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  1. M

    Women seeking abortions must view an ultrasound

    It wasn't normal procedure when my skull was exposed, had several dozen stitches embedded and my hips were fukked. It also wasn't part of the procedure when my husband fractured his face. How about Craig, em? Did they do a rectal on him when that 4 wheeler landed on his face?
  2. M

    Women seeking abortions must view an ultrasound

    My head went through a windshield once... no one poked at my ass to fix it. In fact, I don't recall anyone even suggesting it. I also had hip injuries, so according to "protocol", I was probably a prime candidate.
  3. M

    RaE is anally screwed

    Just don't tell Chris, kay?
  4. M

    Politics - Federal law may limit BP liability in oil spill

    We're gonna pay for it one way or another, anyway... either through our tax dollars or higher prices at the pump.... or both.
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    RaE is anally screwed

    Oh Thank you! wez :) Next time Chris proposes this, I can tell him I'll have his ass locked up if he tries it.
  6. M


    That was just informational for the zero reply police. If I hadn't replied, they'd be all over this!
  7. M

    Women seeking abortions must view an ultrasound

    Don't forget to add the man in their life to your synopsis there, TJ. As I've said before, often it's that "responsible" man that makes them feel they have no other choice. Probably more often than a clinic worker. Good question, Wez. I know a few people who do... or at least, would have...
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    go away, zero reply police! :)
  9. M

    A Cause To Get Behind

    When the animals demand an outhouse, stop crapping on my lawn and take their reproductive habits undercover, we can talk about their "privacy" being violated.
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    Women seeking abortions must view an ultrasound

    I'm also interested in the answer to emkay's question.
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    Women seeking abortions must view an ultrasound

    With those words, you admit that the purpose of forcing a viewing of the ultrasound is to induce guilt... case closed. add on: When a patient is properly informed, an ultrasound is not necessary to communicate "Hey! You got a baby in there!" Anyone that does not understand what the...
  12. M

    Women seeking abortions must view an ultrasound

    What new information will be brought to the surface by an ultrasound that's not already known? None that I can tell. The woman already knows she's pregnant or she wouldn't be seeking an abortion in the first place. It's a guilt tactic. Full disclosure of the procedure is a good idea, but...
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    Belly Piercing - midlife crisis move for 30 year milestone

    Oh, like you won't be back for round 2 & 3 & 4 and....! :P
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    I'm done!!!!!!

    That's gotta feel good! Congrats! :)
  15. M

    Canadian college students threaten Ann Coulter

    I don't much like any of them, either. ;)
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    Canadian college students threaten Ann Coulter

    I didn't know c nts could have balls! I despise that woman.... she's just mean and nasty.
  17. M

    Right or Wrong?

    My link
  18. M

    How Very Christian

    Hey! I got out of there in 2008! :P
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    Right or Wrong?

    LOL.... NOPE. :P