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Everything posted by woodyloveslinkin

  1. Woot. No work until next week. Go me.
  2. Kudos! :thumbsup: Faint/Toxic - Linkin Park vs Britney Spears
  3. I hate Paramore for their involvement in this movement. The reviews were right! It was a teenie film with a teenie soundtrack.
  4. I don't have a classmate, I don't go to school. But my classmate/s were good friends of mine, back in the day, Yvette, Lauren, Margaret, Monique (when I rocked up to her classes instead of mine), Maddi, Kate, Heather, Tabitha and Liz. Awesome people.
  5. 10/10 I can never get enough of wet mikey.
  6. A bit lonely. Am missing my Ravy on here. But we both work different times (stupid NSW daylight savings stupid QLD non-daylight savings) so that kinda justifies it a bit. Am tired and getting ready for work.
  7. Crap. Have to go to work early tomorrow cos I can't get a lift in any later closer to 12. I'm thinking about maybe saving up for a place closer to work. My (real) mummy came on skype!! yay.
  8. No I wasn't warned. I found out, twice. No more heels for work. Alright, am liking this work. I'm working part time basically, and getting paid at a casual rate (which is higher than part time in retail). $18 an hour. Awesome!
  9. Alison, you still haven't lost that unique charm about you. http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/861d93614f2c643f1f70c4dd9bf57a90.jpg http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/5b40b570a4e25c805fe11b6a4f6880f8.jpg
  10. He's not worth your hurt.
  11. God my feet fucking hurt. I wore high heels yesterday and today, the biggest mistake ever. Well...where do I work? David Lawerance and we sell designer clothes at a sale price. Tabitha came and saw me and laughed. She was like "so really, they are real expensive clothes made to look cheap, oh well, I'm poor I can't afford it anyway." I'm waiting for Mendes to come in to be honest. I stayed last night at my sister's place cos I decided when I had finished work to go up to get a lift with my sister after she finished work. So I waited for half an hour and my sister came out from work (she works at the Bathurst Telstra call centre) to only be told she hadn't got a lift. So she ended up calling my bro in law Josh to come pick us up. He came with Huon in the back, with no pants on, I was like God sakes. So half way back to Beck's place we decide to check out the new shopping centre out, I was like "nooo! I just came from there!" So we put Huon in the pram and covered him up with a blanket. Then inside, my old Austar boss, John was there and offered me a position back there, I was "I work full time". But then I pissed off, realising that no one had stopped for me, I rushed to catch up with the crew. A Current Affairs was filming LIVE! there but we all pissed off to the liquor store. Then we got some Jim Beam and went to have dinner at KFC. Dropped Beck off for her walk with Katie, went back to my place, picked up some clothes and went back to Beck and Josh's. Had KFC while watching Josh play cricket on the 360. Beck came back later and we had some pink champagne. Then I went off to walk again this morning. Back on at 12 tomorrow.
  12. My feet hurt!!! Worked from 12 pm to 5.30 yesterday that was unpacking everything. Worked from 9 am to 2.30 pm today. I work tomorrow from 12 pm to 5.30 tomorrow. Hectic hectic. Haha, I'm loving it. The shopping centre that I work in was on national television last night I was there when they were shooting it as well, but in the liquor store with my sister. Mental note: don't wear high heels to work.
  13. I confess my feet hurt form working.
  14. I confess I'm out for the day RIGHT NOW. Bye.
  15. Lights on, the baby's awake
  16. I've got 10 minutes before I walk out the door for this job. Am excited now. Blaring Survivor at the moment.
  17. Eye of the Tiger - Survivor
  18. I'm excited for today. So much I'm bopping my head to Alicia Key's Karma and singing it. Lol.
  19. Photobucket froze so I had to send these to Matt for him to upload them. http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/17dbb1910ad4c224c7383686f57b2cf6.jpg http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/c5ab30448339c65ac05e6a617c17697b.jpg http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/8de56f2c97058b69a5c4e89c5ab77182.jpg What do you think?
  20. I'm half ready now got clothes on currently eating a musli bar. No milk so I had to have pieces of toast and this.
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