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Everything posted by eddo

  1. eddo

    Guest beds

    no, it's because you are constantly acting like a douche.
  2. no kidding. who'da thunk it?
  3. . "Rocky road??"
  4. eddo

    Guest beds

    how the holy frack am I brought up in almost every fight tj gets in???????? dude, shut up already.
  5. Given the political climate, I would feel better about having my child involved in this if I had a printed copy of the speech first. and that is mostly because I don't agree with much of what Obama wants to do with the country. From what I have read, this speech seems all on the up and up. I think it is good to have the President make non-politically driven (HAHAHA!!!) speeches to school children. I remember back in the day Nancy Regan doing the whole "Say No to drugs" bit, and how much of an impact it made on me.
  6. lol, I totally agree.
  7. Good. Dude was a racist jackass.
  8. "Soon to be added" "Have a nice day" "Hey fatty" ??? I do believe that someone is trying to set me up....
  9. I am all for someone showing them selves respect by looking good, but I don't always understand it. Slightly off topic: A friend of mine has 4 kids and for a while was a stay at home mom (her kids were between 5 years old and 6 months at the time) and she made it a point to put her makeup on every day - for her husband. That is what her husband expected of her. I don't understand makeup for everyday use. Never have. Probably never will. If it makes you feel better about yourself, then have at it, but I don't think it is something that a woman should HAVE to do because of how others will look at her.
  10. Some are: Hoboken, New Jersey Natchez, Mississippi Los Angeles, California not enough, by any means, but it's nice to see that some are hitting their own pockets as well as everyone elses.
  11. I, too, apologize for dragging this crud all over.
  12. no, they'll make me take out that garbage...
  13. I like boobies.
  14. umm, no, that was me accepting responsibility for my screw up. I could have gone off on how you knew what I meant so it wasn't a big deal and then proceed to tell you how you aren't important enough in my life for me to try to spell things properly- or I can do what I did: Tell you that you got me in a goof up. (thus I am acknowledging and accepting it.)
  15. we are so blessed to have our very own mind reader here! Woo hoo!! who looks more like a "dumbazz" than the one who keeps telling others what they think and feel?
  16. name calling?? Really? I thought you were above that? Why not? You do it to everyone else.. Don't like the way that medicine tastes?
  17. instigate? Didn't I already prove that wrong?. suck it up and quit blaming me. --oh let's see- lots of pm's from many enemies of Wez that told you to keep going after him: --"hundreds" of pm's from me telling you to keep after wez: Hell, you even tried that at the jungle before I informed you that the admins there can read the pm's and verify whether or not you had the "behind the scenes" support that you claim. This is a favorite tactic of yours: Pretending to be the voice of many, but claiming that those "many" don't want to get personally involved. I call B.S. ok, you got me there. So my apology for a misunderstanding wasn't good enough? Should I kiss your feet? Make you cookies?... ohhh, sorry for that one fatty... that was low... again, reading my mind. Here's a thought for you to read.... ... .... ... because you are just so darn cute!
  18. Calculate your BMI - Standard BMI Calculator I hate to get nit picky, but actually at 6'2" and 270, you are technically obese. That gives you a Body Mass Index of 34.7, and anything over 30 is considered obese. If you want to be not obese, lay off the sweet tea and Philly Cheese-steaks until you get down to 234. have a nice day.
  19. posted just so TJ can see it. wow, I had no idea I was such a hot topic in this thread/post, that I have yet to even reply too. Here, lets make things better: TJ, I <3 you. You are my favorite. You are the best friend a guy could have. I want to have a sex change so you will marry me. I only wish I could make babies with you. Please don't ever change.
  20. coming. the word is coming. Don't be acting all high and mighty like you and wez have always the best of buddies. and don't pawn your own fighting with him off on me. You are a grown man and can decide for yourself whom to fight with. Trying to pawn it off on me is a pretty cowardly move. Those. the word is those Yeah RO, you should spend you time more productively. Like creating fake pm's from people that will help prove your case, even though you will never produce them when folks ask about them.... I never claimed to attack your faith. What I said was that I didn't want you speaking for all believers like the post that I originally quoted implied: With the above quote by you following shortly after this one: position, the word is position I got the impression that you felt you were speaking on behalf of all believers. If I was wrong, I apologize. but for the sake of myself and others that disagree with you, I felt it was worth clarifying. If this were true, I'd be all over you about your weak spelling.... oh wait... <-- that's a joke. Just in case someone can't interpret humor...
  21. Farmer falls asleep on the job- he gets rest, no immediate or catastrophic effect on anyone- ecept maybe he loses out on a days crops. People get food from another farmer, or miss a meal. boo hoo. Airline pilot falls asleep on the job- he gets rest. Everyone on the plane (who are trusting this pilot with their lives) is now in risk of dying. People on the ground below the plane are at risk of dying. Literally thousands of lives have the potential of immediate and life changing events unfolding before them- upto and including death of themselves, and/or family members and friends. Slight difference between the two professions... Both very important to a functioning society, but one has a slightly higher responsibility factor.
  22. and there are many times where you have said exactly what I am claiming you are saying. Dealing with idiots will do that to a person...
  23. wow TJ, you are quite the piece of work. I did not attack your faith, and I did not claim that I speak for all of faith. What I did do was ask you to stop claiming that you do- because you don't. Then you turn around and attack my faith- right after getting butthurt because you thought I attacked your faith. wow. mood swings like that are usually reserved for 13 year old girls... Wez and I get along fine now. Have for a while now. Thanks for checking though. heck, you and I get along ok- when you don't try to tell others what I think and believe. I have not addressed what you believe as far as evolution, only asked that you present it as your ideas- not as the ideas of belief structure of every Christian on the planet- because it isn't. period.
  24. . from my PM outbox to Timesjoke on 09-08-2008: I'm sucha freaking instigator... .... ... That part is true. We were both having issues with wez here, and I told you about a place where he wasn't. but I guess it's my fault you got banned from there, huh? all I am saying here is that you most certainly do not speak for those of faith. Have your own opinion and go with it all you want (in fact, I welcome it- you have some interesting ideas here,) but please do not claim to speak for me- or for anyone else. Thanks. edit: Stupid word filter not letting my pic show up.... edit#2: I made it work
  25. So chasing wez around from site to site calling him a "murderer" was done in Christian love? calling me an "azz licker" is a good "Christian attitude"? comparing atheists, or just those that don't share the same religious views as you, to the likes of Adolph Hitler and Pol Pot is a shining example of this "Christian Attitude" of which you speak? yeah, I don't think so. that's a pretty good log you got there in your own eye, TJ.
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