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Everything posted by hugo

  1. Ya a good man, snafu. I was just engaging in TJ type debate where you label peoples' arguments instead of addressing them. Have a good day. Of course, TJ also likes to psychoanalyze your possible childhood while labeling any psychoanalysis of his as an attack on his dead mother. Sad, quite sad.
  2. Maybe TJ's mother was a pedophile herself. Thus the bus driver job. Apple don't fall too far from the tree.
  3. She is a socialist. Keep supporting her. Make your socialist masters proud.
  4. Ok, see ya at the Motel 6 in Ottawa.
  5. Nominate someone who has integrity, honesty and knowledge and you might have a winner. Palin would lose in a landslide. The real sad part of our democracy is someone who is ugly or has poor public speaking skills cannot win the Presidency.
  6. People who paint tend to be weirdos.
  7. I learned from the master. Ya know the guy who is always getting banned and can't figure out why.
  8. The only explanation I can find for TJ's acceptance of kiddie porn is he is a pedophile who molests his own children. What a scumbag!
  9. The fact is public speaking skills are highly overrated. James Madison was a notoriously poor public speaker with a brilliant mind. I don't think Bush got dumber between 1994 and 2004 he probably just had some mild health problem that weakened his public speaking skills. The fact is teleprompter or not Obama is an excellent public speaker in the Reagan and Clinton mode. Palin would be an excellent public speaker if she was not ignorant as hell. It is not her prepared speeches where she is ridiculed, it is interviews such as Couric's and Beck's where she shows a woeful ignorance of policy and history. Unlike Reagan, Clinton and Obama,Palin has no substance backing up her superficial charms.
  10. It is pretty obvious, ain't it. It is sad we have "conservatives" cheering on the slutilization of unaware seven year olds. The words of a responsible parent.
  11. It is whack off material for pedophiles. That is obvious no matter what mr "experience" says. Good parents do not allow their children to be fodder for pedophiles. We can have responsibility without law enforcement, TJ. That is what you , a big government conservative, cannot understand. I do not think there should be laws governing every behavior I find wrong, unlike you, TJ. If you encourage your young daughters to bump and grind in two piece outfits I would have to reconsider your custodial rights. Jon Benet may well be dead because her parents thought dressing their daughter like a whore was cute.
  12. Lesbo pedos think that way.
  13. All I said was pedos think that way. That does not mean everyone who thinks that way is a pedo. You do not think this is whack off material for scumbags who deserve, if not torture, long prison sentences? This is mild kiddie porn. Kiddie porn is wrong, case closed. It is all about responsibility. We live in a world where videos are available to everyone at the click of a mouse. Be responsible, don't allow your children to be the victims of pedophiles. It is tamer material than this that may have gotten Jon Benet killed. Our "conservatives" here think government should force grown women to be properly informed but believe parents protecting their daughters from pedophiles is going too far.
  14. Normally they work for the government and have the hots for VP candidates. Adults encouraging seven year olds to behave like strippers is just plain wrong. Let me quote That is pretty much what any normal parent would say. I will bet the instructors are communists.
  15. Pedophiles think that way.
  16. I'll bet some of them young gals get abortions in the future.
  17. The parents and instructors should be shot. That statement above was a bit rash. Let me amend it. First subjects them to these torture methods: Physical torture methods Abacination Beatings and physical violence Blinding with light Boiling Bone breaking Branding Castration Chinese water torture Choking/Strangling Crushing Cutting Denailing Disfigurement Drowning Dunking Electric shock torture Tooth extraction Flagellation Flaying Foot roasting Foot whipping Force-feeding Garrotting Genital mutilation/forced circumcision Glasgow smile Hamstringing Kneecapping Keelhauling Mutilation Oxygen deprivation Picquet Pitchcapping Pressure points Rat torture Riding the Rail Sexual assault Sawing Scalping Scaphism Sleep deprivation Sound (extremely high volumes, dynamic range, low frequency, high pitched noise, intended to interfere with rest, cognition and concentration). Starvation Strappado/squassation (also known as "reverse hanging" and "Palestinian hanging") Stress positions Ta'liq hanging from a metal bar. Tarring and feathering Tickle torture Water cure Waterboarding
  18. http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/an-eloquent-george-bush/066a8ed8d57d982ff08a066a8ed8d57d982ff08a-63455495069 Something happened.
  19. What really should be done by the pro-lifers is to pass a bill that directly violates Roe v. Wade while there is still a possibility of 5 votes on the USSC to overturn it.
  20. It is true that much of the media loves to portray Republicans as bumbling idiots. GW and Palin made it too damn easy for them. I don't know what happened to GW he was articulate when he ran against Ann Richards for governor.
  21. Never did like that bitch.
  22. I would repeal the Bush administration expansion of medicaid and Obamacare. I would make SSI disability only to those who are blind or quadriplegics. I would eliminate HUD and the Department of Energy and the ATF. I would cut off Jimmy Carter's pension and the White House pastry chef is a goner. Let'em eat Sara Lee.
  23. I had a commie teacher in one of my humanities courses. I wrote a paper defending socialism just to get an A. We know she is a socialist. She works for Obama.
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