I agree! Absolutely love the londonium one!
Saturday night Beachparty:
Yesterday I've been to the beachparty in this bar Gennaro... and it was freaking great! Can't remember such a fun party/night uhm what was intressting... well my ex and his friends (who, as I said once before, changed a lot into the negative) kinda were all nice (as always) and pretty much joined us without asking us, but I didnt care since I dont wanna get upset bc of something like that... uhm... hahah yeah right x] we were standing outside and Fish was standing next to me and we were talkin all together etc and then suddenly he just walks in without saying anything and I turned so Sabrina and was all like "omg he left without sayin anything *cry cry*" and she said "I'll punsh him ok?" and I answerd "ok " fun thing was she really did that haha so Fish came up to me and was like "Did I do something to you?" and I was like "uhm no?" "you sure?" me: "why? *thinks* OH!" and smiled extremly and then he said like "huh?" and I just smiled at him and was like "ah no no its all good trust me " and then he looked at me with this cute pretty funny look like "hey girl...." xD uhm and I saw Chris ^^ we actually werent talkin much haha thats funny... he told me today tho that he wanted to come over and talk with me and stuff but that he was kinda just too shy x] haha cute ^^ lol
oh and bout the Jos... hmm... lol... well I had 2 Tequilla/Bull uhm... well... I already drank the 1st one a bit too quickly so I was pretty happy the whole evening I wasnt drunk thats for sure but I think that I was slightly drunk or a bit dizzy... plus I kinda think that Tequilla isnt really my thing since it makes me feel dizzy even after 1 cocktail kinda but it tastes good
Right now I kinda feel tired and still a bit dizzy and stuff but besides of that its all good
Uhm dunno if this is intressting but I kinda decided not to have a bf untill summer bc then when I go on holidays I can have my fun and like flirt with my fellow croatian sexynesses lol jk
and again loads of smileys