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Everything posted by hugo

  1. EXACTLY, AND THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING...MAXIMIZING SHAREHOLDER WEALTH. They make a calculated decision that not filling certain prescriptions will gain them more sales from the pro-life fanatics than they will lose from the I want to kill my baby and you got to help me fanatics.
  2. They sure ain't eradicating them very quickly. If we wanted to eradicate them WMD's would be a better option.
  3. First they were socialists. They could not win with that label. They stole an honorable word, liberal, and turned it into a synonym for socialist. People figured it out. Now they are calling themselves progressives. Manure, by any name, still smells like shit.
  4. Wrong, a store exists to increase the wealth of it's owners.
  5. Somehow I think the free market will supply my antibiotics. There is something called the internet, and something called UPS, even if I lived in Hicksville, Alabama I got plenty of suppliers to choose from. Your scenario is ludicrous. From: Theory, Evidence and Examples of FDA Harm Now, getting a drug when the FDA refuses to let the free market work is a bit bigger problem.
  6. Anyone Can Cherry Pick Quotes From Both Books Of Fables To Show The Superiority Of One Book Over The Other.
  7. In much of the world liberal retains it's classical meaning.
  8. Actually, whether or not a pharmacy must dispense all valid prescriptions is being decided by courts now. There have been mixed results. The FDA, through delaying and reducing the production of life saving medications has killed far more people than it has saved, Sadly, we undervalue statistical lives. CES lives in his little commie woeld where the motto is "Government good. More government better." Our founding fathers knew better. Our Constitution once was a barrier to intrusive government. Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
  9. Wal-Mart should have the right to sell, or not sell, whatever they fucking want. Glad you ain't a judge. A business, corporate, individual, partnership, etc, should have the right to choose what products they sell. The FDA should be abolished. CES's stupid position is since government already unjustly intrudes in your life that should give them the right to intrude further. I smell a stinkin' fabian socialist here. Let me explain something folks. A transaction should be between two willing parties.
  10. hugo

    Id Cards

    Both sides were aided by Indians. If you win a war with France as an ally you should get double credits.
  11. With rights comes responsibility. In order to legalize drug use our welfare state must also be dismantled and the extra prison space should be used to harshly punish crimes against person and property. At the very least receipients of government aid should be required to submit to tests for drug use. An adult should be able to do as he wishes..as long as he pays for it. A libertarian state grants personal freedom...it also demands personal responsibility.
  12. A business should be able to choose what product it sells. I agree with a right to abortion. I do not agree with government forcing others to assist you in getting an abortion.
  13. From: The Failure of the War on Drugs-BECKER
  14. And the best way to remove them from the gene pool is to stop enabling stupid decisions.
  15. Robberies are largely due to the high price of drugs caused by the fact the drugs are illegal. By and large, alcoholics have no need to commit robberies. For every drug that creates aggression there is one that decreases it. Drop the price of a crackheads dope and he will be smoking it...not robbing people. Few mentally impaired dopeheads are a threat to others. The few that are can be dispensed with by a legal system that actually punishes crimes against persons and property.
  16. Yep, the same things that occurred when alcohol was illegal, along with the other crimes committed due to alcohol being on the black market. There need to be harsher laws against those who harm others or steal the property of others. There would be much more asets devoted to apprehending, convicting and warehousing the rapists, robbers and murderers if we stopped protecting the dopeheads from themselves. So do you favor the return of prohibition? Of course, domestic violence would come nearly to a halt if women would leave a man the first time he struck them. It is a damn shame we have to spend so many tax dollars protecting the terminally stupid. Let me now mention the drug war's effect on our constitutional protections. The power to tax is the power to spend ,or regulate, mentality really acceleratred with the 1938 Marijuana Tax Act . It recenly culminated with a Supreme Court decision allowing state and local bodies to utilize the power of eminent domain to confiscate your home for as shady a public use as simply increasing tax revenues. State laws on drugs are debateable, federal laws are unconstitutional. An amendment was needed to enact and repeal prohibition.
  17. Oue experience with prohibition of alcohol proves otherwise.
  18. Never debate with idiots. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. The holocaust was real. We still should not give Isreal one damn cent. http://remember.org/History.root.rev.html
  19. The USS Liberty was a tragic case of friendly fire.
  20. At some point tests will be banned because they discriminate against the stupid.
  21. I"ll bet if you compare the scores of white and asian Americans that we come out quite well compared to the rest of the world. It is a cultural bias against education that is being nourished in hispanic and black communities that is the problem.
  22. Let Darwinism cull out the stupid. Right now the intelligent are paying a heavy price in dollars, and otherwise, to punish people for their stupidity. Eliminate vice laws and the gangs that plague our inner cities diminish greatly overnight.
  23. Yep, sure does.
  24. Actually. all vice laws, concerning adults, should be eliminated.
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