ToriAllen - Tori is a real delight to talk with in the chatroom and a strong poster/thread starter. I tend to think of her as being too full of herself, but I look past it in hopes of wooing her for domestic purposes.
fullauto- As long as he's been a member I don't know a whole heckuvalot about the man. I know he's cool and a strong poster. Intelligent and a stand-up guy.
Outlaw2747 - Don't get me wrong, I respect Outlaw. I find him a little pretentious, though. Some of the chats I've had with him have been completely one-sided discussions about his dementia. I hate to break it to you, Outlaw, the ENTIRE world ain't as fucked up as your life.
phreakwars - Goes for the jugular and feasts on the soul. I wanted to be the People's Mod, but I'm not that cool. I've always enjoyed reading PW's posts/threads. However, I feel that he doesn't back up his fellow Mods in the independent decisions that they make. It's quite belittling to have a Mod's work corrected by another Mod. I am grateful for the nod. My internet mentor.
Anna Perenna - Fuck this fucking fuck. Kidding. I daresay I find Anna to be quite entertaining. I scoff at her antics like a little silly boy prancing in his mother's bra. Despite her belief that I'm "TUFF" only on the internet, I will give her some positive rep.
tizz - The popular opinion of Tizz, is that she's a whore and stupid. I'm here to dispell those rumors, she's neither one of them. She's a skank and a dipshit.
TheJenn88 - I enjoy Jenn. She's a genuine sweetheart with a venomous bite. The venom, however, tastes like strawberry syrup. She and I have had several long chats and my bottom line opinion of Jenn is... she's an intelligent, well-adjusted, mature young lady.
Cogito Ergo Sum - One of my all time favorites. His opinions border on the truth and the way shit should be. The man is a God-prodigy... enough said.
skategreen - I don't know all that much about skategreen. I've chatted with her a few times and enjoy some of her posts. I think she'd like to ride Space Mountain.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell - The unofficial poster boy of GF. Pissed? Yes! Opinionated? Yes! Not always right? Who cares? This is a stand-up guy who doesn't take anything sitting down, except shits.
snafu - I like Snafu. A patriot and a scholar. I'd like to get to know him a little more.
Jhony5 - Let builder steal my lighter. I've always enjoyed Jhony's material and would like to see more in the future.
RoyalOrleans - An asshole. Thinks he is so tough and hardcore because he slams people on the net. Get a life, tool! Seriously... I have one word that sums me up best... beer. The end.
builder - Paul Hogan's former flatmate, evicted him because of builder's BO... a melange of Old Spice and fish. I've always respected builder, I've always supported builder, and I have never liked him. A solid poster... evidently he dives into a lot of muff. The chicks dig him.
Vortex - I enjoy Vortex' posts... his outlook... his witty remarks. Vortex has a lot of good qualities as a member and a person. Never knew he was gay.... I mean, a fruit.
Hugh G. Rekshun - A brother in arms, both online and in the US Military. Hugh shares many of my own convictions; Fears no man and takes no shit. Hugh is liked by a few, hated by many, respected by all.
angie - If that is really her in her profile picture, then she has a great future behind her. Admirable to say the least. I respect the fact that she wants to bring a kid into this world. A solid poster.
Komrade Vostok Hazard - Not a fan of his prescribed political outlook. Says some funny shit, though.
ALLAH IS GREAT - Not a big fan of her prescribed religion. I do have to admit that she's intelligent and keeps up with MRIH as they continue to slander each other.
ParasiteGod - Another member that I don't know that well. I'd like to here more out of her/him/it so that I can formulate an opinion.
cool_dude - Seems to want a lot of respect for his limited intelligence and thought capacity.
tonon - An idiot's idiot.
jokersarewild - Has fallen off the face of the earth. If he's fishing about and is reading this... don't ever use that Link and Chicken avatar again.
cynthiaa89 - I've enjoyed her posts thus far. I haven't heard that much out her lately. Has a cute profile picture.
Crispy Critter - GF's Dragon Slayer. That's all I really know.
WHATEVER - Wishes Eminem was black.
Silver_dragon87 - Like everybody else says, an attention whore. Be it as it may, she's a solid poster and stands behind her beliefs no matter how insanely stupid they are. She's just a kid and confused, but most of all misunderstood.
Lethalfind - Would pay me to parade around in my UPS uniform and give her a special package. I don't like Dr. Pepper, though. I have enjoyed her posts and will continue to enjoy her posts. She's straight to the point and opnionated.