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Everything posted by eddo

  1. Meds wez, go take your meds. Has Atlantic seen this side of you??? oh, she has now. Good luck with that one...
  2. I am so sorry GF, so, soooo sorry.
  3. Dear Off Topic Forum.com, As an admin over at http://Off Topic Forum.com/ I hereby offer my apologize to you- the members, staff, and frequenters of GF. It seems that whenever we feel the need to ban someone, the first place that they run to and troll with thier butt-hurted-ness is here. Trust me when I say that this is in no way our intentions at http://Off Topic Forum.com/ First it was sixes. And now wez, who in the same braindead kinda way as sixes, seems to be going off on many a thread over the situation that none of you had any part in. Why he feels the need to make you all suffer for what we chose to do to his account is beyond me, but again- I apologize for it. I enjoy GF at times, although it does tend to be rather slow around here. Maybe wez and his unique brand of idiocy will help liven things up for you. If not, you know what to do. Take care, God Bless, and shalom, eddo
  4. When in the h-e-double-hockey-sticks did the jungle become comperable to the Myspace forums? Seriously, if we were anywhere near that bad, I'd shoot myself- if Outlaw didn't shoot me first.
  5. idiot.....
  6. good stuff right there.
  7. I guess it all comes down to what exactly a Neanderthal was. As a Christian, I don't see why I don't believe in him, but apparently I don't, because the highly intelligent (and obviously well versed in religious theology) people of GF say I don't. Some of you could really benefit from a Bible study or two. Then at least you would actually know what it is you are trying to rip apart, instead of just making stuff up.
  8. holy freaking cow.
  9. As a Christian, I couldn't agree more. Funny, Jesus agrees with you too.
  10. It isn't a catch, it is an attitude- our attitude to be specific. Our attitudes towards ourselves, others, and most importantly towards God. there are "rules" involved in everything. you misread what I said. I didn't say it was Gods way of forcing me to change my mind to more suit his, it is my own choice. That isn't brainwashing. Selfishness have been the biggest byproduct of free-will since the garden of Eden. Adam and Eve didn't get in trouble because they ate the fruit, they got in trouble because they selfishly wanted more knowledge than what they had been given. and it continues today. People selfishly fly planes into buildings so they can get 72 virgins on the other side. Dirty old men molest little kids so they can selfishly get the jollies off. People shoot people who cut them off in traffic because they were "wronged" even though the amount of wrong in that only amounts to about 10 seconds at the end of the day. When Jesus came, he came as a servant. many Jews were disapointed in him, because they expected an earthly king to come save them. But as a servant, Jesus put others needs and status before himself. This is an awesome example of love, one that Christians should be more in tune to than what they are. This all goes back to the attitude part. Pray and seeking Gods will changes my viewpoint on things, I see things differently. I look for more than just black and white, to see if maybe there is a reason why something happened or didn't happen. Now I don't always understand everything, but I do have a deeper understanding of why things happen the way they do than some people I know that don't pray or pray selfishly. like I said, it isn't about changing Gods mind, it is about opening my mind up to him, so he can show me why I didn't roll six sixes.
  11. the movie quotes a couple scriptures, so lets look at them. First is mentions Mark 11:24. Lets looks at Mark 11:20-25 to see what is being said here: The kind of prayer that moves mountains is prayer for the fruitfulness of God's kingdom. It would seem impossible to move a mountain into the sea, so jesus used that picture to show that God can do anything. God can, and will, answer you prayers, but not as a result of your positive mental attitude. Other conditions must be met: You must be a believer. (See beginning of vs 22-were those rolling the dice merely conducting an experiment, or were they believers in Christ?); you must not hold a grudge against another person. (vs 25); you must not pray with selfish motives. Jesus himself showed us this when he prayed before he was caught to be crucified- Mark 14:36- Your request must be for the good of God's kingdom. Was the outcome of a dice role for the good of anyone but the one who was rolling the dice? To pray effectively, you need faith in God, not faith in the object of your request. If you focus on your request, you will be left with nothing if your request is refused. The other verse it mentions is John 14:14. so lets look a little bigger look at it with vs. 12-14. here, when Jesus says that we can ask for anything, he reminds us that it must be in his name- that is, according to God's character and will. God will not grant requests contrary to his nature and his will, and we cannot use his name as a magic formula to fulfill our selfish desires. If we are sincerely following God and seeking his will, then our requests will line up with what he wants, and he will grant them. Now, to my thoughts on prayer- to me, prayer isn't about me trying to change God's mind. It is about God changing my mind to be more like his. Sure I can pray for a new Mustang convertable, but if that isn't what God wants for me, then why do I want it? Sure it would be nice to drive, but ultimately it is just my selfish desires that want the new car, not me wanting to glorify God with it. God doesn't us to participate in religion, he wants relationship with us. There is a difference. When we are praying and seeking his will, that relationship will grow, and we will see more of his will in our prayers.
  12. well, the two kinda go hand in hand don't they? In order to keep debates on track (and I am just talking about debates here, not the whole site- really this is all that is being asked here) then moderators would have to take a more active role in moderating, would they not?
  13. Phreak, I ask the same out of moderators everywhere I go (and it is what I try to do myself)- Moderate everyone the same. As I have said, our site has rules, and Jason repeatedly broke them. and I am not the one that banned him for it. Sure I pushed for it and I agree with it, but I am not the one that made the final call. If everyone is moderated to the same set of rules (like for instance the rules against using certain words in the Piss Pot forum) then how can anyone complain that mods are power tripping? as for the post where you boxed me for making this suggestion: http://Off Topic Forum.com/showthread.php?t=98228
  14. Beautiful! Absolutely Amazing! So... so... SO eloquent and precise. Positivley the best thing I have ever read! And so relevant! BRAVO!! BRAVO!!! ...
  15. O.K....my site sucks worse. Please permanently idiot box me.
  16. Would you like some cheese with your whine?
  17. Ditch the google toolbar and any other toolbars you have. These are notoriously known for hainvg some sort of spyware attached to them.
  18. Then why be a touchy vagina about it? oh wait, you are Phreakwars. Nevermind...
  19. Funny, he isn't a Christian in the Biblical view either... lol, I'll agree with you there Moralman. Then you're at the wrong board...
  20. "Do you wash your clothes in Windex? Cause I can really see myself in your pants."
  21. Maybe if the kids had been American the world woulda cared...
  22. when I am here I feel like the driver of the short bus...
  23. What, are you the e-bay police now? Be careful, some site mods get real pissy when you suggest to their members how make the site better...
  24. eddo


    how did I get mentioned in this post?
  25. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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