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Everything posted by woodyloveslinkin

  1. Ah screw it by the rate I'm going I'm never going to finish this chapter tonight. BUT I have to finish this bitchrade off between David and Holly (new character, not a major one though).
  2. I only realised I had him/her on my wall when I took that photo! Lol.
  3. Where are the angels? I'm not in my home. St Andrew (The Battle Is In the Air) - The White Stripes
  4. ^ I've written only a quarter of the chapter so far (it's a long one). Just giggling at David's character at the moment. I was going to introduce a character loosely based on his girlfriend, but gave up when google wouldn't give me the correct answers to what she looked like and what her full name was.
  5. Fell in Love With A Girl - The White Stripes <3 this film clip. Lego + White Stripes = awesome!
  6. Why am I on LPF when I'm supposed to be writing? Mysteries I will never solve.
  7. I'm Finding It Harder To Be A Gentleman - The White Stripes I'm thankful Jack's singing it, I would worry if Meg was singing it. Would explain a lot though.
  8. <3 you too. Hope you have a good day and for the love of God, BEHAVE! Lol.
  9. what...the....fuck....?
  10. The Same Boy You've Always Known - The White Stripes
  11. I'm writing Tourniquet : Conquest and LPF's proving a distraction to me.
  12. I knew it! :-P
  13. If I want to see a good vampire movie, I go download the Underworld series, that and Interview with the Vampire. Jonas Brothers and Paris Hilton are rumoured to be in the next Twilight series. Ugh!
  14. Not a fan of deftones to be honest. 4/10 Ball and Biscuit - The White Stripes (don't know it? youtube it!)
  15. I love spongebob 10/10.
  16. Yeah hopefully I will. Well, I don't work until next week there but I still have my avon stuff to do up until then. My feet are sore again, but this time, I didn't wear heels!
  17. Lights off, it's a snowstorm.
  18. Has an awesome sig. Wet Mike, how can anyone turn a blind eye to that???
  19. Cos we're ignorant. Why are we ignorant?
  20. Just came back from work. Am meant to be cleaning my room up, but feet so sore. Didn't wear heels today so that's a lesson learnt. But my back is killing me.
  21. 7/10 Carolina Drama - The Raconteurs (don't know it? youtube it!)
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