandwich
Scalloped potatoes
Maple walnut ice cream
Indescribable amounts of alcohol
Toaster pastries

I think I'll need to edit this list at some point in time. I know I've forgotten some things.

And my last It depends on what crime I committed. I don't ever recall feeling guilt, so I think my last words would be something bitter, spiteful, or witty, versus something remorse-filled. Or it might be a final goodbye to someone I loved.
Or..If I killed someone, and I truly hated them and I'm glad they're dead, I'd laugh like a maniac and curse at the family watching my execution to let them know I'm not going to leave this earth without on last spite
Well...First I'd ask for a big ****in joint.

Then I'd pig out on Viva puffs, Smoky BBQ potato chips, Beef Jerky, Random pastries, coconut candy bars, and then I'd wash it down with beer, vodka, Absinthe and energy drinks.

Then I'd make sure I piss all over the firing squad just as they shot me.
All of which would be preceeded as KVH, with a fine joint first.

The meal: Vegitarian Lasagna, Mushroom Pizza, Tofu stirfry with Alfredo sauce, Hummus Salad, Faffafel Pitas, an entire wheel of Dill Havarti, 2 fried egg sandwiches, and an endless train of Boca burgers.

To drink; A nice Red wine, Big 8 Cola, Mango Five Alive and a qrt of 151 to make sure THEY never accually get to kill me..I'm going down on MY terms! :p

My last words consisting of only the wisdom of the good Doctor;

"You better take care of me lord, because if you're gonna have me on your hands!"
I would ask for a fifteen pound turkey, a gallon of gravy, a cookie sheet of dressing, and several sides along with a case of beer and a box of cheap wine. All this in the hopes of passing out and postponing my execution.

Kidding. I'd ask for a ham and cheese and hold the sass. Fire me up.
eisanbt said:
All of which would be preceeded as KVH, with a fine joint first.

The meal: Vegitarian Lasagna, Mushroom Pizza, Tofu stirfry with Alfredo sauce, Hummus Salad, Faffafel Pitas, an entire wheel of Dill Havarti, 2 fried egg sandwiches, and an endless train of Boca burgers.

To drink; A nice Red wine, Big 8 Cola, Mango Five Alive and a qrt of 151 to make sure THEY never accually get to kill me..I'm going down on MY terms! :p

My last words consisting of only the wisdom of the good Doctor;

"You better take care of me lord, because if you're gonna have me on your hands!"

I don't know...

Is it me or do they eat some WEIRD ASS **** up there in Halifax, Nova Scotia? :eek: "Tofu stirfry with Alfredo sauce" WTF! :eek: