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Everything posted by timesjoke

  1. I see nothing wrong with treating people the way they "need" to be treated. In this case, we have a guy who calls himself a pedafile, what more reason do we need to keep him away from our children? This is one very good example to show the decline of morals in our modern society. We have people fighting for the rights of scum like this and refuse to act in protecting the innocent. Will the ACLU say they are sorry if this guy is able to attack a little girl with their assistance? I think not.
  2. Don't get your hopes up too high fellas, my Gators are still the ones to beat, forget the rest
  3. Well, I completely agree, we have a prosecutor that has done considerable damage to these innocent young men and could have sent them all to prison but his punnishment seems very light to me compared to the harm his actions could have caused on top of what it really caused.
  4. Great example, it is completely natural for people to gather in groups they feel more accepted in. If we could treat everyone as equal, where would we set the bar? Who is the example of zero to base the measurement of less than equal or more than equal treatment? We are talking about an impossible standard.
  5. Is it just me or does the legal arena look more like a broadway show these days? From what I see these days, it is not so much what is truth, but what you can make to "look" like truth, or the reverse, how well you can make truth "look" like it is lie.
  6. I don't think it is possible to treat everyone as equal. Sure we can "say" we do and even make laws to force people to treat others on an equal playing field but honestly, everyone will treat each other different based on many factors. Look at the recent stories of famous people getting several DUIs and getting light penalties due to being famous and female. Look how over 90% of women get custody of children when many Fathers can be just as good parents. Would either of us be given the same treatment as Donald Trump? IMHO a person must make their own equality, be happy with who they see in the mirror and don't care about the complex social game being played around them.
  7. Wow, this is an ambitious topic to be sure. Honestly, what is equal? Can anyone be truly equal to another person? There will always be barriers, exclusions and exceptions for everyone. I like the Oprah Winfrey story. (Hate her politics) She was abused in many physical and mental ways, was a black woman when even other blacks gave black women little status, and entered the realm of reporting when few were able to ever make it to the big time. Many years later, she is the most wealthy woman involved in the media today. Was she more or less equal than any other black woman? Why did she succeed where others failed? Equality is an illusion, the real differance is who is creating the illusion, you or someone else.
  8. Well, I have several friends who are good lawyers (is that a contradiction, good, lawyer????) and I figure it is better to earn enough money to afford a lawyer instead of working that damn hard to become one.
  9. I guess that explaines the large paycheck, lol.
  10. Thanks for the warm welcome I was looking up forums and I tend to have several searches going when I am randomly looking around. I have no idea of my original search parameters because after I applied for an account, I closed the tab and waited for my activation email. If I had known you guys wanted that information I would have kept it, sorry if I somehow messed up in your eyes.
  11. I ended up on a home page that did not seem to work and clicked on help tab where the comment talked of this forum with a link, so I followed the link to here.
  12. Hello, My handle is timesjoke, I took it from the song Time, by Pink Floyd where it talks of the way people do their best to beat time, but in the end, time always wins. I found this forum just randomly searching, I hope I like it here.
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