I have a few more questions for the team. (sorry if I sound like an idiot but I am a logistics type of guy) I have been reading and doing some research on some other race teams. For example Matlock racing. As I read their race report here are a few questions that came up.
Mamito since we're using your bike for the race I guess most of these questions are for you.
What is the plan if something goes wrong with the bike? Example...Blown tire? radiator? spark plug? suspension? chain? ect. I know that we're using the baja pits. Will they have all the spare parts we will need just in case? Or we will be SOL?
Matlock also talks about the importance of a GPS for the highway sections so they can stay under the 60 MPH speed limit.
I realize this is still 9 months out but we need to start getting our race plan in place. Arrival, pre running, chase trucks, getting the other riders where they need to be on race day, their race section, tech inspection, riders meeting, ect. I would be happy to put something together so we're all on the same page and know what to expect each day. Also, I think it would be appropriate to put together a list of what every one MUST bring with them.
I would love to hear everyone's feedback and suggestions.
We all know that Baja is a mean course and can show it's teeth at any split second and we need to be prepared!!!