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Everything posted by hugo

  1. It was not a close race. You would have had to be an idiot when you went to the polls not to know that McCain would win Alaska. I would have had to been an idiot to not know McCain would win Texas. RO would have had to be an idiot not to know McCain would win Georgia. We would all have to be idiots not to know Obama would win the election. Basic statistics, folks. I guess salesmen and post office workers do not need to ubderstand statistics. It was GW's expansion of Medicare that made Obamacare possible. At some point when you are heading down the plank you need to reverse course. One man's vote deciding a Presidential election only happens in a lunatic's fantasies.
  2. Nothing worse then the misuse of bible quotes to defend divorce and fornication, TJ. I ain't angry, just trying to save you from hellfire.
  3. You would not have those problems with child support if you had stayed with the mother of your children as God intended, TJ. You should have been responsible and respected your vows.
  4. I would not date someone I don't trust.
  5. Not me.
  6. One commie supporting the other against a true conservative. Hayworth has a 100% rating by the American Conservative Union. Read more: http://newsok.com/mccain-campaign-gets-palin-support/article/3449497#ixzz0jQHlKzWm
  7. Next time you watch a football game where a team is down by three touchdowns and has the ball in the last 30 seconds. They are seldom throwing Hail Marys. A better analogy is we are at war; capitalism versus socialism and some battles or lost but the war is not over. By election Tuesday the battle had been lost but the war against socialism must continue, That means not giving your vote to liberal, a man whose name is on the bill that was the greatest attack on free speech in 200 years, just because he has an R by his name.
  8. It should be outside the role of government. If the little tramp wanted an abortion I don't see why taxpayers should pay for it even though, in cases like this, it probably will result in a net gain for the taxpayer.
  9. What TJ ignores in his football anbalogy is that the Presidential election game has about 30 seconds left and McCain was down by three touchdowns. Can't win. Of course, in my state McCain was up by three touchdowns with 30 seconds left. Can't lose. If ignorance is bliss TJ is a very happy man. Now to make things even more unlikely. In order for McCain to lose Texas and still win the Presidency he would have to lose 10 points among Texas voters while gaining 8 points nationally. I would call this impossible. Of course Ignorance is Bliss. In any presidential election if Texas and/or Georgia is in play crown the Democrat victor. If California is in play crown the Republican victor.
  10. Maybe now idiots will realize that voting for socialist Republicans in 2000 led to Obamacare and look for people that respect the constitution to vote for.
  11. The fact is every sane person who went to the polls knew that Obama would win the Presidency. Every sane person who went to the polls in Texas knew that McCain would carry Texas, Knowing this any sane person would vote for the man they thought was best. To vote for McCain says you approved a farther left GW with a bimbo communist running mate. The fact is if GW and many Republicans had not pushed through the expansion of Medicare Obamacare would not have happened. It was Floridians and other idiots that got Obama elected. Yes, we have Obamacare thanks to conservatives like TJ who vote for socialists.
  12. When i went to vote I knew only one person could win. Trying to pretend McCain had a chance to win the Presidency would have been retarded,
  13. Probably so. Ford, like Sarah, was not fiscally conservative, he would not have taken the needed steps to end the recession, and the economy most likely would have led to a Democrat victory in 1980. Maybe some good will come out of Obama's election. He seems to have at least awaken some to the dangers of government.
  14. If you have any used panties, you do not need, please mail them to me so I can donate them to women in need. Do not bother washing them.
  15. The only time you should consider voting for the lesser evil is if 1) You live in a battleground state and 2) the election is too close to call. This has never applied to me in my lifetime.
  16. Sarah would not like that. As long as she has that R by her name TJ will support, The same kind of dumbass who voted for Specter. Sarah is supporting a path to citizenship for illegal aliens. Only a dumbass could not see that. Everyone, who is not a dumbass, knew when they went to the polls in Nov of 2008 that Barack Obama would win. To vote for someone who had a chance of winning meant you had to vote for Obama. I guess that is who TJ voted for. In every single Presidential election I have known who was going to get my states electoral votes before I went to the polls. If TJ only votes for someone who has a chance of winning that means he voted for Bill Clinton twice and Barack Obama. He ain't no conservative.
  17. Letting criminal aliens become citizens ain't conservative. I guess you think it is right to reward illegal activity.
