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  1. Chi

    Self Defense or Reckless Endagerment?

    Then why did you add in that last part saying you believed he lied emkay? I agree with the first part of your comment where he does not seem to bright, but then you turned to attacking the idea of guns in America and then ended with your assumption he was telling lies so why was that emkay, you...
  2. Chi

    Butts Helps Boob Kill Boob

    How fitting, a pair of boobs and a butt.
  3. Chi

    Self Defense or Reckless Endagerment?

    Yeah TJ, that's why he might be exaggerating, cuz he's a gun owner :rolleyes: Not to make his story sound better and more justifiable...
  4. Chi

    Huh, what did I miss? Who's he and why?

    Huh, what did I miss? Who's he and why?
  5. Chi

    The real progressive mind revealed.

    It's confusing because although TJ thinks he knows it all, it's quite the opposite. He just loves to lump and label. Especially those with opposing views from his. Take all he says with a grain of salt, as usual.
  6. Chi

    **** on a shingle

    I don't know, this looks and sounds kinda gross....
  7. Chi

    Why the east coast, Snaf?

    Why the east coast, Snaf?
  8. Chi

    He broke the law. He deserves to be in jail?

    Beanbag to the face, I like that.... When idiots like these go instigate at funerals there should be a free pass to whip their ass. It should fall somewhere along the lines of justification like self defense and crime of passion type cases.
  9. Chi

    Soldier who lost his Leg in Afghanistan Denied Handicap Parking Permit

    I've seen them in a few places. I've never used them as of yet with any of my pregnancies, no matter how huge and far along I've been. My fat ass NEEDS the exercise!! In fact, I use the stairs at my job now instead of the elevator, except when I'm carrying a bunch of heavy crap or suspect the...
  10. Chi

    Soldier who lost his Leg in Afghanistan Denied Handicap Parking Permit

    Maybe we should chop of the foot of those denying his handicapped status so they can see how hard or easy it is for him. Also, who are we to say what he goes thru or if he deserves it, also the deaf girl? Does it kill or affect us if these two have these permits? We should just be grateful that...
  11. Chi

    What the Mega-Mosque at Ground Zero Means to Worldwide Islam

    lol, that's funny. Bad IWS! smacks hand
  12. Chi

    What the Mega-Mosque at Ground Zero Means to Worldwide Islam

    I have to totally agree. There are many different types of nutcake religious fanatics nowadays, but none as extreme and in numbers as Muslims.
  13. Chi

    Boys and Girls Night Out on the Town

    Whatever, RaE. You know you flinch whenever she walks by;D
  14. Chi

    Boys and Girls Night Out on the Town

  15. Chi

    Disney Hijab Controversy

    New immigrants? Please! All sorts of greedy, lazy Americans try to pull that frivolous lawsuit crap, not just 'new' immigrants.
  16. Chi

    I didn't know you were gay and getting married, Cloaked. Congrats!!!

    I didn't know you were gay and getting married, Cloaked. Congrats!!!
  17. Chi

    Giordano's deep dish pizza - Best pizza hands down!

    Giordano's deep dish pizza - Best pizza hands down!
  18. Chi

    Disney Hijab Controversy

    That changes things, she's SOL then. They have already offered to let her keep her job and her scarf if she is transferred to another position, but she refused. They have also offered to let her keep that position and her jihab if she wears a hat with it and she has also refused. She isn't...
  19. Chi

    Disney Hijab Controversy

    So is the stupid hat part of the uniform she is required to wear? If not, then why not let her use her head scarf (which I think looks silly, too, but whatever, that's their thing)? It's part of her religion, whatever. If it's not hurting anyone, why not? If Disney is supposedly against...
  20. Chi

    KVH's exploding toilet channel
