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Everything posted by hugo

  1. You seem to be a very sensitive fat fuck.
  2. Actually, space aliens, part of the natural order, is certainly provable. It just ain't been proven. Given certain physical laws it seems highly improbable any intelligent life has visited Earth.
  3. A much better argument is that tolitarian states, secular and sacred, inhibit liberty and economic progress. The Soviet Union repressed religion. It was Marx that coined religion as the opiate of the masses. The Soviet Union did not turn out to be an enlightened society. There is more evidence of God then there is of space aliens having visited Earth. You have made some absurd statements. Wars are due to competition for scarce resources. The belief in an afterlife is a deep psychological need for a species that realizes its mortality. It exists in all cultures. Them space aliens must have been awful busy instilling religion.
  4. Now that is rubbish. The truth is that any species that recognizes it is mortal will practice religion. I tend to avoid debates with space alien theory nuts.
  5. Why do two packs of chimpanzees fight? Territory and the scarce resources upon that territory. That is the root cause of wars.
  6. Because they got money. Banks are reacting to a demand..the free market at work.
  7. I'm sure we ain't missing much.
  8. Eliminating private property requires coercion...i.e. government.
  9. I think the one thing people are missing is Bush's transgressions do have a national security purpose, Nixon's transgressions were made to insure his re-election. Impeachment is not in order. A Supreme Court decision on the NSA's action is.
  10. As a classical liberal I recognize the need for a limited government to protect the citizens of a nation from internal and external aggressors.
  11. Churchill's famous quote about democracy also applies to capitalism.
  12. No corporation ever forced me to purchase a good from them. Government sure as hell does.
  13. The fact is serious attempts at communism always result in tyranny and severe restrictions on civil rights. What the left fails to realize is the positive correlation between insuring property rights and insuring civil rights. Once you severely restict the rights of property the restrictions on civil rights quickly follow. Jenn has covered much of the basics...let me explain other fundamental reasons government should have a small role in economic matters. There are basically four ways money is spent 1) You spend your money on yourself 2) You spend your money on someone else 3) you spend someone else's on yourself 4) you spend someone elses money on someone else (see Milton Friedman's Capitalism and Freedom). Under scenario 1 you care about both quality and price. Under scenario 2 your prime concern is price. Under scenario 3 your prime concern is quality. Scenario 4 is the worst scenario you don't care about either price or quality. Scenario 4 describes the vast majority of government spending. It is a myth that government is the primary factor responsible for the minimum wage. There has never been a truly effective minimum wage in this nation's history. Government imposed minimum wages have always followed the free market having risen the wages of 90+% of adult workers above the government set minimum wage. If governments really controlled minimum wage the Soviet Union could have cured their economy by simply setting a wage equivalent to $10 an hour. We all know why that would not work..it would be paying people more than their productive power is worth it would lead to massive unemployment. It is the free market that generally sets wages. China and India tried Marxism, now they, and their people, are enjoying the growth from switching to capitalism.
  14. The socialists stole the term liberal. The classical liberal feared government power and properly limited the sphere of government.
  15. My birthday is not until May.
  16. Since Pat Buchanan is strongly against American intervention across the globe I don't see why he is included in this list. Of course the American people elect their commander in chief. Being in the service is not a requirement for the position. GW Bush also received an honorable discharge. The list is a bit biased. I'm sure Gore had it tough as a journalist. From Pat Buchanan's "A Republic, Not an Empire" speech. This was written when Clinton was President. I see neither him Hitlery or Madeline Aldumb made the list of Democrats who served.
  17. The problem I got is once you label everyone a bigot the word becomes meaningless.
  18. You obviously do not have a clue. Next you will be claiming I worship the Great Ghoombah. I have a wonderful wife who I have been married to for 25 years. I did not fuck up the biggest decision of my life. I suggest CES look at the Libertarian Party. You are an idiot who actually believes DU is more harmful than lead.
  19. That 15th Century so-called scholar has had only Pabst Blue Ribbon and Coors Light to drink for the last half a milliniem. Goombah can be a bit tough at times.
  20. Happy holiday to all.
  21. hugo


    I'm betting Rosie is single.
  22. Goombah is the creator of some things and dabbler at controlling the universe. He gets pissed when people blame him everytime there is a disaster. I mean controlling the universe is a pretty tough task, particularly when you are semi-intoxicated a great deal of the time.
  23. I must admit the wife is a bit pissed since I converted to goombanism with its 186 holy days that we are required to celebrate by imbibing the fermented crops of the field (we are working on adding more holy days). Praise Goombah!! Once you have seen Goombah turn tap water into Shiner beer you too will believe.
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