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Everything posted by eddo

  1. in the shoutbox
  2. Who you calling a wierdo???????
  3. It's ok phantom, I believe that pm was real, and really from de kannibaal. Just as much as I believe the one from LF to de kannibaal was real... ... ... ...
  4. No problem, glad I could help. It is my purpose in life to protect idiots from beautiful women...
  5. I totally agree.
  6. yeah, like write dribble like that...
  7. not really all that impressive. She just changed the name from eddo...
  8. just doing my part to stroke that ego. dot dot dot
  9. Apparently Saddam was a Kids in the Hall fan as well: CNN.com
  10. Kids in the hall was some funny stuff, till Scott turned every show into his "Hey lookit me, I'm a homo" soapbox.
  11. Hey, I never said the white ones were good, just that they were there. Maybe it is just that white people don't get offended for such silly reasons... naaah. wigger is another one, but for very select folk. [attach=full]1115[/attach]
  12. mi muy gringo.
  13. that has got to be the worst joke ever, fatass...
  14. Racial terms for whites: Honkey Cracker whitey What I really want to know is how companies get away with using derogatory terms in their products: . .
  15. This brings up an interesting question though. Do all the mods get paid to "work" here?
  16. I am aware that mods aren't different levels here, and that Phreak isn't really the head mod, you can see my understanding of this by my excellent use of quotation marks here: However, Phreak is the most upfront in his modstatus. He is the one always throwing it in everyones face, like it is some sort of status.
  17. Teach me the way of the woman. Please. please... please? [/ploy for pity sex]
  18. Call me retarted, ignorant, or whatever, but, I think the issue that has those of us here in an uproar in that upraor is that Phreak was the one that posted this info. Where he got that info, to me anyway, is pretty much irrelevant. Preak, the "head" mod, posted personal info on the board that he is "head" mod over. No, I don't see this as Bob's fault, but i do see Bob as somewhat responsible (no matter what the FAQ says) because he is the one that put Phreak in the "head" mod position, and continues to leave him there. As a member here, I pretty much know and expect the mods and owner to have more info about me than the regular users. It is the way it works, and I accept that. What I have a hard time accepting is when one of those mods starts posting that info for all to see. Mods are supposed to be the more upstanding and trustworthy of the site. They should have character and maturity. They should be the ones that give more time and attention to the site, and then prove themselves trustworthy of the added responsibility of not only modding the site, but also of the behind the scenes info. Pulling the stunts that Phreak did (both to Phantom and LF) blew that all to hell. Whether the info actually came from the site or not, him posting it on the site in the manner he did showed us that he is really is a pompus jackass, not just a mod putting up the jackass front. To alot of us, faith in the mod team has gone down significantly. But I doubt Phreak cares.
  19. or buy a wireles card for the hardwired computer and go all wireless using the one router.
  20. The difference is Christians leaders all over speak out agains thte KKK, against the likes of Fred Phelps, against others that diminish the beliefs of their faith. Where exactly do you find a Muslim or Islamic cleric that speaks out against al-queda or fundamentalist Islam?
  21. Thanks for the explanation of the word, Webster, but it still doesn't change the fact that I did not make any "statements relating to the topic at hand" of his apparent lack of safety until you said it was obviously unsafe. The fierfighter comment was exaggeration to enhance my point. Thanks for catching it, dumbass...
  22. dumbasses in my state just voted to raise the minimum wage from $5.15 to $6.75. grrrrrrrrrr
  23. ummm, if you notice my first comment to you: I asked if you had more info than what was posted. I made no assertations about the safety measures this teacher took or didn't take, you however, claimed that this was "obviosly not conducted in a controlled manner." You are the one talking out your ass, not me.
  24. I'll agree with that, but I cannot (and should not) put any of that off on Bush.
  25. ummmm.. Bush was voted in as president in 2000. The war came after that.. ummmm... Bush is only against embroyonic stem cell research, because it requires killing the embryo. You can also get stem cells from umbilical cords (and some scientists say they are better samples than embryonic)
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