  18. If you are a typical voter for President you go to the polls already knowing who is going to carry your state. To vote for a candidate tells that candidates party that you approve of that choice. Thus making it more likely they will pick someone similar in the future.
  19. Her: Why don't we skip the dinner and movie and you just let me play with your penis. This may not be some peoples idea of a perfect date and I don't really give a damn.
  20. Off with her head. She likes babies and guns, she is still a commie.
  21. Stupid people tend to be fooled by words. Smart people look at peoples actions. Sarah has a record as a tax and spend liberal. Palin: Uninspiring Tax Policy Record by Chris Edwards Stupid people do not realize what seperated Reagan from GW Bush.
  22. Ike had the right foreign policy approach. You don't fight wars with your own soldiers you stage coups. Cheaper, and the perfect strategy for the Middle East today. Ike knew firsthand the costs of war. Our entangling alliance with Israel only does us harm.
  23. Socialist Party Platform 1928 Socialist Party Platform of 1928 1. "Nationalization of our natural resources, beginning with the coal mines and water sites, particularly at Boulder Dam and Muscle Shoals." 2. "A publicly owned giant power system under which the federal government shall cooperate with the states and municipalities in the distribution of electrical energy to the people at cost." 3. "National ownership and democratic management of railroads and other means of transportation and communication." 4. "An adequate national program for flood control, flood relief, reforestation, irrigation, and reclamation." 5. "Immediate government relief of the unemployed by the extension of all public works and a program of long range planning of public works ... All persons thus employed to be engaged at hours and wages fixed by bona-fide labor unions." 6. "Loans to states and municipalities without interest for the purpose of carrying on public works and the taking of such other measures as will lessen widespread misery." 7. "A system of unemployment insurance." 8. "The nation-wide extension of public employment agencies in cooperation with city federations of labor." 9. "A system of health and accident insurance and of old age pensions as well as unemployment insurance." 10. "Shortening the workday" and "Securing to every worker a rest period of no less than two days in each week." 11. "Enacting of an adequate federal anti-child labor amendment." 12. "Abolition of the brutal exploitation of convicts under the contract system and substitution of a cooperative organization of industries in penitentiaries and workshops for the benefit of convicts and their dependents." 13. "Increase of taxation on high income levels, of corporation taxes and inheritance taxes, the proceeds to be used for old age pensions and other forms of social insurance." 14. "Appropriation by taxation of the annual rental value of all land held for speculation." This is in the appendix of Milton Friedman's Free to Choose. Friedman pointed out the power of ideas and that while the Socialist Party had few electoral successes in the long run they were the most influential party of the 20th Century. I cannot vote for the lesser evil when it simply slows us down the path to serfdom. There is also a prevailing opinion that you can't work both with the Republicans and the Libertarian or other parties. I am both a Libertarian and a member of the Republican Liberty Caucus "The Ron Paul Republicans". It takes pressure both from within and without to change a parties ideological stance. My hope is to bring back the political ideology of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Barry Goldwater. The Republican Party that nominated John "Screw the 1st Amendment" McCain and his runnning mate Sarah "Tacx the oil companies and mail everyone a check" Palin has strayed far from that ideology. The electoral college system usually means there is no more than a dozen states in play. There is no reason not to vote the Presidential candidate who best represents your views in the rest of the states. Barry Goldwater: "I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution or that have failed their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is "needed" before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents "interests", I shall reply that I was informed that their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am doing the very best I can." I'll vote for a Goldwater Republican for President, otherwise it will be the Libertarian candidate. I live in Texas, it ain't like my vote will effect the election outcome. "If you analyze it I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism. I think conservatism is really a misnomer just as liberalism is a misnomer for the liberals -- if we were back in the days of the Revolution, so-called conservatives today would be the Liberals and the liberals would be the Tories. The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom and this is a pretty general description also of what libertarianism is." RONALD REAGAN, Reason Magazine, Jul. 1, 1975
  24. Energy doublespeak, Sarah? What do ya call it when ya tax oil companies in Alaska but oppose it nationally?
  25. What is getting lost here is I am bad mouthing Palin because I want the Republicans to nominate someone in the the tradition of Goldwater and Reagan. I want another Reagan. Snaf and TJ are happy with GW in a skirt. I hope to vote for a Republican who is not a stinking socialist.
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