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  1. Breakdown Conspiracy

    Vote for me...please

    Ahem..? Hypocrisy much?
  2. Breakdown Conspiracy

    Downloading music... music blogs
  3. Breakdown Conspiracy

    Completely over the internet... music blogs deviant art web design
  4. Breakdown Conspiracy

    Breakdown Conspiracy's Journal

    Hello All. This is my informal goodbye. I am too busy as it is with my current diploma, and university coming up. I may post now and then but I really have no interest in these boards anymore. You know where to find me if you need to make contact with me. Bye for now.
  5. Breakdown Conspiracy

    Member's Pictures 11.0

    Sarcasm much? :D
  6. Breakdown Conspiracy

    Don't use a font size higher than 3 in Your Sig

    All I can say here really is LOL
  7. Breakdown Conspiracy

    Member's Pictures 11.0

  8. Breakdown Conspiracy

    Need a Good Laugh?

    "TAKE THAT YOU BURNT **** GAY FACE." - Burnt Face Man. :thumbsup:
  9. Breakdown Conspiracy

    Member's Pictures 11.0

    Haha that was great.
  10. Breakdown Conspiracy

    3d Linkin Park logo

    Awesome! I started learning Autodesk Maya 2008. So I might try to make something similar for practice.
  11. Breakdown Conspiracy

    [Favorite Fast Food]

    Man taco bell, i still remember its lovely divine fattiness from when i was in the US. Id have to say subway.
  12. Breakdown Conspiracy

    What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

    Ditto Maybe web design too. Already doing a Diploma in graphics and multimedia, then a bachelor in design next year majoring in digital media design.
  13. Breakdown Conspiracy

    anyone play WOW

    ANON HATES WOWFAGS jks Its ok, I dont see the point to buy a game then fork out more $ each month. Id sooner play DoTa.
  14. Breakdown Conspiracy

    Metallica - Death Magnetic

    The pattern reflects how metal slivers react around magnetic forces.
  15. Breakdown Conspiracy

    >>>[ Jess' Stuff ]<<<

    reminds me of abstract expressionism:D
  16. Breakdown Conspiracy

    Member's Pictures 11.0

    Jeezy takes pics of himself in the bathroom like a teenage girl!!!! jks. Nice one man :thumbsup:
  17. Breakdown Conspiracy

    "Flobots" *Gasp*

    Long time no serious post people. Ok, I heard the song "Handlebars" by Flobots the other day on the radio. So I looked into the song further, and listened a few more times at home. What do you think of the song? I say that it is completely and utterly cliché, even more-so than Limp Bizkit, as...
  18. Breakdown Conspiracy


    My parents handed down to me their 1983 2L Nissan Prairie. *FACEPALM* Oh well I wont need a car at uni next year.
  19. Breakdown Conspiracy

    Doctor Who!

    I prefer the old old school doc who.
  20. Breakdown Conspiracy

    Fake Games that Work Online

    I have used Hamachi quite alot as I was in a gaming clan for a short time. It creates a secure, VPN. Great little thing.