The fact is serious attempts at communism always result in tyranny and severe restrictions on civil rights. What the left fails to realize is the positive correlation between insuring property rights and insuring civil rights. Once you severely restict the rights of property the restrictions on civil rights quickly follow.
Jenn has covered much of the basics...let me explain other fundamental reasons government should have a small role in economic matters. There are basically four ways money is spent 1) You spend your money on yourself 2) You spend your money on someone else 3) you spend someone else's on yourself 4) you spend someone elses money on someone else (see Milton Friedman's Capitalism and Freedom). Under scenario 1 you care about both quality and price. Under scenario 2 your prime concern is price. Under scenario 3 your prime concern is quality. Scenario 4 is the worst scenario you don't care about either price or quality. Scenario 4 describes the vast majority of government spending.
It is a myth that government is the primary factor responsible for the minimum wage. There has never been a truly effective minimum wage in this nation's history. Government imposed minimum wages have always followed the free market having risen the wages of 90+% of adult workers above the government set minimum wage. If governments really controlled minimum wage the Soviet Union could have cured their economy by simply setting a wage equivalent to $10 an hour. We all know why that would not would be paying people more than their productive power is worth it would lead to massive unemployment. It is the free market that generally sets wages. China and India tried Marxism, now they, and their people, are enjoying the growth from switching to capitalism.