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Everything posted by woodyloveslinkin

  1. I don't know, I heard a tone *thinks*
  2. Me squealing like a little girl. Still.
  3. http://www.linkinparkforums.com/showthread.php?t=2453
  4. Do you taste like a plum?
  5. Thank you Sponge Matt : Don't give me that tone, Mister.
  6. I confess I'm so uberly happy about this job. I confess I don't know what to wear.
  7. When I go to England, I'm making Jos swim from Germany. Lol.
  8. Lights on, tough luck, deal with it.
  9. I confess I am so excited about this new job!!
  10. I don't know. Lol. The chick said just rock up to the store on Thursday, and the shop opens on Friday.
  11. And he's taking advantage of you. That's abuse.
  12. Setting up a store and running it. With a company called David Lawerance. I start Thursday.
  13. OMG! I'm finally getting a life! I just got a job just then working at the new shopping centre. 12 pm on Thursday I have to be there to set up the new store!!!
  14. OMG !! I GOT A JOB!!! A lady just rang me up just then telling me I've got a job in the new shopping centre!!!
  15. And I was being serious about you not being ugly. Rissa, dear, I was in a 9 month abusive relationship last year and I've been used and used in various relationships basically half my life. I wouldn't like to see you get hurt darl.
  16. I like writing in general. Am good at story writing and poetry. I'm a natural talker/typer.
  17. Too many sorries here.
  18. ^ you're not ugly. You're a sponge, how can sponges be ugly? LOL.
  19. Lights on, Rissa was faking it.
  20. I'm suddenly tired. Damn laziness.
  21. I think mine was in primary school with a guy called Nathan Webster, at my old house's mailbox.
  22. You obviously haven't been through my journal enough haha. We love you speedthief!
  23. Yup you're his puppet. GET OUT NOW!
  24. I did get a comment in Tourniquet that one chapter did read like a movie script. I think it was the one where Viking said the G word (God) and was running for his life from the Spyral guards.
  25. Yum I want some for sure!
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