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the sky is falling the sky is falling!!!
Actually the reason you were removed both times, and IWS & Bob can back this up, is because of your constant interfering and questioning of the way we, meaning Bob, myself, and IWS, choose to administrate/moderate this site. And no other reason. You'll notice I get into spirited GF style (you had to be there) debate with Royal Orleans & IWS, both right wingers, if I felt so conceited about my power I wouldn't have knowingly asked a good right wing debater to be the site's moderator.I will be removed again if I do what your doing, so if it is to be a one way flame fest from you, I will simply not reply when your doing such Bender.
I am curious how raising taxes would create jobs, Bender. I just don't see how that would make sense, so please enlighten me.The man doesn't need to feed anyone. He needs to create jobs. I've never claimed he was super man. But in order to create jobs, taxes need to be raised. It's a reality that Obama knows. Is not the title of this topic "GREAT HOPES FOR OBAMA FADE TO REALITY". The reality is, there is no way in **** that he can possibly restimulate the economy without raising taxes.
WTF? Now Obama is working FOR the insurance companies and pharma to make them rich and rip us all off?U.S. politicians have given us unending debt, a real estate bubble disaster and a failed health care system. Now they want to mandate that all Americans must participate in the current failed sick-care system, and those who don't will be fined!
A U.S. Senate committee, you see, has just passed a sweeing new "health care reform" bill that has nothing to do with health, or reform, or caring. It's all about making the drug companies rich and keeping the corrupt health insurance companies in power. full feature story on this disastrous new health care reform bill here:
U.S. Senate Health Committee Passes Health Care Reform Bill that will Bankrupt America by Mike Adams the Health Ranger
Because, it forces the guys who are getting the big bonuses to do something constructive with their profits. Sure they could raise costs or ship jobs over seas. But on the otherhand, what's another way to get out of them taxes? Lower your prices. Lowering your prices will increase demand, requiring you to hire more employees. You do get corporate tax breaks the more employees you have. Ever notice in the first few years that Clinton was in, companies were reporting lower then expected gains. This is because they were forced to reduce costs of their products even though material costs were higher. Eventually, more and more people could afford the products and sales picked up again. When sales picked up, more people had jobs. These companies were CERTAINLY not hurting, they didn't get as big of bonuses for each other as they do now, but they weren't on the verge of bankruptcy either.I am curious how raising taxes would create jobs, Bender. I just don't see how that would make sense, so please enlighten me.
His first 4 years he didn't, you just had a few conspiracy nuts claiming he didn't win (they still claim that). It was his last 4, more like his last 3, that he really lost the public's (notice I said public, not Democrats or Republicans) confidence.I've heard you say the same **** about how Dems backed Bush, but I still need to know what ******' planet you where on during the last decade, but it must not have been this one.
The only break he got, was a short time after 9/11. Before that, he wasn't the real President, because he stole the election.
After that he was fought by Dems on every ******' thing he did. **** even Obama voted to cut off funding to the troops fighting in wars.
You must have either been high, or under a rock, to believe that Bush caught any breaks by the Dems, the left or the media.
His first 4 years he didn't, you just had a few conspiracy nuts claiming he didn't win (they still claim that). It was his last 4, more like his last 3, that he really lost the public's (notice I said public, not Democrats or Republicans) confidence..
Bull, one example was the stimulus bill, he said it had to be signed before anyone had a chance to read or study it to save the economy and keep unemployment at 8%.I don't when Obama does it, because he doesn't go and proclaim "THIS IS GONNA HAPPEN OR THAT IS GONNA HAPPEN" contrary to what you say. He simply explains the situation we are in, which you might interpret as "fear & paranoia" but isn't, then proceeds to explain what steps his administration is going to take to correct things.
Filibuster resistent, not proof, and agian if we went back to Carter days you'd know it.You say so. Since we have a fillibuster proof, we'll see who was right eventually.
Like I said from the start. If the guy can pull off even getting us back to where Carter had us, he's doing a good job. If you don't have enough confidence in even that, then I'll meet ya at the soup line.
True, but this is just in line with how many people in America are starting to wake up to the reality of Obama.I would comment, but I'm still in shock that this report came from an AP reporter.
Ya know TJ, for once I am going to have to agree with you... to a certain extent. And I'll tell you why. It's not that Obama's plan is a BAD one, but he is NOT being realistic and honest about coverage. Sure you could insure every man women and child in America. You can do it without long lines, rationing, all those bad things with the exception of one. The extent of coverage. Sure, your kid has a cough, needs some cough syrup and antibiotic, you could get by cheap. Cut your hand, free stitches are not an issue and a huge list that can go on and on of basic human care that can be cheap to provide. The problem is heart surgerys, kidney transplants, livers, etc.. The big lie he is telling the American people, is that they could get the same coverage as the senators and congressman. That just ain't gonna happen. (BTW, I watched too) He didn't exactly lie about it but he kind of talked his way around it. See, I can find fault's in the Messiah too...Exactly!
I wasted an hour of my life watching his speach tonight and the softball questions the "media" (joke) asked him and I still have no idea what his plan is.
He has said over and over his very basic outline but what is being created is nothing like what he is claiming to the public. It is like Obama is playing the bait and switch with America.
Even tonight he said the plan will be "budget neutral" but every estimate shows a massive shortfall on funding this really change we can believe in?
Dishonesty, lies, partisan politics, closed door meetings where Obama refuses to say who he has been meeting with, secrecy, sham town hall meetings that are completely rehersed and coached, less transparency than the last 6 administrations, lobbyists on his cabinet, many of them with huge tax issues, the list goes on and on from the President who promised us a completely new kind of politics.
Sounds exactly like the old politics to me.