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Everything posted by eddo

  1. I didn't say it was everyone. I'm just stating quite a few statistics that show a position contrary to what was posted earlier. I'm not saying they are right, not saying they are wrong, just posting them. But if you feel the need to ignore them, then fine. Just be sure to pass that ignorace onto your kids so my kids will have someone to pick on for being stupid.
  2. and some more: Dr. Judith Reisman, in her book, Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences, describes the research done by Dr. Gene Abel. This researcher compared the molestation rates of self-confessed homosexual and heterosexual child molesters. In a sample of 153 homosexual molesters, they confessed to a total of 22,981 molestations. This is equivalent to 150 children per molester. (223) self-admitted heterosexual molesters admitted to 4,435 molestations. This comes to 19.8 victims per molester. Dr. Abel concluded that homosexuals
  3. Not to shift the subject away from your name calling, but-
  4. I'm sure you are.... ohhh???? shady, huh?
  5. what are you talking about?
  6. wow, with all the badmouthing of me you have done, and all the asskissing of bb and Feck you have done, I never thought I'd see you say that either. Just proves what a dumbass you are.
  7. 27 hour days? Holy crap! You are so smart that you get 3 extra hours a day??? bows to Tizz's greatness
  8. Ok, you bring up religion, and specifically Christianity in your orginal post. But... So do you really want discussion? Or do you just want people to agree with you?
  9. At least it went down fighting, in typical TAT fashion
  10. That may be, but he's right.
  11. oh, ok.
  12. I am definately not a non idiot. Or not. sure...
  13. so true, Stella. So true.
  14. HAHAHAHA!! Sexual Harrasment lawsuits are hilarious!
  15. Does that mean you are striaght?
  16. haha, I once had a discussion with a schumck that thought if you didn't buy gas for a day it would make the oil companies go broke.
  17. Outlaw, the yahooracists is not a yahoo news site. It was not one article. The two pics were taken from different articles. Yahoo, like other news groups, gets it info and pics form many different sources, and posts them as written.
  18. Oh yeah, yahoo racists is really a non-biased site.... Lets look at a few things from yahooracists shall we? Two pictures. Two different photographers. Two different people writing captions for those pics. Two different new sources releasing those pictures. Totally non-racist, unless you take them and put them next to each other and make it look racist. Show me two pics similar to those shown (one with whites and one with blacks) taken by the same person, captions saying the same thing as those shown (also written by the same person) and both released by the same source, and you would have an excellent point. Otherwise you are all just a bunch of ignorant dipshits looking for any reason to make this a race issue. Jessie Jackson would be proud.
  19. Personally, I don't think they "deserved" any of this, nor does anyone. ever. But they absolutely could have helped their own situation out by vacating when they were told to...
  20. conserving gas is different than just buying the same amount of gas on a different day. Not changing your driving patterns while just avoiding one day of the week to purchase the same amount of gas you would need otherwise will do nothing. Absolutely nothing. Now carpooling, staying home more, overall using less gas- and everyone in the country doing this- will cause demand to go down, and thus will force suppliers to decrease prices.
  21. I hope you are joking. How in the world is not buying gas for one day gonna do anything? Everyone that would need to buy gas on the 3rd would just buy it on the 2nd or the 4th. People still buy gas, companies still make money, and you're still an idiot if you thought this would work.
  22. Genesis wasn't written at the time it happened, it was written later, as a historical document covering the events of creation Jesus makes it clear by his actions that caring for the people is more important that following "the law" that was in place at the time ("the law" being over 600 rules that the Pharisees had contrued to keep people in line and them in control) Jesus was a Jew, so he knew about the law about keeping the sabbath holy, but he showed us (by example in John) that if someone is in need of help, then that is more important than keeping "the law." Ya know, a little historical research on your part would really help this discussion out. Maybe then you would have a clue about what you are bashing.
  23. Actually, at the begining, there was only one family. And it would take generations to get to the point where the only people that weren't related to you weren't first or second cousins (since they all came form Adam and Eve. They were both written by Moses. The Old Testament verses set up our schedule, a life cycle if you will. It shows us how to create and maintain our work weeks, and shows the importance of that schedule. It is still important to keep a day of rest (it has been medically proven that we will live longer and healthier if we take a day off once a week from work,) but in the New Testament verses you shared, Jesus was purposely showing that caring for people is more important to him than keepng "The Law" that the Jewish leaders had set up to try to contol the people. Not a contridiction, just an advancement. Jesus doesn't say "Nevermind about that sabbath crap, we were just kidding about it." The Sabbath is still important, but not to the point that we neglect other peoples needs.
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