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  1. keza

    what should i do?

    well think about it yoo could go to the mall randomly one day and bump into this guy, chat and give him yoor email address isnt it the same thing if hes gonna meet yoo, just dont take any risks and stay in busy places^^ meeting people on the internet isnt always a bad thing its realleh on...
  2. keza

    the keza journal

    haha {[sarcasum?]} lmfao:D:D <3yer thats what i sed to her like if something has happened to that boy her calling up will realleh be for the better^^ yer she is lol shes gone up to edinburgh so she sed she'd buy me something there arww<3 and yea he can be.............sometimes lol haha...
  3. keza

    Heart LP´s Journal

    heya sweetie oh yea i do too haha...sirius was one of my fav characters as well as dumbledore so now theyre both gone its like a real downeramazing how a book can have sucha effect on yoor emotions<333 *huggles yoo* ima so glad about yoor daddi...good luck to him and yoor famileh sweetie<3333
  4. keza

    Member's Pictures 9.0

    hmm *thinks* for yoo arnold yesh but ultimatleh she belongs to me mwahaha lol yer shes a stunner>.< <333
  5. keza

    The Hottest Lpfer Ever

    congrats<33 woopness to yoo ^^
  6. keza

    the keza journal

    haha yea so frib was right about my laziness but sleeping is good *nods* i *heart* my bed:D:D ano i can tell yoo when yoo first wake up and thats one of teh first things yoo see its like pretty damned scareh haha<333 lmfao franka yea rub it in haha...<3333
  7. keza

    Member's Pictures 9.0

    frankas just stunningness...and shes mine no yoo cant have her <333
  8. keza

    So...about that Name of yours....

    wow ravynlee thats soo aweomeleh <333 yer mines my nickname thats been following me around since i was about nine yrs old...haha^^ now THATS boring
  9. keza

    the keza journal

    yer so i guess i should kinda pity him but hes a freaky child like in teh morning (well not realleh morning cuz io dont ghet up that earleh) okaii so mid afternoon, i'll come downstairs and (our front door has like frosted glass) he'll have his face pressed against our door and is looking in...
  10. keza

    The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

    NERVOUS i get my exam results in tomorrow:(:( omg *cries*
  11. keza

    The Love Topic II.

    LMFAO FRANKA omgawsh yoo must realleh luff me *gasps* greyfoxx is just awesomeness in a it, cherish her and keep her forever
  12. keza

    the keza journal

    yer ima thinking either hes had soemthing done to him or hes seen someone else having it done to them i dunno =[ of maybe hes just a big perv yer they are but i guess when stuff like this happens yoo realleh see who ur friends are>.< <3
  13. keza

    CSI: Which one is better ?

    las vegas is teh best i think...i luff grisham hes so cooliehs<33
  14. keza

    the keza journal

    haha thankies franka deareh^^ <33 yea he does that a wake yoo i guess then when he seesur up he like starts jumping everywhere>.< s'abit annoying at times haha but hes luffly realleh yea he ish haha...i was like screaming at him this he judt did it louder rawr *angree...
  15. keza

    the keza journal

    haha thankies sammi deareh<33 <33 yer typing like this makes it more interesting to type so i usualleh type more...not realleh a blessing for people that ghet fed up of me but there yoo go:D:D yer my mums realleh not for my brother cuz hed tell him where to go but for all teh...
  16. keza

    The Love Topic II.

    she seems luffly like...of courseleh shes rather sweet dontcha know
  17. keza

    The Love Topic II.

    shes my special ladyyyy luff her to bits like <333
  18. keza

    The Love Topic II.

    rawr shes just teh crazy...everyone luffs her...dont they*shifty eyes*
  19. keza

    Heart LP´s Journal

    i meants it hon<33 *huggles* rawr hes dead...omg i cried so much now ima cry some more:(:( wow that would be like uber coolness seeing as shes sucha prude and so vernon wouldnt dudley be like a wizard type person then though? 0.o lol <3
  20. keza

    The Love Topic II.

    josh is just most amazingly...*huggles him* mish him when hes not round here as muchlies<333