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  1. Crazywumbat

    ****ing Stereotypes!!!

    I remember this was one of the very few points me and MRIH agreed on( what happened to that crazy asshole anyway?) How many heroine addicts or cokeheads drank milk as children? Or how many have taken tylenol in the past? The same stupid ****ing statistics that claim marijuana is a gateway drug...
  2. Crazywumbat

    Are we in danger of repeating history?

    WHAT?! How DARE you question the motives of the power that be? You un-patriotic scumbag. If you hate our government so much, then get the **** out...... :rolleyes: Personally, I fear loosing many things other than my my right to wank in private?...or maybe that whole thing your...
  3. Crazywumbat

    ****ing Stereotypes!!!

    You can still legally import Absinthe. Up to two bottles for personal consumption. It's only illegal to sell it in the States. I buy mine from Fast shipping and decent prices. Although, the cost for shipping and handling from EU costs an arm and...
  4. Crazywumbat

    The bible... you know the real one... the original... bible...

    Oh come now, would it really be GF if every single thread didn't get hijacked and led off on a completely nonsensical tangent?
  5. Crazywumbat

    religion...a waste?

    Well this semesters been somewhat hectic so I havn't had alotta time to dick around. Last week though, so I figured I'd grace you all with my presence again.
  6. Crazywumbat

    religion...a waste?

    Since some of you seem to be argueing over a word without comprehending what it means at all.... You do realize that EVERY rational person on this board is agnostic. Infact, virtually everyone you meet throughout any given day is agnostic. Look at the root word. Gnosis, old greek word for...
  7. Crazywumbat

    So I guess the law doesn't apply to the Bush administration...

    And how exactly does any of that make the idea that the administration can torture, abuse, and murder ANY one it feels may be a threat to national security in as brutal a fashion as they want, and never have to answer for it, even if that person is completely innocent any more tolerable?
  8. Crazywumbat

    So I guess the law doesn't apply to the Bush administration...

    While redefining the definitions of torture set in the Geneva convention seemed awful enough, and while Congress actually passing that bill was pretty damn outrageous, what REALLY takes the cake is that burried in that bill is a clause that will pardon ALL members of the Bush administration for...
  9. Crazywumbat

    Are you at risk for Suicide??

    "If they'd rather die then let them go and do it and decrease the surplus population"
  10. Crazywumbat

    Derranged Gothic Children PISS ME OFF!!

    Exactly, you take **** every day for being a Muslim. You'd think you might be a little more sensitive of wild generalizations then, no? Or perhaps every Muslim I see on the street really DOES want to hijack a plane and crash it into my house...
  11. Crazywumbat

    Finally..Someone with balls.

    Lol because it even means ever so much comming from the Pope. "My religion MIGHT have caused mass destruction to a lesser degree than yours, yours is the bad." ....Ass
  12. Crazywumbat

    Ghosts: Theories and Their Existence

    Well not to discredit people who have had first had "experience" with ghosts and the like, but I think its amazing the tricks your eyes can play on you. For instance, I remember quite vividly going camping with one of my friends up in Woodstock, NY for a weekend last summer. We had gone cliff...
  13. Crazywumbat

    If you could choose the way you were going to die...?

    Well I hate to take the role of martyr, but I guess I do sort of suffer from hero syndrome. So, if I were able to choose the way I would die, I'd prefer to die in any way that would benefit somebody I love. As for ways I'd hate to die...any sort of incurable disease that would involve slowly...
  14. Crazywumbat

    Karr didn't do it.

    You forgot cookie sheets strapped to their chests and mixing bowls on their heads.
  15. Crazywumbat

    Did neanderthals go to heaven?

    Sort of like proposing something rediculous such as an omnipotent, omniscient being, presiding over humanity?
  16. Crazywumbat

    Did neanderthals go to heaven?

    Minus the whole thing about the great flood encompassing the entire planet, not a small section of it. So back pedal all you want, science HAS proven the bible wrong on that point.
  17. Crazywumbat

    A talk about Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church

    Unless you're a fig tree. :(
  18. Crazywumbat

    I love Lyrics!

    Does anyone else see anything ironic about a Green Day song entitled american idiot?
  19. Crazywumbat

    Hezbollah rockets kill 10 in N. Israel

    Errmm...just thought I'd chime in real quick to correct a common misconception about agnosticism. Claiming to be agnostic is NOT a valid answer to whether or not you believe in a god. The original greek word gnostic means knowing. Agnostic means not knowing. Now, knowing and believing something...